Mr. Hu Bufang said: "It's done very well. Most of the convenience medicines in the market now come from Yuanzi Medicine. Because it was the first to sell convenience medicines, it has accumulated a reputation among the people, and its business is better than that of Chushen." The medicine shop and the Shilu medicine shop are better."

Added another sentence: "However, the convenience medicines from Yuanzi Medicine Store are all for treating colds and coughs, and they are relatively cheap. Rich people prefer to buy the convenience medicines from Chushen Medicine Store to maintain their health."

Chushen Medicine Store sells all kinds of health-preserving pills because she is the husband of the founding princess. They are extremely expensive. The business can only be done among high-ranking officials and nobles, and cannot be extended to the private sector.

Emperor Jingyuan sneered: "Since business is doing so well, let them donate medicine."

One sentence greatly damaged the vitality of Yuanzi Medicine Store and Chushen Medicine Store.

"Yes, I will give them an order from the head of the family to prepare the medicinal materials." Mr. Fang responded quickly, for fear that Emperor Jingyuan would remember that there was a Shilu Medicine Shop.

"There is also medicine for knife wounds. The soldiers in the northwest are in urgent need. Let their medicine shop deliver medicine nearby. If they dare to delay the war and cause the city to fall, they will not have to live." Emperor Jingyuan will not be polite to Chu Shen Medicine. The princess is dead, and Chushen Medicine Store is still doing business based on the name of the emperor's relatives, so naturally he has to receive some benefits.

"Yes." Mr. Fang also talked about collecting 10% of the taxes from shops in various places: "The Ministry of Household Affairs, the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Punishment, and the Dali Temple have already agreed on the ceremony. The three ministries and one temple will go to various places tomorrow to collect taxes. Imperial Medical Office I will also accompany you to clean up poisonous insects and treat the people in various places ahead."

Emperor Jingyuan requested that the Ministry of War go with him, and he gave the Ministry of War an oral instruction that if anyone dared not pay taxes, the people from the Ministry of War would kill them directly.

Emperor Jingyuan frowned: "It's too slow. We must collect taxes from all shops in the capital within ten days, purchase supplies, and send them to the soldiers!"

The taxes on all the shops in the capital will be collected in ten days. The emperor will not leave any time for the wealthy families.

I am afraid that the accounts of the shops in the capital cannot be saved, so we should hurry up and ask the shops in Zhili and other places to prepare their accounts.

"Yes." Master Fang responded.

Emperor Jingyuan glanced at Imperial Physician Shao and said to Master Fang: "Allocate a hundred taels of gold from the Ministry of Household Affairs and send it to the northwest along with the army's supplies to the Gu family. The Gu family has made meritorious service in fighting the army and making medicine, so she should be treated well. I will reward her. Gold, I hope she will continue to assist her husband and make contributions to the court together."

Since Tiaohua likes this young couple, he will treat Gu Shi favorably and give her some benefits.

However, Qin Sanlang was going to fight against the enemy, so he couldn't be careless about his promotion, so he had to suppress it first and seal off a thousand households for the time being.

"Yes, I will take care of it." Mr. Fang was a little surprised. Emperor Jingyuan obviously hated Mrs. Gu. He felt that she had done too many things for a woman and was very unruly in public. He wanted to take her away. She was soaked in a pig cage, why did she suddenly give Gu a reward and say that she should be treated favorably?

As soon as the word "favor" comes out, as long as Gu is smart, she will know that these two words can make her domineering in the northwest.

It seems that I have to write a letter to the master about Gu Jinli. I think the master will be happy, after all, she is his granddaughter.

After Emperor Jingyuan gave Mr. Fang another explanation, he let Mr. Fang go.

Emperor Jingyuan was in a good mood because of the queen's laughter, and asked the eunuch to send a message to Concubine Yi, prepare some side dishes, and go to her palace for dinner in the evening.

After hearing this, Concubine Yi finally let go of the anxiety she had felt all day long.

It seems that Emperor Jingyuan was not angry about the eighth prince's collision with the queen.

"Go back to Your Majesty. I will personally serve the dishes and wait for Your Majesty to come back with Brother Dun to eat and eat." Concubine Yi said, and asked the palace maid to send the eunuch away, and also stuffed the eunuch with a reward of silver.

But Concubine Yi waited until midnight, but did not wait for Emperor Jingyuan.

People in the capital, Zhili and other places were affected by poisonous parasitic diseases. In some cases, an entire village was infected, and half of the village died due to lack of timely medication.

What's even more frightening is that poisonous insects have crawled into rivers, streams, and wells and harmed many people.

Bad news was delivered to the imperial court one by one, and Emperor Jingyuan had no time to go to Yifei Palace.

Fortunately, Gu's insect attractant worked, and Emperor Jingyuan issued a death order again, dispatching soldiers and horses from the camp on the outskirts of Beijing to kill the insects. After ten days of hard work, almost all the poisonous insects in the entire capital were killed.

Emperor Jingyuan asked again about the taxes on the shops in the capital. When he learned that the matter had been delayed due to the poisonous insect disease, he was furious: "Do you want to die? The capital has its own insect attractants to treat the poisonous insect disease. Who can I asked you to suspend the collection of shop taxes? Which official suspended it? I will kill it immediately!"

In order to appease Emperor Jingyuan's anger, Master Fang could only kill two minor officials from the Ministry of Household Affairs to speed up the collection of taxes from the shops in the capital.

I was so busy until the eighth day of June that I finally collected the 10% tax from the shops in the capital and started to attack Zhili.

At this time, He'an Mansion was also plagued by poisonous insect pests. Fortunately, Gu Jinli sent the prescription back in advance. Dr. Wu led his people to make a lot of insect attractants, and also changed the prescription based on experience, so that the insect attractants were more effective. The effect was better, and He'an Mansion was able to survive.

Therefore, when the adults from the Sanbu and Yi Temple came to He'an Mansion, what they saw was not a hell, but a bustling market where people were living their lives as usual.

Doctor Lin looked at He'an Mansion, which was full of busy pedestrians, and said in surprise: "...There is no vermin disease here? Why is it still so lively?"

However, the junior officials of the Ministry of Revenue felt that this scene was very good. The shops were open and the stalls were set up so that the Ministry of Revenue could collect taxes. If the shops were closed, they would not be able to collect money.

After hearing this, the ancient prefect was very proud, but he suppressed his smile and said, "You sirs don't know. There are also poisonous insects in He'an Prefecture, but there are fewer poisonous insects than in other prefectures."

Dr. Lin got the news before he came. After hearing this, he asked, "But Dr. Wu made the insect attractant in advance?"

The ancient prefect was shocked. The court actually knew about this. Will it punish the Gu family and blame the Gu family for sending the prescription back to He'an Mansion after submitting the prescription?

Seeing that Gu Zhifu didn't say anything and looked like he was thinking of words, Imperial Physician Lin smiled and said: "Gu Zhifu, don't panic, this is a good thing and your Majesty will not blame you."

Phew, Gu Zhifu breathed a sigh of relief. He knew Emperor Jingyuan's temper and was afraid that if he made a mistake, his head would be slapped.

"You guys talk so much, can you stop talking? The soldiers in the northwest are still waiting for money to be paid to the army. Hurry to the government office to make preparations and take us to the shops to collect taxes!" The person sent by the Ministry of War was a rough guy, the most annoying. The civil servants talk in terse words, and they are tired of listening. Sometimes they still don’t understand, so it’s better to go collect the money quickly.

"This brother is right, let's go back to the Yamen." The ancient prefect took the officials from the Yamen and picked up the officials from the three departments and one temple.

And the news that many high-ranking officials came to the capital soon spread throughout He'an Mansion.

"The imperial court sent many adults here and brought us a lot of medicinal materials. I heard that some medicine shop gave them to us for free. We can get a lot of medicinal materials for free this time."

"Oh, it's not uncommon to get such unlucky things for free."

"You idiot, how can this be called unlucky stuff? There is so much shortage of medicinal materials these days. Of course, if you give it to us for free, you have to take it home. Even if we don't need it, we can just sell it and we can get a lot of money."

When Mrs. Chen heard this, she put her hands on her hips and cursed: "You bunch of conscienceless people, this is what the imperial court gives us for medical treatment, but you want to sell it, you are so greedy, do you still have the shame?!"

After saying this, a group of women around them quit and pointed at her and said, "The most shameless and greedy person in Manfu City is you, Mrs. Chen. Why do you criticize us!"

Mrs. Chen sneered and said: "Oh, why am I talking about you? Just because my niece made the insect attractant! I scold you just to give you face. If you don't accept it, go back and ask your niece to make the insect attractant too. Ah. I’m afraid your niece will only create poison and harm people, let alone making medicine!”

After finishing the argument, he raised his chin high and looked at the women with both nostrils, looking extremely arrogant.

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