The women were furious. Some of them were dissatisfied and pointed at her and retorted: "Ah, what is your niece? Is that your niece? Don't put too much pressure on yourself, she is just a niece of the same clan as your husband's family." , you act like Gu Xiaodong is your own daughter, do you want to be ashamed? I don’t even look at what kind of belly you have, even if you are reincarnated eight times, a daughter of Gu Xiaodong’s ability will not come out of this belly!"

The women in He'an Mansion are both gossipy and scolding. This Gao family is also a well-known shrew in the market, and she is a close match with Chen family.

Mrs. Chen's face turned green when she heard this. She picked up a dustpan of garbage at the door and threw it at Mrs. Gao. Thanks to Mrs. Gao's quick hiding, she didn't get hit by the dirty garbage that even contained chicken manure. .

But the women next to them were not so lucky. They were splashed by garbage and ran away in a hurry, patting the garbage on their bodies.

"Why are you shooting? This is the daily savings of our prosperous shop. It's your blessing to be splashed with it." After Mrs. Chen yelled, she pointed at Mrs. Gao and said: "Do you think you are that good? Your daughter is so useless. Everyone in the city knows what happened. They just don't talk about you. How dare you act crazy with me here? No wonder your daughter still hooked up with Mr. Qi after she got married. It turns out that she learned that wild energy from you. It’s just that your daughter has a bad temper, and Mr. Qi doesn’t like her!”

Gao's daughter married the butcher Liu, who would deliver meat to Yingxianfang every day.

Mr. Qi is a scholar. He likes to go to Yingxianfang to drink with beauties when he has nothing to do. Occasionally he bumps into Butcher Liu when he is walking out the back door, so he gets to know her and says hello from time to time.

Mrs. Gao's daughter would also come to deliver meat, but because she was a woman, she did not dare to enter Yingxianfang. She only looked at the carts outside, and she had also met Mr. Qi.

I felt that Mr. Qi treated people well. Although he was a little older, he was cleaner and better-looking than Butcher Liu, and his family was rich, so he had some unwanted thoughts and wanted to have something happen with Mr. Qi.

But one morning, as soon as she fell into Mr. Qi's arms, she was seen by two guests from Yingxianfang.

The two guests also got up early and went home through the back door. When they saw her hugging Mr. Qi, they laughed and said: "Mr. Qi, you are so lucky to have a young woman throw you into your arms, but you have to be careful. Butcher Liu can Just in Yingxianfang."

Hehe, her eyesight is really not that good. Lady Liu is young and her looks are really not good.

Mr. Qi just saw Madam Liu falling towards him, and instinctively gave him a hand. He didn't dare to have anything to do with a decent woman. When he heard the ridicule from his two friends, he quickly pushed Madam Liu away and said angrily: "You little lady. How can you look at the road and still fall on someone? Shameless!"

Mr. Qi didn't want to scold him so harshly, but when Lady Liu turned over, she hugged his waist directly and held on to him. He was not stupid, so he naturally knew what Lady Liu meant, so he said harsh words. Madam Liu, let her know what she is afraid of and don’t do it again in the future.

After Mr. Qi scolded him, he took the servants away.

As soon as he left, Butcher Liu came out and beat Madam Liu on the spot.

Madam Liu is the daughter of the Gao family, so she can let Butcher Liu beat her in vain? The fight was immediately fought back, and the couple fought, attracting everyone to watch, which made the matter a big deal.

The two Yingxianfang guests were scumbags. When they heard about this, they spread the news about Mrs. Liu having sex with Mr. Pu Qi.

After hearing this, everyone in He'an Mansion was excited.

"Oh, it turns out there is such gossip. Lady Liu is really powerful. She dared to pounce on a man while he was delivering a piece of meat. She is an old man who pounces on him. He deserves to be beaten by Butcher Liu."

"I heard that Madam Liu was beaten so hard that a few of her teeth were knocked out and her face was swollen. She may have been disfigured. She's really pitiful."

"What a shame, Miss Liu was so fierce that she bit off half of Butcher Liu's ear. That's why Butcher Liu became disfigured."

The gossip about Gao's daughter and son-in-law has been circulating in He'an Mansion for more than half a month. Now that it has finally passed, Chen brought it out again. Gao's face turned blue with anger and he rushed towards her: "You... Bitch, I’ll fight you!”

"Come here, your shopkeeper's wife is going to be beaten by an evil woman, come out and fight her back!" Mrs. Chen jumped back and hid in the store. After hearing this, several waiters ran out and stopped Mrs. Gao with a broom.

Mrs. Chen was very proud, pointed at Mrs. Gao and cursed: "Bah, you are the only one who wants to beat me. When I was fighting with a shrew in the countryside, you were still fighting with pigs for food!"

The corners of the mouths of several waiters twitched when they heard this, and their expressions were ugly... Madam shopkeeper, couldn't you say a few words less? After eating every day and having nothing to do, he would gossip and fight with the women in the streets. If he couldn't fight, he would call them for help. They are there to work in the workshop, not to be your escort.

But not long after Chen was proud, a group of government officials beat gongs and shouted in the streets: "Attention all major shops, the northwest is a great victory, our soldiers have won the battle, and the emperor has issued an order to collect 10% from all major shops. The gold and silver are used as taxes to pay for the soldiers who resisted the war! All shops will immediately prepare their accounts for the past year, waiting for the government officials and the adults in the capital to come to inspect and collect taxes!"

The yamen servant kept shouting, his voice loud enough that people in the streets could hear him clearly.

"What? What does this mean? Your Majesty wants to collect taxes again?!"

The shopkeepers on the street were all panicked and ran out one after another asking each other: "Did you hear clearly what the government officials said? But we have to collect taxes again?"

"I heard it clearly. We need to collect taxes. It sounds like we are still only collecting taxes from those who open a shop and do business!"

When Mrs. Gao heard this, she was so happy that she pointed at Chen and said: "You stinky bitch, let me go crazy. Retribution is coming. The emperor is going to collect your taxes. My family doesn't have a shop, huh!" "

There is a well in Gao's home, and people in several alleys who don't have a well in their home go to her home to pay for water.

Water wells are not considered shops.

"Ah, you idiot, I'll beat you to death!" Mrs. Chen picked up the wooden stick and hit Ms. Gao. She gave Ms. Gao several hard blows before she gave up.

Then he ran to ask the Yamen: "Yao Zhang, please stop first. What do you mean by shouting? Why does the Emperor want to collect our taxes again?"

Xiao Zhang Yamen is Zhang Sanjin, a clan brother of Zhang Bantou of Fu Yamen. Because of the Gu family's contribution to Gu Jinan's relationship, the adults of Fu Yamen gave the Gu family face and told Zhang Sanjin and other Yamen servants to take care of the Gu family in Fucheng. workshop, so Chen knew Zhang Sanjin.

Shopkeepers from various shops who came nearby also asked anxiously: "Yes, Mr. Jin, what is going on? Are we really going to collect taxes from the shops? We just paid the anti-war tax some time ago, and we really have no money. What's going on?" I won’t be able to live without you!”

Zhang Sanjin looked at them and sneered: "Don't want to hand over? Your Majesty has sent adults from the Ministry of War, Ministry of Punishment, and Dali Temple to come with you. If you dare not to hand over, the Ministry of War will arrest you immediately!"

He added: "Don't cry about being poor. Other places may not be able to pay taxes, but each of your shops is making money. You give up 10% of your profits to pay for the soldiers. At most, your family will have nothing but meat and rice." Life can still be lived.”

But if the soldiers who resist the army don't have money to buy supplies, they really won't be able to survive!

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