"Several of the soldiers brought by Liang Baihu have scars on their faces, and two of them had their hands cut off. The soldiers fighting in the northwest are worse off than them. Are you still reluctant to give them some money?"

The shopkeepers looked at each other and said: "We know that the soldiers fought hard against the invaders, but we have already paid the anti-armor tax and done our best, why should we pay it again?!"

The shopkeepers are also very angry, and it is not easy for them.

Zhang Sanjin said: "Some people from the Ministry of War have come with the emperor's instructions. If you don't hand over the money, the soldiers from the Ministry of War will directly kill people. I advise you not to instigate and give the money quickly. It's not that there is no money. Besides, the court He also brought us medicinal materials to treat poisonous and insect diseases..."

Mrs. Chen was too lazy to listen to Zhang Sanjin's nonsense, so she said: "So, we have agreed to pay this money?"

"It's not settled. Mrs. Chen, just wait until you pay the money and go bankrupt, hahaha!" Mrs. Gao has the same temper as Mrs. Chen. They will kill others if they catch others doing something bad.

"You stinky bitch, I'm going to put poisonous bugs into your well, so that your family can't do business, and you can't even drink the northwest wind!" Mrs. Chen was so angry that she wanted to roll up her sleeves and hit Mrs. Gao, but Zhang Sanjin said: " No, your shop doesn’t have to pay taxes.”


Everyone present was shocked, including Ms. Chen herself: "Why doesn't my family have to pay?"

The good thing happened so suddenly that Mrs. Chen couldn't believe it.

Zhang Sanjin said: "Qin Baihu and Gu Xiaodong's family have made great contributions. The news was sent to the emperor. The emperor sent a message, saying that Gu Xiaodong's family had made great contributions in fighting the war and making medicine. They should be treated generously. The shops opened by the Gu family did not have to pay taxes, and they also paid taxes. Gu Xiaodong’s family rewarded me with a hundred taels of gold!”

"Really? Hahaha, the emperor is indeed a sensible old man!" Mrs. Chen laughed wildly, the sound was so loud that the government officials couldn't bear it and took a few steps back.

The shop did not have to pay taxes, and Sanlang and Xiaoyu had made meritorious deeds again. Mrs. Chen started to go crazy. She pulled away the crowd, rushed in front of Mrs. Gao, grabbed her hair and slapped her twice: "Smelly bitch, did you hear that my niece made meritorious service?" Now, the shop doesn’t have to pay taxes. The emperor even praised her, and you are bullying her aunt here. Be careful that the emperor sends people to arrest your whole family and behead you!"

Gao was also shocked by Qin Sanlang Gu Jinli's words about being rewarded by the emperor for his meritorious service. He turned pale with fright and hurriedly begged for mercy: "Sister Chen, please calm down. My sister didn't mean it... It's all because of this. I owe you so much. Sister Chen, don't worry, sister." I will definitely keep my bad mouth from now on and not cause trouble for my sister."

When Gao was in the market, her best skill was to beg for mercy. As long as Chen didn't rely on the emperor to embarrass her family, she would be able to kneel down to Chen... maybe this kneeling would be enough to curry favor with Chen, and then Gu Xiao. If the host and his wife finally ingratiate themselves with the emperor, then her family will be prosperous.

"Ah, you are an old bastard. You are so old that you are almost dead and you still call me sister. I am much younger than you. Besides, my family is rich and I am not blind. Even if I want to take a concubine, I have to find a young one. What can you do with me?" I call you sister?!" Ms. Chen spat on Ms. Gao's face. After scolding her, she felt relieved. She let go of Ms. Gao, ran up to Zhang Sanjin, and asked with a smile: "Xiao Yamen, what about that? Has His Majesty given any rewards to the rest of our Gu family? After all, Xiaoyu is our Gu family, and he has made such great achievements, so His Majesty cannot reward us Gu family or something to be worthy of all."

"You're so beautiful, Ms. Chen, you're sick again, aren't you? Go back to the shop!" As soon as Gu Dagui came back from the government office, he saw Mrs. Chen here saying things that would cause trouble. He wanted to beat her up, so he hurriedly scolded her. she.

Mrs. Chen was not afraid of Gu Dagui at all. When she saw him coming back, she ran over and said, "Dagui, Sanlang and Xiaoyu have made meritorious deeds. The emperor has given them a promotion and a reward!"

Gu Dagui had a headache and yelled: "I already know, you don't need to say anything, just shut up. Have you forgotten what Brother An said? You don't want the money anymore?!"

Brother An had confessed earlier that Xiaoyu had made an insect attractant and presented the prescription to the court. After the incident spread, the Gu family would be praised and targeted at the same time. They should be cautious about what they say. Okay, take care of your family and the servants in the shop, and don't cause trouble to Sanlang and Xiaoyu.

Mrs. Chen cared about money the most. After hearing this, she remembered Gu Jinan's warning and quickly shut up.

Gu Dagui said to Zhang Sanjin: "I'm sorry, Master Jin. You all know that my mother-in-law loves to go crazy. Don't be angry."

Zhang Sanjin said with a smile: "Brother Gu is joking. The Gu family saved the lives of everyone in our city. Let's remember our kindness. How can we be angry with my sister-in-law?"

Zhang Sanjin said this to the shopkeepers present. This man suffered from inequality the most. Seeing that Gu's shop did not have to pay taxes, he must have been jealous.

He had to remind them of the Gu family's life-saving grace, lest they think that the Gu family's grace was in vain.

After everyone heard this, they thought of those terrible poisonous insects and those who died from the poisonous insect disease, and the jealousy in their hearts became much less, and they no longer envied the favor of Gu's shop.

Gu Dagui took the opportunity to drag Mrs. Chen and run away to avoid being grabbed and asked for help... but the ancient prefect reminded him that someone might come to the couple and want to put the shop in the name of the Gu family, so he couldn't agree. Lest the Gu family's grace turn into a disaster.

Ms. Chen was dissatisfied and said: "What are you trying to do? Our Gu family has been in the limelight, and I haven't..."

"You still want to go out and show off? I'm warning you, don't seek death. Now is the cusp of the storm. If you dare to go out and show off, An Ge'er won't be polite to you." After Gu Dagui taught Chen a lesson, he dragged her Go back to the shop.

As soon as you enter the shop, ask the guys to close the door.

Mrs. Chen: "What kind of door is closed? No business can be done, no money can be earned?"

Unexpectedly, Gu Dagui nodded: "Well, close the shop first, and let's go back to the village and stay for half a month."

Mrs. Chen was angry: "What? Are you crazy? Even if Sanlang and Xiaoyu have made great contributions, we still have to make money. Because of the poisonous insect disease some time ago, our shop has been closed for half a month. Now it will be closed again." Can’t make it through the day?”

Gu Dagui told the ancient prefect's reminder, and said: "We only have so much ability, and we don't understand the tricks of the city people. It's better to go back to the village and hide for a while, so as not to be tricked by Sanlang and Xiaoyu." disaster."

This makes sense, but Mrs. Chen feels sorry for the money: "If the door is closed for half a month, the money lost will almost catch up with the taxes."

Gu Dagui said: "Stop complaining. Uncle San often said that people have to suffer a little loss in order to be blessed for a long time. Our Gu family has already received a reward from the emperor. This great blessing needs to be slowed down for a while, so as not to be in trouble." We are overwhelmed by blessings.”

After hearing this, Mrs. Chen finally nodded: "Okay."

Then he looked at him and said: "Gui, I found that your little mouth is very good at talking nonsense now... You are so glib. You bastard doesn't want to seduce the little widow and imitate others to take concubines!"

Gu Dagui was speechless: "You can really dance, why did you get involved in taking a concubine? I'm not honest enough? And you control all the money in the family, how can I get the money to take a concubine?"



"But you don't want to have a daughter with me?!" After Chen got pregnant last time, she still wanted to have a daughter, but Gu Dagui didn't cooperate with her, making her think that he had raised a baby outside. widow.

Gu Dagui subconsciously supported his waist, which was almost broken in order to cooperate with Mrs. Chen's delivery of her daughter.

However, in order to appease Mrs. Chen and not make trouble, he could only say as if he were jumping into a fire pit: "Sure, when we return to the village this time, we will continue to cultivate the land and have a daughter."

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