A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1793 Xu You’s people

Tong Baihu was also stunned, and said with a pale face: "Hui, report back to the general, the general doesn't know. Bian Zaide was very honest all the way, and he shouted this sentence all the way into the county. The general thought he was I was afraid of death, so I lied randomly and didn’t pay attention.”

"Nonsense lies?!" General Ge was so angry that he almost killed Tong Baihu with a knife. He went back and forth to Long'an Mansion to detain people. Seeing that the case was about to be closed, the matter was suppressed. At the last moment, this happened. Sowing trouble.


General Ge roared in his heart and tried his best not to rush towards Bian Zaide.

Xiaoping was pleased that they were led by Qin Sanlang and other soldiers to see his family entering the county.

Seeing this situation, Xiao Pingxi asked worriedly: "Uncle Qin, if the adults in the capital help Mr. Bian, will he not be punished? But he is a bad person."

"A very bad, very bad person!" Xiao Yantai was deceived by the Bian family. He had no good impression of the Bian family. He clenched his fists and said, "He must be sentenced and he cannot escape."

Wen Rong was also anxious. If he hadn't been dragged by You An, he would have rushed out and beaten Bian Zaide to death.

Unable to move, he could only shout: "Beast, you are talking nonsense. The Bian family is obviously a home of evil thieves! Lin Changyou and others said that all abducted children will eventually be sent to the Bian family, who will sell them to the capital and the south. , exchange money for the Bian family!"

Bian Zaide heard the sound and looked at Wen Rong, his eyes lit up.

This little boy is really beautiful. If he is sold to become an Immortal Lord, he will surely earn a lot of money.

"It's him. He wasn't wronged. He was the mastermind. My sister was killed by his men!!" Wen Rong pointed at Bian Zaide and yelled like crazy, wanting everyone to know how bad Bian Zaide was. So that I can kill all my family members.

There were many people around who came to see Bian's family being escorted into the city. However, many of these people had been bullied by Tang County Lieutenant and others. They were afraid of being bullied, for fear that Bian Zaide might have a chance to stand up. Dare not speak.

Bian Zaide looked shocked, and then there was murderous intent in his eyes... This boy has a sister? And he was killed by his men? How could a bunch of dogs bring harm to this boy's sister?

Judging from the boy's appearance, his sister must be a first-class beauty. If she is not dead, she might be sold to the capital for thousands of gold!

"Close the city gates. No one is allowed to go out without military orders!" After General Ge roared, he ordered the soldiers escorting Bian Zaide: "Take Bian's family to the county government and torture them severely!"

"Yes!" The soldiers did not dare to neglect and hurriedly took Bian's family to the county government office.

Because of this incident, the street was in chaos for a while.

Qin Sanlang was afraid that Xiao Pingxi would be swept away by the crowd, so he picked him up and looked around, finding that Vice General Ma had disappeared.

A suspicion welled up in his heart that he had suppressed the proposal he was about to make.

"What is Uncle Qin looking at?" Xiao Pingxi asked, hugging Qin Sanlang's neck. He was very excited. Uncle Qin actually hugged him. This, this seemed to be the first male elder to hug him. He was so happy...this Life should be stable, and we no longer have to worry about being thrown away.

"Nothing, let's go to the county government office." Qin Sanlang held Xiao Pingxi with one hand and gestured to the others traveling with him.

Jin Baihu quickly caught up and asked: "Sanlang, do you think we should ask for help to chase the caravan that sent the blood letter to Bian Zaide?"

Qin Sanlang shook his head: "What Bian Zaide said must be false. Even if it is true, General Ge and Vice General Ma will still be chasing them. They are of high rank and their men are better than ours. They will definitely be able to catch up. We It’s better not to cause any trouble to the two generals.”


Jin Baihu secretly thought, although Ma and Ge are generals, in terms of real ability, they cannot compare to you.

However, Jin Baihu was quite afraid of Qin Sanlang. Since he had said so, he would just shut up.

Qin Sanlang and the others were wearing armor and had hundreds of soldiers with them. No one dared to approach them. They walked slowly for half an hour and arrived at the county government office.

After their identities were revealed, a bannerman from Xiaoyue Baihu came over and took them into the county government office: "Everyone, wait in this courtyard first. When you are needed to testify, the general will send his own soldiers to invite you."

He added: "My name is Lin Liu. The word "gilt" means wealth. If you need anything, just call me."

Now that he had said that, Qin Sanlang was not polite and asked directly: "Brother Lin, do you know if there are any masters in Gaoshui County who know how to dig deep wells?"

Lin Liu asked: "Qin Baihu wants to dig a deep well?"

Qin Sanlang nodded: "It is difficult to draw water in the northwest, and we are bringing our relatives with us. After we settle down, we want to dig a deep well for our relatives to use."

Lin Liu said: "Qin Baihu has thought deeply about it. Cheng, I will take this matter and inquire about it for you. If there is any news, I will inform you as soon as possible."

"Thank you." Qin Sanlang took out a piece of silver and handed it to Lin Liu.

The silver looked quite big, at least five taels, and Xiao Ping was so happy that his body ached. He thought to himself, don't take it, don't take it, don't take it. This much money is enough for him to live for more than a year!

Lin Liu really didn't take it: "No, no, we Baihu have told us that Qin Baihu has helped us a lot, but we can't take your money."

Qin Sanlang put the silver into his hand: "It's not easy for you either. Just take it and I'll feel at ease."

"Thank you Qin Baihu." Lin Liu thought for a while and did not refuse. He took the money and left happily, telling Xiao Yue Baihu about this.

He was almost beaten by Xiaoyue Baihu.

"You bastard, are you so short-sighted?!" Xiaoyue Baihu only cursed one sentence and couldn't continue. Qin Sanlang really gave him too much.

They were from military backgrounds, and they were fighting soldiers and thieves. It was just a dream to make troops and gain wealth, so the people below were living a miserable life.

Xiaoyue Baihu waved his hand: "Since you took the money, do it with your heart and don't embarrass me!"

After saying that, he hurriedly left to go and wait for General Ge... Qiu Qianhu was dead. They didn't know who they would follow in the future, so they had to keep their skin tight.

Lin Liu took the money and really tried his best to help Qin Sanlang find a master who knew how to dig deep wells.

General Ge has been beating Bian Zaide, but Bian Zaide is a tough guy. Even after being severely injured, he kept saying: "I was...unjustly...you...you...unjustly accused me..."

After saying that, he laughed provocatively.

General Ge's face turned green. Did Bian Zaide think he wouldn't kill him?

It's a pity that General Xu told him before he came that none of the principal criminals in Gaoshui County would be spared, and they would all die!

Therefore, General Ge also laughed, looked at Bian Zaide and said: "Even Qiu Manwu is dead, do you think you can survive? Do you really think we will be afraid of your blood letter? Ha!"

Bian Zaide was stunned and wanted to speak, but General Ge no longer gave him a chance: "Gag your mouth and drag him to the court to let witnesses testify."

"Yes!" The soldiers under his command immediately complied, but within a quarter of an hour, Bian Zaide was dragged to the court.

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