Also taken to court were other members of the Bian family and Qian Qiwen's concubine.

A group of about 20 people were all tortured, and each one was beaten beyond recognition. Half of them could not stand the torture and had already confessed in the torture room and were held in custody with fingerprints.

Qian Liugu and the gangsters were also taken to court, as were the thieves from Linshui Village and the rescued people.

Qian Liugu was more fierce. When she came up, she pointed at Bian Zaide and cried: "General, it's him, this beast deceived us and made us join him in harming others! I beg the general to chop this beast down and give it to those who have been harmed." The poor man needs justice!"

He whimpered again: "The old woman was wronged. She was harmed by her family members."

The gangsters who were captured in Gujiacun also cried and shouted: "General, it's all him. This beast forced us to harm people. Please behead the one named Bian and give the victim justice... We were wronged." ah!"

You, a group of accomplices, have harmed many people, how dare you say this? !

General Ge was annoyed by Qian Liugu and others, but they were the most useful. With their words, General Ge took out the confessions of Qian Liugu, Qian Qiwen, Wen Rong and others and asked the county government clerk to After reading it again, he asked a large group of thieves kneeling in the hall: "Does the Bian family have any involvement in the matter between Gaoshui County and Linshui Village?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" a large group of thieves shouted in unison, the sound was so loud that the roof almost fell over, and they all shouted at Bian Zaide: "It's him, this beast who asked us to harm people!"

In fact, many of them have never met Bian Zaide.

Bian Zaide was shrewd. He only stayed in Fucheng and would not come to such a rural place. It was precisely because of this that Qin Sanlang concluded that the blood letter carried by Bian Zaide's caravan could not go out of the northwest.

Just because Bian Zaide was hiding in Long'an Mansion, how was he captured? Aren’t the adults in the government office stopping Tong Baihu?

There is only one answer, and that is that Xu You has hidden confidants throughout the northwest. People in Long'an Mansion already know what happened in Gaoshui County. They did not stop Tong Baihu from arresting people, and even went to investigate Bian Zaide.

If Bian Zaide entrusted the caravan with a blood letter, he would definitely be found out, and then Xu You's confidants in Long'an Mansion would send people to chase him, and he would probably catch up now.

Sure enough, Vice General Ma quickly brought a man in civilian clothes into the county government office and went through the back door. After settling the man, he went to the court to find General Ge and whispered to him: "The people in Long'an Prefecture are already chasing the blood book." , can’t get out of the northwest.”

General Ge was still worried: "What if we encounter a canonization team?"

"There are people from us in the team who have already sent a message. If they encounter a caravan looking for adults in the capital, they will be intercepted immediately and will not let them see the adults in the capital." After finishing speaking, Vice General Ma reminded: "Close the case as soon as possible, tomorrow Then they beheaded the family members in front of the public."

During the war in the northwest, many civil servants died, so the capital gave General Xu great power to take charge of the affairs of the Long'an Prefecture.

Gaoshui County is the county seat under the jurisdiction of Long'an Prefecture, so as military generals, they dare to go to court to try cases in Gaoshui County.

General Ge was also afraid that things would change if things were delayed for too long. He was shocked and said: "Bian Zaide colluded with Tang Zhongzhou, embezzled land and houses in Gaoshui County, killed innocent people, and outraged the world with his evil deeds. He beheaded in public in accordance with the law, and the family was full of people." Seven-year-old boys will be executed for the same crime, and the female family members will be made official slaves!"

The Bian family was severely sentenced and almost all the men were killed.

The Bian family went completely crazy, crying: "General, spare your life, Tang Zhongzhou and Qiu Manwu are the masterminds, my family was forced!"

Perhaps what the general wants is to eradicate the problem, and the men of the Bian family will never survive.

"Sixth Auntie, save me, save me!" Qian Qiwen's concubine cried like crazy and asked Qian Liugu for help.

Qian Liugu actually helped Qian Shao'er, pointing to Bian Zaide's eldest son and said: "General, please save my Shao'er. She didn't harm anyone, she was murdered. Bian Mingxuan saw that she was beautiful, and designed He destroyed her innocence and kept her as a concubine in Bian's house. I beg the General to take pity on her and let her go."

Qian Shaoer is indeed beautiful. In such troubled times, good-looking girls are always useful. That Qin Sanlang is in the county government office. When Shao'er is released, let her go to Qin Sanlang and share the family relationship with Xushang.

Qin Sanlang is in his prime of life, and he will definitely not be able to control himself when being entangled by a beautiful girl like Shao'er. As long as Shao'er becomes his concubine, and she is their matchmaker and aunt, Qin Sanlang can not rescue her. go?

But Qian Liugu was dreaming.

General Ge said: "Let Qian's daughter go? What nonsense are you talking about? She is Qian Qiwen's daughter. Her father committed a serious crime, and she still wants to escape? Come on, take her away and serve as an official slave. , if you dare to make trouble, you will be beheaded immediately!"

After Qian Shaoer heard this, he fainted from fright.

Seeing that her plan failed, Qian Liugu didn't dare to speak anymore and just knelt down.

The court was very noisy for a while, and after all the prisoners were escorted out, it was already half an hour later.

Qin Sanlang brought Xiao Pingxi and the others to say goodbye to Vice General Ma and General Ge: "Two generals, it's getting late. The general will take them to Shuifu Inn first. If the two generals have anything to do, please tell the general to send someone to Shuifu Inn." Rich Inn will deliver the letter immediately."

"Thank you for your hard work." General Ge said, and asked Qin Sanlang: "I heard that you are looking for a master who can dig deep wells?"

Did you know so soon?

But what Qin Sanlang wants is that they all know.

Qin Sanlang nodded: "Well, it is difficult to draw water here in the northwest. First find the master, and after dividing the place equally, dig two wells, so that it will be easier for the family members to draw water."

General Ge nodded after hearing this: "You have thought very carefully. I will send an order to help you find a master in Gaoshui County."

"Thank you, General Ge." Qin Sanlang thanked him. After saying goodbye to Vice General Ma, he led the soldiers and a group of little guys back to Shuifu Inn.

After settling the little ones, Qin Sanlang was not idle. He took Jin Baihu and the soldiers to look for people in the county town.

There were a lot of people to look for, including the old master who dug the deep well, people from Gujiacun, Gu Fuya's family, Xie and others.

Unfortunately, I didn't have much luck. I couldn't find it until it was dark, so I only bought some things for burial.

And the matter of him looking for someone was quickly reported to General Ge: "It seems that he really wants to dig a well."

The soldier replied: "It should be so. I heard that when he left Xing'an Prefecture, he asked Gao Lei to find someone who could dig wells."

Then he asked: "General, should we also find some masters who know how to dig wells? It is really difficult to draw water over the Daokou ditch."

General Ge was moved: "Find it for him first. If he doesn't want it, let's talk about it later."

The soldiers heard that it was a pity that they were also short of well-drilling masters, and asked again: "General, are you still following?"

That Qin Sanlang led a group of people around the county, and they almost vomited following them.

General Ge thought for a moment and said, "I won't follow you now."

Because of Qiu Manwu's incident, General Xu used a military stick on him, so he was angry with Qin Sanlang and wanted to investigate this person deeply to see if he was in contact with anyone?

Now it seems that he is overthinking.

However, you really didn’t think much about it.

Qin Sanlang would look for a master who knew how to dig deep wells with great fanfare, just to bring the person Luo Ying gave him to Daokou Gou in a legitimate manner.

And those people were already in Gaoshui County, waiting for him to show them the way.

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