Early the next morning, all the people in the city got up early and prepared to go to the Yamen to watch the execution and watch Bian Zaide being beheaded.

Qin Sanlang and the others got up earlier than ordinary people, and got up to practice at midnight.

Shuifu Inn has a large backyard where the soldiers he brought can train.

At Chenshi, the training was over. Gao Dongjia from Shuifu Inn came to call them to have breakfast. He also said: "Today's breakfast is not worth money...it is free for all military masters~"

The boss's voice was weak and a little trembling. It was not that he was afraid, but that his body had not yet recovered.

Shuifu Inn is a famous inn in Gaoshui County. After the chaos in the county, Tang County Lieutenant asked Gao Dong's family to turn Shuifu Inn into a black shop. All merchants and wealthy households staying there must be reported to Manager Bian and Qian Qiwen.

If you see a beautiful person, regardless of gender, regardless of size, you must report it.

In short, they want to harm passers-by and not let anyone stay in the inn.

Gao Dong's family was not happy, so they were imprisoned in the cellar of the inn. The Bian family took control of Shuifu Inn. His family was rescued only a few days ago when the county was cleaning up.

But the second son of Gao Dong's family was imprisoned for several months and died due to illness.

The Gao family and their eldest son survived, but they had a lot of physical problems, and they are still not cured yet. However, Shuifu Inn is the ancestral property of the Gao family, and it must be opened as soon as possible to prevent the ancestral property from going to waste.

Fortunately, when the Bian family ran the inn, they got a batch of food and hid it in the inn. Now they can rely on that food to continue to open, and they have Qin Sanlang, a big customer of more than 100 people, which is better than other shops in the county. Recovering well.

"Breakfast for free? Gao Dong's family, you will lose a lot. There are so many of us, and we are soldiers, we can eat up all your food reserves." Jin Baihu was very happy and joked.

Gao Dongjia smiled and said: "The beasts in the Bian family are about to die. This is a happy event. The retribution they received is all due to the military masters. We should give the military masters a meal in return~"

After saying this long sentence, Gao Dongjia held on to the pillar and kept breathing.

Jin Baihu was afraid that he wouldn't be able to catch up and would go there on the spot, so he hurriedly said: "We have received the Gao Dong family's wishes. Stop talking. Let's go to dinner right now."

If you died, wouldn't we be able to stay in the hotel?

Gao Dongjia smiled and made a gesture of invitation: "Master Jun, please..."

Then he murmured: "After the death of the Bian family, the affairs of Wanggaoshui County will end here. Don't make any more trouble...otherwise many people will die, ugh~"

Qin Sanlang had practiced his ear skills, so he said this in a low voice, but he heard it when he was passing by. He knew very well what Gao Dong's family meant... There were many things in the four counties outside Long'an that were occupied by the Rong that could not be studied in detail. of.

Just because when the Rong people were driven away, there were still many living people in these four counties, and even some of the yamen's assistant officials, yamen servants, and officers and soldiers of the military division were not massacred.

Why do these people survive? The answer is almost obvious, especially the people in the yamen, who may have surrendered to the enemy.

However, many people died in this war and the poisonous insect disease. It was impossible for General Xu to massacre those who temporarily surrendered to the enemy. He did not investigate why they survived. He only sent people to keep an eye on them. As long as they did not continue to surrender to the army, The thief will succeed if he works carefully.

Breakfast was eaten in the lobby of the inn. It was just a big pot of stewed soybeans, but with some salt and oil, it was still edible.

Jin Baihu was depressed. It was really not easy to take advantage of this. He almost wanted to throw away the bowl and go out to buy some delicious food to fill his stomach.

But seeing Qin Sanlang and Xiao Pingxi sitting down to eat, he could only eat stewed soybeans honestly.

After eating, Jin Baihu asked his host: "Dong Gao, what are you having for lunch? We'll pay for it."

Make us something delicious!

Gao Dongjia said with a smile: "I saw a few pieces of pickled bacon in the warehouse. I ate bacon stewed with soybeans for lunch. It was delicious."

Jin Baihu's face looked a little bright, and he scolded Huangdou's ancestor several times, but he had bacon to eat and his mood improved a lot.

After a moment, his expression changed again, and he hurriedly asked: "Where are those bacons? Take me to see them, don't let them be any messy meats!"

Gao Dongjia was stunned, understanding what Jin Baihu meant, and smiled: "Don't worry, Jin Baihu, those bacon are real pork, we pickled them by ourselves last year, but before we could eat them, the thieves came." Already..."

Gao Dongjia did not continue talking, which shows that the memory of the military disaster is very bad.

But Jin Baihu was worried and said to him, "No, you'd better take me to have a look."

Damn, this place in the northwest is so evil. I won’t dare to eat cured meat until I check it out.

Seeing that he cared about it, Gao Dong's family could only call their eldest son and take Jin Baihu to see the bacon.

Jin Baihu went away for three-quarters of an hour. When he came back, he nodded to Qin Sanlang: "Sanlang, we have bacon to eat today."

It's serious meat, you can eat it.


The eldest son of Gao Dong's family stared at the small inkstone.

"Don't look at it, the little inkstone is ugly!" Xiao Pingxi stood in front of the little inkstone, blocking Gao Dakun's sight. He was afraid that because of its good looks, someone would take a fancy to the little inkstone, and then steal it and sell it.

Gao Dong's family knew that Xiao Pingxi was Qin Baihu's nephew and quickly scolded Gao Dakun: "What are you looking at? If you don't hurry up and get to work, we have to do all the work inside and outside the inn~"

Some of the former clerks took refuge with the Bian family and were caught doing evil together, and some died because they couldn't bear it anymore, so Shuifu Inn now has no helpers.

Gao Dakun took Gao Dong's hand, pointed at the small inkstone and said, "Dad, look, does this young man look like the young master of the Yan family?"

"Yan family? That Yan family?" Gao Dong's family has been imprisoned for several months, and his eyes have been blocked. He is far away and can only vaguely see individual figures, and he has experienced too many things during this period. Many, some little things have been forgotten.

Gao Dakun did not forget, he pulled his father in front of Xiao Pingxi, pointed to the small inkstone behind him and said: "It's the Yan family in Daming Mansion. A large group of people were deserting the army in a carriage and passed by our Gaoshui County. We bought food at our inn.”

"At that time, I didn't think our inn was good enough. I wanted to stay but didn't. I just came to buy a lot of meat and vegetables and then left."

"There is a young master who comes to buy groceries. He is well-dressed. Please, if we see a boy who looks like him, we must keep him and report him to the government so that the government can send a message to the Yan family."

"Now look at this young man, he looks very much like the young master of the Yan family."

It's just that the young master didn't seem to be living a good life. He was treated like a steward, buying things for the Yan family team in the county town.

After listening to this, Gao Dong's family remembered: "...This is what happened. Fortunately, you still remember it. It has been two years. It was the time when Longshan Mansion was breached. At that time, the thieves had not yet attacked. To Long'an Mansion."

Gao Dakun nodded: "Yes, it was at that time that the young master gave us five taels of silver as reward!"

If it weren't for the large amount of money given, Gao Dakun probably wouldn't have remembered it.

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