The little inkstone who was holding a cup and drinking water was stunned. With a bang, the cup fell to the ground and broke a corner... Ahhhh, I have to pay for it!

He quickly climbed off the chair, picked up the cup and the broken corner, put it on the table, grabbed Xiao Pingxi's arm, stuck his head out from behind him, opened his round eyes, and looked at the tall man Kun: "Liar, are you lying?"

Xiao Pingxi was also stunned. After being dragged, he came to his senses and asked: "Do you really know who Xiao Yantai's father is? Are you not lying?"

Gao Dakun nodded: "Master Baihu is here, but he dare not deceive the two young men."

Then he said: "That Young Master Yan still left some money and reported his residence."

Speaking of this, Gao Dakun stopped and thought for a while before saying: "It seems that there are two residences left, one is Daliang Mansion, and the other is the capital... It seems that he wants to escape to the capital, but he is afraid of losing the ancestral property of Daming Mansion. , will keep people in Daliang Mansion."

Xiao Pingxi was very happy to hear this, but he felt that Gao Dakun's explanation was not very detailed and he was afraid that he would be deceived. He looked at Qin Sanlang and said, "Uncle Qin?"

Qin Sanlang patted his head, looked at Gao Dakun, and asked: "What's that person's name? In which street and alley does he live? Did you leave any evidence when I asked you to help find the person? For example, a name card or a letter. ?”

One more...

"What's the name of the little inkstone?" Qin Sanlang pulled out the little inkstone hiding behind Xiao Pingxi. This child was really a bit timid.

Xiao Yantai is about the same age as Xiao Pingxi, but he lost his family early and doesn't know his name at all.

As for the nickname Xiao Yantai, it was called by the old man who picked him up, but the old man also said that he told him this when he picked him up.

Anyway, the name is very mysterious, I don’t know what it is called.

"Please ask me about it." Gao Dakun said guiltily: "I left a post and a letter at the beginning. The letter should have the address of the residence, but I have experienced too many things in the past two years. , it was lost while escaping... As for the young master's name, I only remember his surname is Yan, and I told him his first name, but I forgot about the younger one."

The northwest is a mess, and women and children are often missing. His family runs an inn, and they meet people looking for people every few days, and many people ask them to find people.

Since there were so many people asking for help, they didn't care too much. After all, almost none could be retrieved. If it weren't for the fact that Xiao Yantai stayed with Qin Baihu, Gao Dakun didn't dare to offend the military master, so he paid attention to him for one more day. Plus, he looked similar to Master Yan, otherwise he would never have remembered that there was such a thing. thing.

Bang, Jin Baihu slammed the table and said angrily: "How come you don't know anything? You accept other people's money and don't even get snacks. What if other people's fathers and sons cannot be reunited because of you?!"

Gao Dongjia and Gao Dakun were startled and hurriedly knelt down: "Master Baihu, don't be angry, it's the Gao family's fault... We will think hard today and report it as soon as we remember it... Let us pay back the money slowly, for a moment. I really can’t afford five taels of silver.”

The father and son of Gao Dong's family were quite afraid of being soldiers. They also felt that they had taken five taels of silver but had not done anything well. They felt very guilty and took the initiative to repay the money.

"No, there's no need to pay it back." Xiao Yantai said boldly, "You can count as helping me."

After saying that, I cried. Five taels of silver can buy a lot of soybeans to eat.

Xiao Pingxi almost cried. Five taels of silver was enough for them to eat for a long time.

Jin Baihu felt a headache when he saw it: "Don't cry. If you can't bear it, let them return it."

"No need to pay it back, no need to pay it back, my boss is very good." Xiao Yantai said quickly, and then looked at Qin Sanlang, with a small face showing tangle, worry, fear, and finally gritted his teeth and asked: "Qin Baihu, Wait, when I find my father, I will ask him to pay for your meal."

Qin Sanlang wanted to laugh when he heard this, but he was very happy that Xiao Yantai could be so sensible: "Well, let's wait until we find your father."

After saying this, Xiao Yantai was about to cry again and asked: "Qin Baihu, if you can't find my father, will you abandon me?"

After hearing this, the other little devils all looked at Qin Sanlang.

Xiaoping was not happy and stared at them and said: "My uncle Qin has said many times that even if he can't find your family, he will not abandon you, but will find someone to adopt you... You don't have to work before you are fifteen years old. If you have food to eat, you can find work on your own after you turn fifteen."

Xiao Xinghua cried: "Oh, oh, oh, but I am a girl, so I can't go to work, otherwise it will be difficult to find my husband's family."

Jin Baihu wants to hit the wall. These children are really more thoughtful than each other. How old are you, thinking of finding your husband's family?

He felt a little sorry for Qin Sanlang. Because Xiao Ping liked to play well with these children, the Qin family and his wife had caused a lot of trouble. Look at what little Xinghua said, I am afraid that the Qin family and his wife would have to control her until she gets married.

But Qin Sanlang said: "It's useless for you to think too much now. Before you get married, what you have to think about is how to keep yourself alive? Many children in the world will die young."

Well, what I said was to kill off little Xinghua's idea of ​​relying on them to live her life.

Little Xinghua didn't dare to cry anymore, nor did she dare to talk in her sleep.

Qin Sanlang didn't know how to take care of children. Seeing that it was still early at noon, he said to the little ghosts in the room: "Go to the backyard and go for a horse walk."

Exercise and stay healthy.

However, Xiao Pingxi and Xiao Yantai were left behind.

The other little ghosts are very envious, especially the girls.

"Come on, follow me." Zhang Zhong greeted them and took them to the backyard for a horse walk.

Jin Baihu looked at the backs of a group of boys and girls leaving, his eyes fell on those girls, and thought to himself: It is better to send them to the Gao Lei clan to raise them as soon as possible, otherwise they may be trained by Qin Baihu to become female soldiers.

"Get up." Qin Sanlang asked the Gao family and his son to get up, and then asked the soldiers next to him to get pens, ink, paper and inkstones. After the things were brought, he asked the Gao family, his father and his son, and the people in the small inkstone again.

When I was in Gujia Village, I had already asked these little guys three times. Now I asked again, just to know some details. However, Xiao Yantai was too young when he was lost with his family. He was less than four years old and could not remember much.

He's not very talkative yet, half of the things were told by Xiao Pingxi for him.

After thorough questioning, Qin Sanlang began to write letters to Daliang Mansion and Jingzhao Mansion, telling how the Yan family passed through Gaoshui County in the eleventh year of Jingyuan, and how Master Yan asked the Gao family and his son to find his son, and how the small inkstone arrived in Gaoshui. County, what happened, what happened now, write everything down clearly.

Finally, he asked Daliang Mansion and Jingzhao Mansion to send a letter to the Yan family to let the Yan family know that their missing child might have been found and to come and confirm it quickly.

After everything is correct, take it home and keep it!

He took out two more pieces of paper and ink pad, and called to the small inkstone: "Come here and make your palm prints."

Qin Sanlang had heard that the Yan family of the Ming Dynasty was a prominent family, and these families generally had the habit of rubbing the palms of newborns to ensure that the children would not be replaced in the future.

"Oh~" Xiao Yantai was a little scared. After obediently pressing his palm prints, he cried again: "Qin Baihu, if my father disowns me...can I come back to you again?"

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