A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1797 New people, old people

Xiao Yantai was trembling when he asked this question. He was very afraid that he would wander again... The life of wandering was very hard. He didn't have enough to eat and was bullied. He cried just thinking about it.

Qin Sanlang nodded: "Okay."

The little inkstone's eyes were bright, she wiped away her tears and saluted Qin Sanlang: "Thank you Qin Baihu, I'm going to do the horse riding!"

Qin Baihu doesn't like squeamish children, he will be satisfied only if they are more aggressive.

Xiao Pingxi also ran away with Xiao Yantai.

Qin Sanlang remembered the name of the small inkstone and added a sentence to the three letters: The name of the small inkstone may be Yantai.

Xiao Yantai was not very young when he was lost. His nickname may have been spoken when he was unable to speak clearly. The old man who first picked him up probably didn't understand, so he called him "Xiao Inkstone Xiao Inkstone".

An hour later, Qin Sanlang asked someone to call Wen Rong in the backyard and take him to the county government office to watch the execution.

Xiao Pingxi also came with the small inkstone, but most of the children were afraid of seeing the beheading and did not follow.

When they arrived at the street in front of the county government office, the whole street was already crowded with people, all coming to watch the execution.

Tang Xianwei and others caused great harm to Gaoshui County, so there were cries, curses, and stones being thrown from the crowd, and the people were all very angry.

Bang bang bang!

"Smash these dogs to death for eating our flesh and blood!"

"Smash them to death, it's too easy to chop them to death with one knife!"

"Beast, give my daughter's life back!"

"Where is my girl? Where did you sell her? Tell me!"

There was chaos in front of the Yamen for a while. If it weren't for the soldiers who stopped them, Bian's family would have been beaten to death by the angry people.

After finally holding on until noon, General Ge immediately asked his soldiers to beat gongs and gave the order to behead him.

Dang, Dang, Dang!

"At noon, the execution will be carried out! Wait for the rest to retreat!"

But instead of retreating, the big guy became even more excited.

General Ge was afraid that the people would break through the human wall formed by the soldiers, so he hurriedly asked the soldiers to chop down the family members with their swords.

There was a clicking sound, and the men of the Bian family, the manager Bian, a few evil thieves from Linshui Village, and the prisoners such as Mr. Huang all fell to the ground.

Blood spurted out, the head rolled to the ground, and the body fell to the ground with a bang, frightening the people watching the execution.

After a while, the people shouted in surprise: "Dead, these beasts are finally dead, we can live a good life!"

Good times may not come, but at least you won't have to be tricked anymore.

"The evil thieves including the Bian family have been killed, please go home!" the soldiers shouted at the top of their lungs, but it was not until the bodies of the Bian family were dragged away that the people began to disperse slowly.

Some people who hated the evil thieves in Linshui Village followed the car carrying corpses out of the city and gave up after watching the corpses being thrown into mass graves and eaten by wild dogs.

Wen Rong also wanted to follow to see the final fate of these evil thieves, but Zhang Zhong stopped him.

After Qin Sanlang and others watched the execution, they entered the county government office and handed the three letters he wrote to Lieutenant General Ma: "It is about Xiao Yantai's life experience. I also ask the general to help send someone to Daliang Mansion and Jingzhao Mansion." , the main residence of the Lei family in Xing'an Prefecture."

Vice General Ma was extremely happy to receive these three letters... Is this surrender?

Thinking too much is just to make you feel more at ease.

Vice General Ma responded: "Okay, these three letters will be delivered safely."

But before sending it out, they have to open it and take a look.

Qin Sanlang had expected it and was not afraid of them seeing it at all.

Vice General Ma added: "Since you are here, please take care of the matter of buying a house and land."

Qin Sanlang mentioned to them that he wanted to build a business in the county and buy all the homesteads in Gujia Village and the unowned homesteads in Linjiapo, and they agreed.

Moreover, Qin Sanlang was able to ask them to deliver a letter, which showed that he wanted to surrender. Such a tiger general surrendered on his own initiative, so they naturally had to treat him well.

"Thank you, general!" Qin Sanlang was very happy, with a bright smile on his face, and Vice General Ma was even happier.

In Gaoshui County, Vice General Ma and General Ge now have the final say, so the matter of buying a house and land went smoothly. Not only were all the fields and houses in Gujia Village bought, they also bought two shops on Yamen Main Street, two adjacent five-story mansions in good locations, and two large houses outside the county town.

"It's the Bian family's village. It's very big. There is also a batch of corn planted. It doesn't grow well, but it can be harvested. You should arrange for someone to harvest it quickly, so it doesn't get damaged by the frost." Lieutenant General Ma reminded, with a look on his face. All smiles.

He was so happy because they got a lot of food in two villages and dug a jar of gold in one of the villages.

The gold was buried by the Bian family in Zhuangzi to prepare for emergencies, but it turned out to be an advantage for him and General Ge.

"Thank you, general." After Qin Sanlang thanked him, he went to find Lin Liu and said, "Brother Lin, we are going to Daokou Gou in a few days. We are in a hurry to find a master who can dig deep wells. You Can you spare half a day's duty and take us to search every neighborhood in the county? I'll pay you."

As he said this, he took out three taels of silver, which made Lin Liu salivate.

But now that the county government is in strict control, Lin Liu and other soldiers are considered guilty, and they dare not leave their posts without permission. They pointed him to a place: "Go to Tufu Street in the east of the city. That's where the craftsmen are waiting for work." Generally speaking, a master craftsman will put up a sign indicating where he is waiting for work."

I didn't have the nerve to ask for the money, so I gave it back.

Xiaoping was delighted to see this and felt relieved.

Ouch, the money is saved!

He found that Uncle Qin and Second Aunt Gu were both prodigal. Uncle Qin always liked to give people money, and Second Aunt Gu always cooked a lot of food. If they continued like this, they might become poor.

"Raise your eyebrows and frown, it's a bit ugly."

He looks like a little old man, which is not good.

After hearing this, Xiaoping quickly raised his eyebrows, and his face immediately looked much better.

Qin Sanlang took Xiao Pingxi and led them to Tufu Street in the east of the city.

There are indeed many people in rags on Tufu Street looking for a living with signs hanging around their necks, and there are also people selling themselves by hanging straws.

As soon as they entered Tufu Street, a large group of people came up and begged: "This military master, do you want to find someone to work for? It's not expensive or expensive, just take care of the food, plus six cents a day."

"Zhang Mulezi, are you really evil? You still want money in this world?" Someone next to him cursed, bowed and said to Qin Sanlang: "Master Jun, we don't want wages, as long as we have three meals. "

"Bah, Miao Laoba, there are five of you, and you still want to eat three meals? You don't have to starve the military master's family!"

Then he said to Qin Sanlang: "Master, there are only two of us. We are from Gaoshui County. They are honest people and can do any kind of work. Don't do too much. Just give each person a pound of soybeans!"

There are still six children at home. Although the Yamen has given them soybeans to satisfy their hunger, they still don't have enough to eat.

Qin Sanlang said: "I only want a master who can dig deep wells, and if he wants to work in Daokou ditch, he has to sign a death contract."

As soon as these words came out, most of the people were scared away.

The Rong thief is still in Daokou ditch. I heard that there is a poisonous insect ditch in Daokou ditch. There are densely packed poisonous insects in it. What if there is no return?

They look for work to survive, but they don't do such a life-threatening job.

However, four dirty people trotted over, bowed their bodies, raised their heads, and said to Qin Sanlang: "This military master, I know how to dig wells, and I am willing to sell myself. I am also willing to go to Daogoukou. We have to buy our family too, we can’t be separated from our family.”

Uncle Mao and others had been watching Qin Sanlang not far away for a long time, and they had practiced these words many times, but when they actually saw him, their bodies still couldn't suppress the trembling.

Little Marquis, their little Marquis is not dead, he is really alive!

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