When General Ge asked Uncle Mao and the others, Vice General Ma didn't say a word to Qin Sanlang. But after returning to the county office, he found an opportunity to say to General Ge: "Old Ge, that's enough for you. Don't give up to this good young man." Push away.”

General Xu asked them to investigate Qin Sanlang, but there was no such method. It was too much to even buy a few servants to investigate.

"I was afraid that the people he bought were craftsmen, so I asked about it." General Ge also knew that he should not anger Qin Sanlang because of Qiu Manwu. Seeing that Vice General Ma was angry, he assured him: "Don't worry. This is the last time. As long as nothing is found in Xiaoqingou Village, I will treat him normally in the future."

Vice General Ma felt reassured: "I remember these words, you must keep your word."

After that, he put aside the matter and talked about distributing food to the homeless people in the county.

The northwest is short of soldiers. We cannot let the refugees in the county starve to death. We cannot just give them insect-attracting drugs, but we must also give them a ration of food. If they survive, it will be good for the northwest.

Not long after Qin Sanlang and the others returned to Shuifu Inn, Feng Dong's family brought two carts of grain and vegetables and said they would give them to Qin Sanlang.

Gao Dong's family was overjoyed and hurriedly welcomed the person in, and asked the eldest son to go to the backyard to call for the person.

"Qin Baihu, Mr. Feng, the owner of the horse racing shop in the county, has come to deliver food and food to you. It takes two carts!"

Xiaopingxi and the others were practicing arm strength in the backyard. When they heard this, they were excited. The food and vegetables were given away for free. They made a profit!

But they were so excited that they didn't dare to move. Uncle Qin's end time for practice hadn't come yet, so they could only hold up baskets filled with stones and shout: "Uncle Qin/Qin Baihu, the food and vegetables are here!" "

Another person shouted: "The enemy is here!"

Well, thinking about the fact that Feng Dongjia was quite happy to be used as a show today, he was indeed taken advantage of.

The person who said this was a little girl named Liu Danxia. She was good-looking and had a bit of a fierce temper. She was already nine years old. She was from Longshan Mansion. When Longshan Mansion was destroyed, she followed her family to desert the army.

But her father and mother were ill-fated, shot to death by stray arrows, and her younger brother was killed by poisonous insects. Her aunt and her husband thought she was a burden, so they abandoned her and ran away, and now her whereabouts are unknown.

She told You An that there was no need to look for relatives. After Qin Baihu and others were done with their work, they would send her to the Gao Lei family to raise her.

Originally, she wanted to follow Qin Baihu all the time. Mrs. Qin is a good person and generous. She gives them a lot of good food. If they can follow Qin Baihu to live in the guard house, serving Mrs. Qin is also a good way out.

But Qin Baihu said that anyone who could stay with the couple for a long time must sign a death contract, otherwise they would not accept it.

Qin Baihu also told them that they would follow the Gao Lei family and get a new household registration when they reach old age. It would be better to be a good citizen than to be a servant with a death contract.

Liu Danxia was a thoughtful child, so after careful consideration, she chose the latter.

However, if a good citizen's life is not good, it is okay to ask her to sign a death contract and become a slave.

And there are seven other children like her who don’t need to find relatives.

When Jin Baihu heard the voice, he laughed happily: "Hahaha, this is such a good thing, can you give me some meat?"

Although he ate bacon stewed with soybeans, the bacon was too thin and too little. More than a hundred people shared it. Even if he belonged to a hundred households, he could only get four pieces of meat about the size of his thumb. Now that he has no fat or water in his stomach, he is a rarity. very.

Gao Dakun said: "Meat is scarce nowadays, and Feng Dong's family has no meat to eat, but they just sent a basket of eggs."

"A basket of eggs? That's not bad!" Jin Baihu was very happy. After seeing Qin Sanlang come out of the house, he asked him: "Sanlang, Mr. Feng's family has sent us food. Do you want to accept it? I don't know if he is coming. Are you asking us to do something?"

If this is the case, you must first ask clearly what you are asking for, otherwise it will be difficult to harvest food.

Qin Sanlang nodded: "Take it."

They had already introduced Vice General Ma and General Ge to the Feng family, so they could harvest the grain with peace of mind.

The children were very happy and looked at Qin Sanlang with bright eyes.

Qin Sanlang said: "Go and move the food."

"Oh, move the food!" Dou Chengzi was very happy and ran away first, followed by Xiao Pingxi and the others.

Little girl Liu Danxia was about to run, but she heard Xiao Xinghua whisper: "The food is so heavy, I can't move it."

"Then can you eat?" Miss Liu Danxia said something, then grabbed Xiao Xinghua: "Hurry up and move the food. If you want to be the eldest lady, you have to wait until you find your rich parents. .”

Xiao Xinghua was eight years old. She was only seven when she was separated from her family. She also suffered from a serious illness, so she didn't remember much about her family.

But she felt that since she was so good-looking and was so polite when eating, she must be the daughter of a wealthy family!

"Don't be lazy. If you continue to be so lazy, you will probably be thrown away by Qin Baihu. Qin Baihu doesn't like squeamish children. You have to be useful."

She's not Qin Baihu's sister or daughter. Why should I raise a coward like you, who is so lazy and lazy?

Although Xiao Xinghua was squeamish, she was smart. After seeing that her tears were useless, she followed her to work honestly.

Feng Dongjia saw these little guys coming to carry the food and said hurriedly: "Be careful, it's very heavy."

Don't crush you to death.

However, these little guys are very smart. Four people carry a bag of soybeans. If they can't lift it, they open the bag and scoop the grain into a basket, or two baskets.

The Feng Dong family saw a bit... With so many soldiers, how many can they find to resist?

No, Qin Sanlang just wants to train them.

But Feng Dongjia had no time to care about this, because Qin Sanlang came out, he hurriedly greeted him and said with a smile: "Qin Baihu, thank you very much today."

He was talking about introducing Vice General Ma and General Ge to him.

Then he said: "Qin Baihu, is there anything else you need me to do? Just ask, I will try my best to help."

Since you said so, Qin Sanlang was naturally not polite and said, "Does Feng Dong's family have any live poultry and livestock? I want to buy some and go to Daokou Gou for sowing."

After hearing this, Feng Dongjia's expression cracked, but when Qin Sanlang asked, he had to give it, so he could only say: "I raised some live poultry and livestock for seeding, but not many."

Jin Baihu was excited when he heard this: "Just tell us how much you can give us, and we will pay for it!"

Feng Dongjia's heart ached, and he felt like he was being robbed.

But thinking about Qin Sanlang's bright future, he gritted his teeth and replied: "I can give you ten nesting hens, three pairs of pigs and sheep, and there will be no more."

He still has to stay to curry favor with Lieutenant General Ma and General Ge. After all, the northwest is not only short of food, but also short of live poultry and livestock for breeding.

"Sure, thank you, Mr. Feng." Qin Sanlang gave Mr. Feng a hundred taels of silver notes: "Is that enough?"

Feng Dongjia wants to cry. It must have been more than enough before, but now the northwest is short of food and living creatures. You are just a piece of waste paper!

Seeing that he was not satisfied, Qin Sanlang simply put away the banknotes, called Zhang Zhong, and gave Feng Dongjia three swords and three bows and arrows: "These iron tools are considered as reward."

There are many wars in the northwest, so ordinary people can prepare weapons at home to defend themselves against the enemy, but the number cannot exceed three, otherwise they will be arrested.

Feng Dongjia's eyes widened, this is a good thing. Even if his family is rich, but wants to make knives for his own use, he will have to go to the Yamen to ask his grandfather to sue his grandma, and then stuff money to get permission from the Yamen to make knives: "Thank you Qin Bai household!"

Everyone was satisfied with the transaction. Dong Feng's family delivered ten chickens, three pairs of pigs and sheep before dark, as well as an extra rooster and a basket of eggs.

Early the next morning, Dong Feng's family brought their son to see off Qin Sanlang and the others.

"Qin Baihu, Jin Baihu, have a good journey, see you soon!" Feng Dongjia took his sons to say goodbye to Qin Sanlang and others.

When the people in Gaoshui County saw that they had come to send a large group of soldiers who were not enough to eat, they knew that the Feng family had hidden food and wanted to steal from the Feng family. They also stopped thinking... Should they be friends with the soldiers? Don't steal it, or you'll be in trouble if you get caught.

"Take care." After Qin Sanlang bowed his hand towards Feng Dongjia, he rode out of the county and rushed towards Gujia Village eagerly. He missed Xiaoyu.

Uncle Mao, Aunt Yu and others were very uneasy.

They knew that the young marquis married a wife. This wife was very capable and knew how to make medicine. She was the one who made the insect attractant. However, her father’s family background was not good. They heard that she had a very bad temper and was a little tough. woman.

But the young Marquis loves her very much and listens to her in everything... What if she is dissatisfied with them and wants to drive them away?

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