The convoy was speeding, and it was supposed to take four hours to drive, but it arrived at Gujiacun just before noon.

"Qin Baihu is back, and he brought pigs, goats, chickens, alive!" Han Sansong was even happier than Bu Fang, and followed the convoy into the village, shouting as he ran.

When everyone heard the sound, they all ran out.

Kuang's and other women were the fastest runners. From a distance, they asked Han Sansong at the top of their lungs: "Really brought back live chickens, pigs and sheep?!"

Han Sansong replied: "Really, there are two carriages!"

"Hey, there seems to be a lot of live animals in the two carriages. Let's go and pick them up quickly!" Aunt Han happily rushed towards the convoy, but was pulled aside by Han Sansong: "Mom, don't rush around. Is it possible? If you rush over like this, I'm afraid you want to be buried with Xiao Pingxi's mother."

"Bah, bah, bah, you brat, what are you talking about? I pulled your tongue!" The Han family's mother and son started to make a fuss.

Others could ignore them and step aside, waiting for the convoy to pass before running behind it.

Niu Dabao and the others heard the news and hurried out to welcome him. When they saw Qin Sanlang coming back, they said with a smile: "I'm back. It's still a long time early. I thought you would arrive at night."

Then he looked at the stranger who got out of the carriage and asked, "You also bought someone who knows how to dig a well?"

"Well, the skills are good. Let them dig wells for everyone's guardhouses in the future." Qin Sanlang said, holding Xiao Pingxi in one hand, and jumped off the horse.

Xiao Pingxi's face was still flushed with excitement after his feet landed on the ground. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;

"Xiao Pingxi!" Niu Wujin and the others also ran out to watch the fun. After seeing Xiao Pingxi, they ran over to say hello.

"Brother Hardware!" Xiao Pingxi was also very happy. He turned around and ran to Qin Sanlang. After taking the candy bag, he ran to give Niu Wujin: "Brother Hardware, Deputy General Ma from the county gave us candy. Take it back and eat it with you. "

After Tang County Lieutenant and others were ransacked, they found a lot of good things, including a lot of candy. However, Qin Sanlang was targeted by General Ge. Vice General Ma did not speak for him because he felt sorry for Qin Sanlang. When they set off in the morning , sent soldiers to deliver salt and sugar to make Cheng Yi.

Qin Sanlang gave some of the candy to Xiao Pingxi and asked him to share it with his friends.

"If there is candy, we want it too!" Lin Daying and other children were excited and gathered around Xiaoping to ask for candy.

"No crowding, you have to line up, and you are not allowed to receive candies unless you line up!" Niu Wujin was very prestigious among the soldiers' children. With one sentence, he could calm the noisy children and line up obediently to receive candies.

Xiaopingxi was happy to give out candies to everyone.

However, he saw that after Qin Sanlang finished talking to Niu Dabao and the others, he gave the candies to Niu Wujin before they were finished: "Brother Wujin, come and give them to me. I'm going back with Uncle Qin to take care of my second aunt."

He also missed his second aunt.

"Okay." Niu Wujin took the candy, held on to Xiao Pingxi, and whispered, "Xiao Pingxi, don't stay too long. Leave after reporting that you are safe."

So as not to disturb third brother Qin and sister-in-law Qin talking alone.

His mother said that young couples must talk alone to have a baby as soon as possible. Brother Qin is the only child in the family and must have a baby as soon as possible.

After the reminder, Niu Hardware was stunned again, frowned at Xiao Pingxi, and said seriously: "You called me wrong, you have to call me Uncle Hardware."

Xiao Pingxi was shocked, you are only a few years older than me, how can you be my uncle? !

Niu Wujin didn't want to grow old so fast, but: "My mother said, if you call Third Brother Qin uncle Qin, then you have to call us uncles. This is the line of succession and cannot be messed up."

Then he said: "But you can call Brother Yi brother, because he calls Brother Qin third brother uncle."

A little embarrassed, Xiao Pingxi felt dizzy, but after thinking about it, he changed his words obediently: "Uncle Hardware."

Wow, I want to cry, my seniority suddenly dropped.

Niu Wujin also patted Xiao Pingxi on the head and said: "Be good."

Xiaopingxi: "..."

He ran to find Qin Sanlang.

Qin Sanlang said to Hong Dao's grandfather, "Mr. Hong, you will take care of those three pairs of pigs and sheep."

The ancient teachers and apprentices had to take care of many horses and mules, and had no time to take care of pigs and sheep.

Mr. Hong got what he asked for and promised: "Qin Baihu, don't worry, I will take care of them and raise them until they are white and fat."

Qin Sanlang believed this.

After a while, Qin Sanlang picked up a bag and led Xiao Pingxi to the Gu family's house.

Gu Jinli was already waiting in front of the courtyard of the house. When he saw them coming, one big and one small, he felt more and more... that he should have a baby.

"Brother Qin!" Gu Jinli waved to Qin Sanlang, his face full of joy.

Qin Sanlang's pace quickened, and Xiao Pingxi almost ran to keep up with him. Qin Sanlang could only pick him up and walk towards Gu Jinli.

"Xiaoyu, we are back." Qin Sanlang looked down at Gu Jinli with a smile on his face, and his curved eyes reflected her smiling face.

Gu Jinli took the bag in his hand and said, "Come in, I'll let Erqing cook. We'll have it in a while."

Then he said happily to Xiaoping: "I have stewed two sugar-watered eggs for you and fried glutinous rice. It is very delicious. Go and rest after eating."

Tian Dahua and Wen Qiong will be buried tomorrow. According to the rules, children must stay up all night before their parents and elders are buried. Therefore, Xiao Pingxi cannot sleep tonight and has to take advantage of the dark to get a good sleep.

Xiao Pingxi was hungry and was very happy after hearing this: "Thank you, Aunt Gu, I will definitely finish it."

Aunt Gu thought he was too thin and always liked to feed him a lot of food. After eating, she would prepare a portion for him to take away.

"Be good." Gu Jinli said. After entering the house, he felt Xiao Pingxi's pulse and asked, "Do you still have stomach pains and nausea and vomiting recently?"

Xiao Pingxi suffered a lot and had some minor ailments, including stomachaches. Gu Jinli gave him deworming medicine for two days before his ailments got better.

Xiaoping shook his head: "No, everything is fine."

Gu Jinli felt relieved, but said, "You still have to take insecticide every six months."

Both adults and children should eat it, it is better for the body.

Xiao Pingxi nodded obediently: "Yeah, don't worry, Aunt Gu, I will eat it clean."

Although the medicine is painful, it is also expensive. When my mother was sick, she couldn’t even take the medicine.

Gu Jinli smiled, lifted his hat, and looked at his bald head: "Well, there are some black hair stubbles. When it gets warm next year, you won't need to wear a hat."

Bald heads will make people laugh, so Xiao Pingxi was very happy to hear this and laughed.

Qin Sanlang was sour. In the past, when he went home, Xiaoyu would always hang around him, but now he only cares about Xiao Pingxi.

Therefore, he put his hand under Gu Jinli's eyes: "Xiaoyu, my hand hurts."

After hearing this, Gu Jinli hurriedly looked at his hand and asked: "How did it get hurt? Did you use it to trap insects?"

Although he had Rongren's magic repellent medicine pack on him, he still had to act as an insect trap if there were wounds on his body.

The wound on Qin Sanlang's palm was not big, it was accidentally cut by the horse's reins. Seeing her so worried, he felt happy and guilty at the same time: "It's okay, this doesn't count as an injury. Don't worry, Xiaoyu."

"No, it's better to make an insect trap and put some medicine on the wound." Gu Jinli went to the back room to get the medicine box, first used the insect attractant for Qin Sanlang, and then caught Xiao Pingxi: "You also need to be an insect trap."

After all, he was out for a trip.

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