A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1805: Huge Fortune from Heaven

Qin Sanlang nodded: "Well, this piece of warm jade was a dowry given to my mother by my grandmother. It is as big as a fist. It is extremely rare. It was left by my grandmother. My mother is very precious and said that she would leave it to her future daughter-in-law. But the son she gave birth to later. It was a bit too much, so my father asked someone to cut the warm jade into pieces, and used the first small piece of warm jade to make this jade medal for my mother to take care of all the property secretly in the house."

Gu Jinli's eyes lit up: "All the belongings hidden in the house?"

This sounds very valuable.

Qin Sanlang looked at her bright eyes, smiled, hugged her tighter, looked down at her and said: "Well, it's just the property that has not been seen in the family, which is taken care of by Uncle Mao. After something happened to the family, the property in some places was not It’s easy to manage, it’s put away, but the valuables are buried, so you won’t lose much.”

When Gu Jinli heard this, he couldn't hold back anymore and laughed out loud: "This feeling of having a huge fortune bequeathed from the sky is so beautiful."

Qin Sanlang kissed her who was smiling happily and murmured: "Well, it is indeed beautiful."

He wasn't referring to family property.

He added: "So Xiaoyu doesn't have to think of ways to make money. The money in our family belongs to Xiaoyu."

"That's what you said, do you feel sorry for me?" After Gu Jinli said this, he bit him maliciously, causing him to hold her down again. After a fuss, he suppressed the urge to eat her, Then he said: "Little fish shouldn't have to work so hard."

The wife he had been married to for several years should live the life of a little noblewoman. She didn't have to worry about too many things, she could just live a comfortable life and then act coquettishly or lose her temper at him.

He raised his hand again, caressed her petal-red face and said, "Little fish are like flowers, they want to be hidden."

Just like when he was a child, he would pick up silken crabapple flowers and bring them back to his room and hide them next to his pillow. But he would only pick up one of his favorite flowers and would not hide too many.

But in the end, the boy who was cleaning the house discovered it. He thought it was a bit strange for a boy to hide flowers, so he reported it to his parents.

His father was very worried and gave him a powerful sword and a black iron dagger, saying that the boy should hide these things.

But my mother said: "If you like flowers, there is no need to hide them. Let the servants cut you a few every day and put them in vases in the house."

He also gave him a picture frame so that he could put the flowers he picked up in the picture frame and save them to make dried flowers. He said that everyone likes beautiful things, so it is okay for a boy to like flowers and there is no need to hide them.

Now that I think about it, my mother’s teachings to him were very different from those of the eldest and second brothers. She would make the eldest brother work hard to learn his skills, and would allow him to do what he likes... Mother would be like this, probably because she was afraid, afraid that dad and them would do it. He died on the battlefield, so he wanted his eldest brother to learn skills to protect himself, but he didn't like him to learn martial arts.

Because he is the youngest son, he does not need to bear the responsibilities of the family.

But he prefers military matters.

"Why are you in a daze?" Seeing him in a daze, Gu Jinli held his face and asked, "What are you thinking about? Do you miss your parents again?"

Qin Sanlang nodded and told her about hiding flowers when he was a child.

Gu Jinli smiled rudely, looked at him and said, "I didn't realize that you liked hiding flowers when you were a child."

It’s very inconsistent with your current tall appearance.

Qin Sanlang retracted his arms, hugged her tightly and said, "I don't like hidden flowers now, I like small fish."

I want to hide it, but I also like to see her looking carefree and carefree in front of others.

Gu Jinli laughed when he heard this, looked at his face for a moment, and said, "Well, you are also very handsome, and I like you too."

Saying such words suddenly made Qin Sanlang's heart tremble, and he hugged her tighter. He was afraid that she would be uncomfortable if he hugged her too tightly, so he loosened his arms.

Gu Jinli noticed his attentiveness and smiled. He picked up the jade medal in the box and looked at the bottom of the jade medal: "Qin Yu's family."

"Yes." Qin Sanlang nodded, pointing to the cloud pattern at the bottom of the jade seal and said: "The cloud pattern was designed by my mother herself. These cloud patterns can form my mother's name. All the managers of the industry will only recognize this seal."

It was my father's order.

My father was going to war and could not always accompany my mother, so he wanted to provide her with as much protection as possible. The secret property at home was one of the guarantees.

After hearing this, Gu Jinli took the paper, pressed the ink pad with a jade seal, and printed on the paper... Unfortunately, to check the words in the moire pattern, you have to use a special method. An inexperienced person like her can't see it at all. Not coming out.

Qin Sanlang taught her a trick. He took a thin piece of gauze paper from under the box and wrapped the jade medal in it. After waiting for a quarter of an hour, he took off the gauze paper, held her hand and carried it with her. She carefully touched the lines on the gauze paper.


Gu Jinli said with a bitter face: "I didn't touch it."

Qin Sanlang smiled: "It's difficult to touch it the first time. Just touch it a few more times and close your eyes."

However, it was the sixth time that Gu Jinli took out the word drawn on the gauze paper, and it turned out to be: "Zhen."

A complex and solemn name.

"Well, Yu Zhen, my mother's name." Qin Sanlang nodded, watching her closing her eyes to feel the cloud pattern, he kissed her secretly... Well, it was still so sweet.

After being kissed by him, Xiaoyu opened her eyes and glared at him, blushing and saying: "Don't be ridiculous, I am feeling your mother's name, you are not solemn."

Qin Sanlang said: "If mother knows that I am not a bachelor, but married the person I like as my wife, she will only be happy and will not think that I am ungrateful."

When he was a child, his parents were afraid that he would be too solemn.

After saying that, he took out another booklet and handed it to her: "They are all for Xiaoyu."

Gu Jinli was puzzled. He opened it and saw that it said in the booklet, such-and-such city, such-and-such shop, such-and-such village... Good guy, he wrote a whole booklet, which calmed her down.

She looked at Qin Sanlang and sighed: "Your family is so rich!"

Qin Sanlang corrected her: "It belongs to Xiaoyu. From now on, Xiaoyu can spend whatever he wants."

Ha, he suddenly got rich. Gu Jinli couldn't help but laugh out loud: "Okay, let's spend it together."

He added: "These properties should be kept in a dark place until they are needed urgently in the future. We have enough money now."

She had money from various businesses, and Qin Sanlang also had business in the fishing village, so he had plenty of money.

Qin Sanlang nodded: "Okay, I will listen to Xiaoyu."

Gu Jinli smiled: "When did you become Xiao Pingxi?"

Qin Sanlang: "He obviously learned from me."

He had always listened to Xiaoyu, but he just didn't say it out loud.

"Okay, okay, he's learning from you." Gu Jinli coaxed him in turn, and he was very happy, and continued to look at her with joy and pride in his raised eyebrows.

Gu Jinli understood instantly and said, "Brother Qin is the best person to me."

The corners of Qin Sanlang's mouth curved: "Call me Xianggong."

Gu Jinli almost died laughing, turned around, sat on him, looked at him, and shouted in a very artificial way: "Mr.

Qin Sanlang's body stiffened and he turned his head away quickly, but he couldn't help but look at her. He saw that her clothes were loose and one side of her clothes had slipped down, revealing her white shoulders and... well, the little fish was long. Big.

"Little fish."


"I think……"

"It's useless to think about it. The dead one is the most important, do you understand?"

"Then you're still teasing me?" His tone was very aggrieved.

"I was wrong. I will make it up to you after the funeral."

After hearing this, Qin Sanlang turned around, looked at her, and said with a smile: "This is what Xiaoyu said. I remember it. Don't cry tired when the time comes."

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