Gu Jinli frowned, feeling like he had been cheated.

However, it was too late to realize that I had been deceived.

"Okay." She is a person who loves her husband.

Qin Sanlang's whole body felt a little excited. Suppressing the longing in her heart, she gathered up her slipping clothes and told her about Master Lu: "He is the leader of the dead soldiers in the family, and he came here to help."

Then he told her about Master Lu.

Gu Jinli was extremely impressed when he heard this: "It's a pity not to become a general."

Such a capable person should go into battle to kill the enemy and make achievements, but because of his kindness, he is willing to live in darkness and work for the Qin family.

Qin Sanlang said: "Father persuaded him, but he was not happy, saying that there is no one in this life who is worthy of his future, and he does not want to owe the Qin family. He has to pay it off in this life, and he can live his own life in the next life."

Gu Jinli: "..."

The ancients were always obsessed with repaying kindness.

She added: "Since he is such a capable person, wouldn't it be better to leave him somewhere else to help you train people? There is no need to follow him. We have You An and You Ping and they are enough."

Qin Sanlang said: "It's good for him to come here. You An and the others have too little experience. Uncle Yu has a lot of experience. If he takes You An and the others for a period of time, You An and the others can improve a lot in their abilities."

He added: "Brother Luo is helping us train the manpower in other places. We will not be short of manpower."

After hearing this, Gu Jinli stared at Qin Sanlang and said sincerely: "You are indeed Yao'er."

Even though his family was in decline, he was still pampered by so many people, and Luo Ying was quite afraid of him, and would carefully watch his face and act, for fear that he would be unhappy.

Qin Sanlang smiled and whispered to her: "It's good to be a boy."

His parents, brothers, and close relatives were all very kind to him and almost always responded to his requests, so he learned how to pamper people and used it to pamper little fishes.

Gu Jinli was amused by his slightly proud tone and said, "I like you very much. I will be more proud in the future."

Although he was the youngest child, he had endured too much now and the burden on his shoulders was too heavy. She wanted him to live a happier life.

Qin Sanlang saw it and followed her words: "Okay, I will definitely be more proud in the future."

Then he said: "Xiaoyu, actually I live a very happy life because you are here."

No matter how heavy his burden is and how great the pressure is, as long as she is there, he will not suffer.

Gu Jinli laughed when he heard this, hugged him, buried his head in his arms, and said, "I live a happy life too, because you are here."

He is rich, handsome and very fond of her. The thought of such a man being hers makes her happy.

After hearing this, Qin Sanlang looked down at her in his arms, his heart felt soft, his eyes were full of joy, and he had an urge to get tired of her to death.


"Aren't you going to arrange for the left-behind personnel to leave for Daokou Gou the day after tomorrow? It's getting late, so hurry up." Gu Jinli reminded him and pushed him away.

Qin Sanlang was unhappy and pulled her back and hugged her for a moment before letting her go: "I'm leaving. I'll be back before dark to have dinner with you."

"Well, let's go." Gu Jinli said to him while sitting on the brick kang, holding the jade medal box. The red cloth skirt she was wearing was spread out on the kang, looking like a blooming flower, and she holding the jade medal box was the stamen in the flower.

Qin Sanlang was about to leave, but he came back, held her chin, leaned over and kissed her, but he only dared to taste it briefly, and soon let go of her and said, "I'm leaving."

If I stay any longer, I'm afraid something will happen.

Gu Jinli nodded: "Well, let's go."

Hurry up, you said it twice.

Qin Sanlang smiled, gently caressed her face, then turned and left.

It was about to set off, and there were many trivial things to do, including arranging for the left-behind people to plant hemostatic roots, harvesting corn in the newly purchased village, and visiting the newly purchased house and shop. Therefore, by the time Qin Sanlang came back, it was almost dark.

Xiao Pingxi had already come over and was sitting obediently on the brick kang in the outer room. When she saw Qin Sanlang coming back, she greeted him happily: "Uncle Qin is back. It's time for dinner. Aunt Gu and I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Qin Sanlang smiled and nodded, sitting next to Gu Jinli to eat: "Eat."

Tonight's meal was very rich. I boiled the few remaining pine mushrooms and added eggs. It was very delicious.

After finishing the meal happily, Gu Jinli and Qin Sanlang said to Xiao Pingxi: "The date has been chosen. Your mother will be buried before three quarters tomorrow. The funeral arrangements have been taken care of. It will be done when you arrive." . We will also be with you and will remind you what to do tomorrow, so don’t worry."

"But you are going to keep a vigil for your mother tonight. You will stay all night and burn paper money for her. You can't stop. You An will be with you at the Ling Ling Camp. Don't be afraid."

My mother has been dead for a long time. Xiao Pingxi knew that she must be buried, but when she heard this, she still couldn't help crying.

He didn't dare to cry loudly, he only dared to sob quietly, and apologized to Gu Jinli and Qin Sanlang: "I'm sorry~"

He didn't want to be disgusted by crying, but he couldn't hold back the tears.

Seeing such a sensible and cautious child who was afraid of being disliked, Gu Jinli and Qin Sanlang felt uncomfortable and their eyes were red.

"It's okay, there's no need to apologize, there's no need to hold back. Although your grandpa's family and we have different surnames, we have experienced life and death together. We are closer than relatives. In front of us, you can cry boldly, and no one will dislike you." Gu Jinli knelt down, hugged him, and said these words slowly.

I vowed in my heart that if I have children in the future, I will never let them end up in Xiao Pingxi's situation, and I will protect them well.

Xiao Pingxi didn't say anything, but his crying became louder. Finally, when he saw Gu Jinli holding him, he let go without disgust, but Uncle Qin still squatted down and hugged him and Aunt Gu together, and finally couldn't help but let out a cry. Cry loudly.

She was crying quite miserably, which frightened Ji Zhenniang and the others, so they ran over to ask about the situation.

Xiao Pingxi was very embarrassed and stopped crying.

Gu Jinli and Qin Sanlang took him out, explained the situation, and finally sent him to Ting Ling's camp.

After waiting for the rest of the camp, Gu Jinli said: "Don't be afraid, your mother is the one who loves you the most. Talk to her and she will be very happy when she hears it."

Xiao Pingxi: "Well, I will tell my mother that I am living a very good life..."

Mom no longer has to beg those masters for him. He is already living a good life and will live even better in the future. He will become a promising person so that Mom can have a good reputation even in the underground world.

"Be good." Gu Jinli and Qin Sanlang did not leave immediately. Instead, they knelt down and burned paper with Xiao Pingxi for an hour. They then went to Wen Qiong's Tingling Camp next to him to check on Wen Rong before going back to sleep.

The next day, before dawn, the two of them got up. After washing, they ate the cold food sent by Aunt Tao, which was the cold breakfast food.

Tian Dahua was about to be buried. According to the rules, relatives had to eat cold food for a day. Uncle Tian and Aunt Tian were not around, leaving Xiao Pingxi alone, so they accompanied him to abide by these rules.

"Mommy, is Daqing here? How about Xiao Pingxi? You're not crying, are you?" Gu Jinli asked worriedly while eating his breakfast.

Aunt Tao said: "Daqing knew that Madam would definitely ask about this matter, so she talked back and forth. Xiao Pingxi cried a few times, but it was okay. Wen Rong, on the other hand, fainted from crying twice. Fortunately, You An was here, otherwise Something is going to happen.”

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