A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1807 Mu County Meeting Place

Wen Qiong's death was too tragic, and Wen Rong was a quarrelsome person. When he saw that his only relative was about to be buried, he couldn't accept it. He cried while holding the coffin and fainted.

Gu Jinli frowned when he heard this and asked Qin Sanlang: "Can his temper be controlled?"

"Yes, throw it away and practice, kill all the pretentiousness, and you won't be like this again." Qin Sanlang said, handing her the tea cup that was kept in his arms to keep warm: "Little fish, drink water."

Gu Jinli took the water cup and drank all the water in it... Today I will eat cold food and drink cold water. This water was boiled last night and is already cold now. However, after being covered by him for half a quarter of an hour, it was cold. The feeling is gone.

But Qin Sanlang was still afraid that her stomach would hurt if she ate cold food, so he said, "Eat less and drink less. After midnight, let's have another hot meal."

He added: "We won't leave until tomorrow, so we can sleep for two more hours. It's okay to go to bed later."

He has the final say here, and the time of departure is also determined by him.

"Okay." Gu Jinli smiled at him and said, "I'm fine. I used to eat boiled leaves when I was fleeing from famine. Now I just eat some cold food. You don't have to worry."

Qin Sanlang felt distressed, remembering the first time he saw her.

At that time, she was thin and small, but she was full of fierceness and was about to kill an evil person who took advantage of the chaos to do evil.

Originally, he could go over and make friends with them later, but he rushed over and helped her beat the villain... Perhaps, from the moment he first saw her, he couldn't bear to see her suffer, and couldn't help but think... Help her.

And he did the right thing and got a good wife.

"Come here, I'll tie it up for you." Gu Jinli took out a white cloth and tied it on his waist and arm. After she tied it on him, he also picked up the white cloth and tied it on her right arm and her waist.

... Xiaoyu's waist is so thin, it's only as wide as his palms together, so at that time, he always worries, what if he breaks her by tossing her?

"Okay, Xiaoyu needs to eat more." Qin Sanlang said this seriously after tying the white cloth around her waist.

"What are you worrying about again?" Gu Jinli knew him well, so he asked with a smile, without needing him to answer. After he was done, he greeted him: "Let's go, Wen Qiong will be buried before Chen Shi, let's You have to go now.”

Wen Qiong died before she could even have a hairpin. The rule here is that if an immature girl or boy passes away, she must be buried before the chen hour.

"Yes." Qin Sanlang nodded, took her hand and left the house.

The Zhang family and Xie family, who lived in the left and right wing rooms, heard the sound of their doors opening and came out.

The servants of the two families stood behind the two masters carrying paper money and paying homage.

"Gu Xiaoyu, are you going to bury Wen Qiong?" Ji Zhenniang asked.

Gu Jinli nodded: "Are you going to bury Wen Qiong in person?"

Ji Zhenniang: "Well, I want to see her off."

Gu Jinli was a little surprised. Ji Zhenniang was scared to death of ghosts. During this period, because there were two corpses parked in the village, she was so frightened that she did not dare to leave the yard. She even cried because of the smell of corpses.

Unexpectedly, she would go to see Wen Qiong off in person.

However, looking at Ji Zhenniang shrugging her head and looking unmotivated, it seems that she was thinking of her daughter again. Ji Zhenniang is a doting girl, and she will think of her little Zhuzhu whenever something happens. .

I would go to Wen Qiong's funeral in person. I think it was because I thought of my daughter that I felt sad.

"Okay, let's go together." Gu Jinli responded to Ji Zhenniang's words and greeted Mrs. Han: "Sister-in-law Zhang, let's go."

Mrs. Han told her a few days ago that she would go to the funeral in person on the day Wen Qiong and Tian Dahua were buried.

"Hey." Mrs. Han responded and told the accompanying nanny: "Look at Sister Yu and Brother Yi. If they wake up, let them have breakfast first. If they hear any loud noise, tell them not to It’s normal to be afraid.”

Brother and sister Qin asked two Taoists to build a dojo for Wen Qiong and Tian Dahua. They chanted sutras all night last night. They will be buried later and the sound of blowing and beating will be even louder.

"Yes, I know, madam, don't worry." Mammy responded, and after sending the Han couple out of the yard, they returned to the house.

It was still dark, Erqing held a torch in front to light the way, while Aunt Tao followed Gu Jinli. Xiaoji didn't come and was guarding the house.

The group walked for a quarter of an hour, but before they arrived outside Wen Qiong's tent, they heard Wen Rong's crying.

His voice was hoarse, but Rong was still crying loudly. The sound drowned out the Taoist's chanting.

San'an said: "Wen Rong heard that the louder the relatives cry, the easier the deceased's road to hell will be, so he kept crying loudly."


Forget it, if crying like this can make Wen Rong feel at ease, then let him.

"Qin Baihu, Mrs. Qin is here!" San'an acted as the singer for the Wen family, announcing the farewell of the guests.

Gu Jinli and Qin Sanlang entered the Jinling camp, offered incense to Wen Qiong, and bowed three times.

"Thank you, relatives!" San'an shouted again.

Originally, he should have called "filial son" to express his gratitude, but Wen Rong was Wen Qiong's younger brother, so he couldn't call him this.

Wen Rong knelt down and bowed to Qin Sanlang and his wife, choking with sobs and said, "Thank you, Mr. Qin and Mrs. Qin, for coming to see my sister off."

"My condolences." Qin Sanlang said to Gu Jinli, then turned around and came out of the tent, waiting outside to see Wen Qiong off and bury her.

Then Zhang Yan and the Han couple went to worship.

Next up are Xie Cheng and Ji Zhenniang.

Next down is the Kuang family, Mr. Hong and their relatives...

Wen Rong was shocked, very excited, and cried loudly... This time the cry was not a sad howl, but a heartfelt gratitude.

I originally thought that since their sister and brother were unrelated, and because her sister died so tragically, everyone would be disgusted and not come to pay homage to her sister and send her on her final journey.

Unexpectedly, everyone came, including the soldiers, and the worship lasted from dusk to Kuai Chen.

"The time has come, lift up the coffin and bury it!" San'an shouted, and several other Ans, dressed in linen clothes, lifted Wen Qiong's coffin and walked towards the mountain.

Along the way, paper money kept flowing, and many people who came to worship Wen Qiong sent Wen Qiong to the mountain.

Mr. Hong said to Wen Rong: "Your sister has managed her posthumous affairs decently. You should be more at ease. There are still many good people in the world."

After hearing this, Wen Rong felt ashamed. He admitted that he had angered many people because of his sister's death, but today's farewell did make him feel relieved.

In the afternoon, everyone went to see Tian Dahua off again and sent Tian Dahua to the mountain for burial.

Aunt Tao, Gu Jinli and Qin Sanlang had been accompanying Xiao Pingxi and reminding him of what to do. Therefore, although Xiao Pingxi was young, he did a perfect job of throwing pots and flags for Tian Dahua.

After burying Tian Dahua, Xiao Pingxi thanked everyone who came to see his mother off one by one. This move made Wen Rong ashamed. After burying his sister, he did not thank everyone who came to see her off.

But everyone didn't have time to worry about this with Wen Rong. After finishing two funerals, they immediately got busy setting off to Daomizokou tomorrow.

It is said that we are going to Daokou Gou, but actually we are going to a new gathering place in Mu County.

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