Hahaha, General Shi almost laughed out loud and said: "Mrs. Niu, this house has a well. It has been cleaned. The water is edible, so there is no need to carry water."

This house belongs to a large family who spent a lot of money to drill a well, which is still in use today.

So if you want him to do hard labor, there is no way!

After hearing this, Mrs. Kuang went to the carriage and got him a hatchet: "Chop a few loads of firewood, and we'll wait for the firewood to cook."

General Shi: "..."

If a lady from a hundred households is hacked to death, will his whole family be killed?

General Shi didn't dare to do anything to a lady from a hundred households, so he could only take the hatchet and leave.

However, he did not go to chop firewood. Instead, relying on his face, he went to the firewood chief and asked for two loads of firewood, preparing to send it to Kuang and the others after an hour.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he went to see his Qianhu and informed Huang Qianhu about the women of Qin, Niu, Xie, and Zhang.

Finally, he knelt down and said: "You are incompetent and failed to get things done. Please punish me, Master Qianhu!"

He had a mission to lead the Qin Gu family to the house... Although General Xu personally ordered the house to be reserved for the Qin family, General Fu wanted Leng Qianhu's family to live in it.

But the Qin Gu family immediately invited Niu Xie and Zhang's family to live in the house. The huge house was so full that there was no room for the Leng family.

Huang Qianhu frowned when he heard this: "I know, go down and work hard, get on well with them, and don't argue with them, otherwise we won't be able to find out the news, and we will have a black eye."

"Yes, the little one must work hard and not be annoying to them." General Shi was very happy to see that Huang Qianhu did not punish him. After leaving, he took two more loads of firewood and sent them to the Qin family's house.

Huang Qianhu immediately went to find General Fu. Seeing that General Fu was still meeting Qin Sanlang and others, he could only ask the soldiers to send a letter to General Fu.

As a general, it was normal to receive a letter. General Fu did not shy away and opened it in public.

After reading it, I felt lucky. Fortunately, he hadn't asked Leng Qian's family to live in the Qin family yet. If he had said that the family would live in the Qin family, it would have been a huge loss of face.

General Fu put away the letter and looked at Qin Sanlang: "Qin Baihu, you have made many meritorious deeds. All the officers and soldiers in the army admire you. I often hear General Zhou and Vice General Ma talk about you, and they praise you very much." , saying that you are a rare good young man and a future general. I didn’t believe it at first and thought they were exaggerating. But when I saw you today, what they said was true. You are really extraordinary."

Qin Sanlang stood up in a hurry and said: "General, you are serious. The last general is just a small member of a hundred households. He has made one or two achievements by luck, but he is still far from being a general."

"You are so humble when you say this. You just broke the deadlock on the sand table and allowed Leng Qianhu to turn defeat into victory." General Fu glanced at Leng Qianhu and said, "You and Leng Qianhu are also destined. He Our tent is right behind your house, very close. From now on, when his relatives come to your house to carry water, your house has to open the door."

This is true, not to mention Qin Sanlang, even Leng Qianhu frowned... General Fu said that General Xu fell in love with Qin Sanlang and wanted to take him as his confidant, but there was no one of them watching around Qin Sanlang, so If you want to give him someone, it is best to be a beauty, so that you can keep an eye on him and blow pillows with him, so that he will always be devoted to General Xu.

His sister Leng Meifang is a great beauty with a cool and noble temperament. She is attracted by her and is going to be given to Qin Sanlang.

General Fu said that as long as her sister could keep Qin Sanlang under control, he could become General Xu's confidant, enter his direct lineage, and achieve great success, just around the corner.

But Qin Sanlang's wife knows how to make insect-attracting medicine, and she is still developing a magical anti-insect medicine for Rong thieves, so she cannot be offended.

Therefore, it is impossible to go to court, and his sister can only be a concubine.

He came from an ordinary background, and his family only had some residual wealth and no backers. Being able to reach a thousand households was a hard work. He knew very well that if he wanted to go further, he had to find a backer.

Otherwise, you have to be like Qin Sanlang and make great achievements.

He believed that he was not capable of achieving great achievements, so after thinking about it, he could only agree to abandon his sister and let her become Qin Sanlang's concubine.

But it was one thing to agree to be a concubine, and it was another thing to let his sister take advantage of her time to hook up with Qin Sanlang. He felt that this was a shame!

Mei Fang is so beautiful. It's already very humiliating to be a concubine for hundreds of households, but she has to hook up with her. Leng Qianhu is so angry that she wants to kill Qin Sanlang!

Don't chop her up. If Qin Sanlang knows that your family is working with General Fu to plot against him, he will chop up your sister first.

Qin Sanlang asked: "General, is there a public well here at the gathering place?"

General Fu was stunned. What did Qin Sanlang mean? Did he not want the female members of the Leng family to go to his house to fetch water?

Yes, that's what Qin Sanlang meant.

Before General Fu spoke, Qin Sanlang said: "If there is a public well, it is better to let the female relatives of Leng Qian's family go to the public well to fetch water."

"Qin Baihu, what do you mean? Do you dislike my Leng family?!" Leng Qianhu was angry. It was already wronged by his sister to hook up with him, but he still dared to be unwilling and shameless!

Qin Sanlang said: "It's not that I dislike it, but that we have too many relatives of the soldiers accompanying us. The well must be used by the relatives first."

We all have relatives near and far, so we don't want to let our familiar relatives be thirsty while letting the newly acquainted Leng family carry water.

Let’s let a female member of a thousand-family family enter the house to fetch water. If something happens to the female member of the family, wouldn’t the family be held responsible?

When you go to collect water from the public well at the gathering place, whether you fall down on the way or fall into the well while fetching water, it has nothing to do with the Qin family.

Niu Dabao was very cooperative and said hurriedly: "Yes, yes, yes, we have agreed with Sanlang that we will go to his house to fetch water. I hope Leng Qianhu won't take offense."

Niu DaBao was smiling when he said this, which made Leng Qianhu even want to get angry at him.

Qin Sanlang was the person that General Xu liked and wanted to win over. General Fu didn't want to stalemate the relationship between the two parties, so he hurriedly said: "In that case, let Leng Qianhu go to the public well to fetch water."

Then he said to Qin Sanlang: "But the camp of Leng Qianhu's family is close to your home. The female relatives of your two families can move around more and be taken care of."

Qin Sanlang didn't object, he just said: "If my wife is willing, of course it is okay."

With these words, Leng Qianhu almost slapped the table.

What do you mean it's only if your wife is happy? It sounds like my Leng family is fawning over your Qin family. If General Fu hadn't spoken, he wouldn't have let his sister go to the Qin family!

General Fu saw that Leng Qianhu was angry, and was afraid that he could not help but get angry, so he hurriedly said to Qin Sanlang: "Qin Baihu, you have just arrived and are tired. Go back and rest first, and come back tomorrow to discuss matters."

"Yes, I will retire at the end." Qin Sanlang and the others did not get what they wanted, so they left immediately.

General Fu wanted Leng Qianhu to send off Qin Sanlang, but he was afraid that Leng Qianhu could not help but get angry at Qin Sanlang, so he had to let his soldiers send him off.

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