A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1812 Borrowing medicinal materials

After Qin Sanlang and the others left, Leng Qianhu could no longer bear it and said: "General Fu, didn't you say that everything has been arranged? As long as we met once, my family can move to the house today. Why did you suddenly change your mind now? My family's good husband My brother is really sick."

Leng Qianhu was extremely aggrieved and regretted that he should not have listened to General Fu's words.

For this reason, he gave Brother Liang a cold bath, deliberately making Brother Liang sick, and using it to make him miserable. Now that things are going on like this, if nothing goes wrong, his wife will make trouble with him again, Leng Qianhu gets a headache just thinking about it.

They were all just eating soft food, so why did Qin Sanlang get ahead of himself, but he had to suffer from his wife's anger all the time, and he couldn't stand it for twelve years.

The Leng Qian family's surplus wealth depends not on the Leng family but on the daughter-in-law's family. The surplus wealth is the dowry brought by the daughter-in-law.

Precisely because he was eating his wife's dowry, Leng Qianhu was eager to stand out and wanted to be tough at home, so he agreed to let Leng Meifang be his concubine to help him have a better future.

General Fu raised his head, glanced at Leng Qianhu, and asked with a sneer: "Is Leng Qianhu questioning this general?"

Seeing that General Fu was angry, Leng Qianhu hurriedly bowed and said: "General, calm down, the last general will not dare."

General Fu didn't want to fall out with Leng Qianhu, so he handed him the letter from Huang Qianhu: "Read it for yourself."

Leng Qianhu took it with both hands and became very angry after reading it: "These country women really have no rules!"

Before asking the man in charge, Qin Gu invited the Niu, Xie, and Zhang families to live in the house. As a result, their plans were disrupted, and her family could only continue to live in a tent.

General Fu said: "The matter has come to this, there is no point in getting angry."

Then he said: "While your eldest son is sick, when you get back, ask your sister to go to Qin's house to borrow herbal medicine. Qin Gu knows medical skills, and there are many medicinal materials in the caravan that he brought with him. The medicine for treating wind and cold is There must be, and at this time, Qin Sanlang will be at home, this is a rare opportunity, don't miss it, and let your good brother get sick in vain."

After General Fu finished speaking, he felt that Leng Qianhu was really a bit stupid. It was just a trivial matter, but he had to give him repeated ideas before he knew how to do it.

No wonder he worked as a soldier in his teens and fought for his life until he was thirty years old. He also used money from the Yue family to run for office, but he only became a member of a thousand households. It was really useless.

If it weren't for the whole camp's relatives, they wouldn't have chosen him even though his sister was beautiful and her identity was just right to be Qin Sanlang's concubine.

Leng Qianhu looked at General Fu's face and saw that he kept a sullen expression. He could only nod in agreement: "Yes, General Fu knows what to do. Don't worry."

After hearing this, General Fu laughed, stood up, walked over, and patted Leng Qianhu on the shoulder: "Leng Qianhu, this matter has indeed wronged your family. Don't worry, we will remember your contribution."

After that, he took out a box from a shelf in the house and handed it to Leng Qianhu: "Take it first. If you are missing something, just take the token and go to Huang Qianhu. If Huang Qianhu can't do it, just go to Leng Qianhu." Come to me."

Leng Qianhu took the box and felt that the box had fallen into his hands very well. He knew it must be a good thing and said hurriedly: "Thank you, General. I will do my best to serve you, General Xu."

Let’s talk about General Xu first. It seems that Leng Qingsong really wants to curry favor with General Xu and become famous as soon as possible.

General Fu smiled and said: "It's getting late, let's go back and do things first."

"Yes, I will retire first." Leng Qianhu bowed, left the house, took his own soldiers and walked to his tent.

The large camp where the Leng family is located is surrounded by small tents where relatives live. After passing through the small tents, you can reach your own big tent.

But as soon as he approached the camp, Leng Qianhu heard a burst of dissatisfied scolding. It was Gu who was scolding Mei Fang: "How did you become an aunt? Brother Liang is so sick because of you, why don't you feed him a I don’t know how to blow the medicine yet, I want to burn him to death, but I’ve never seen such a vicious aunt like you!”

Leng Qianhu frowned when he heard it outside.

This Gu family, he just asked her to scold Mei Fang and make her willing to be Qin Sanlang's concubine for the sake of the family, but she didn't need to curse so loudly. The news was heard by several nearby camps. It was so embarrassing!

"Okay, what's the fuss about? How's brother Liang doing?" Leng Qianhu lifted the tent curtain and walked in. He glanced around the tent and saw Gu raising his hand to hit Mei Fang.

Mei Fang's eyes were red and she didn't hide. When she saw him coming in, she saluted him properly and called him softly: "Brother."

Gu's little cousin Ruan Shuniang was holding his four-year-old daughter Mudan while watching a play. When she heard his voice, she quickly lowered her head and put away her gloating eyes.

"My husband is back." Mrs. Gu hurriedly went up to him, patted the hoary frost on Leng Qianhu's body with a handkerchief, and said with a choked voice, "Brother Liang is lying in the back room, and he still hasn't gotten better."

"I'm going to see Brother Liang." Leng Qianhu said, lifting the inner curtain and going in to see his son.

Brother Liang is seven years old, his only son, and he is very precious. At this moment, he is also sick because of the family's involvement. He is lying on a wooden bed in the back room, covered with a thick quilt, and falls asleep with an uncomfortable look on his face.

Gu followed him into the tent. Seeing his son's appearance, he cried, "Ms. sir, when are we going to move? This tent is leaking air everywhere, and Brother Liang doesn't need to blow it."

The materials in the military camp are limited, and these tents are only made of thick cloth, not fur tents like the soldiers. They are not warm at all and can be blown down if the wind is strong.

Leng Qianhu was very irritated when he heard this: "The matter of the house is over for the time being."

Mrs. Gu became anxious after hearing this: "Why can't it be done? What happened? Please tell me clearly, Mr. Fu. Could it be that General Fu regretted it?"

"Shut up!" Leng Qianhu glared at Mr. Gu angrily and cursed: "General Fu, are you the one who can criticize me? If you bring trouble to the family because of your words, I will divorce you!"

Haha, Mrs. Gu sneered in her heart, Leng really wanted to divorce her, but Leng Qingsong was just dreaming!

However, Mrs. Gu did not confront Leng Qingsong head-on. She bowed her head and admitted her mistake: "My husband is right, I said the wrong thing, but what should I do about this matter? Can it still work?"

Mrs. Gu is not afraid that Leng Qingsong will divorce her, because she dares to make trouble, and Leng Qingsong wants to lose face. Seeing her making a big fuss, he dare not really divorce her, but Mrs. Gu is afraid that Leng Qingsong will never be able to get ahead in his life!

She had been married to him since she was fifteen, and now it has been twelve years, and she is still living this life of wandering with Leng Qingsong.

She wants Leng Qingsong to be a general. Only by becoming a general can he have a general's palace and be completely stable. Only then can she stand out!

"General Fu has a new arrangement." Leng Qianhu lowered his voice and told him that General Fu asked Leng Meifang to borrow medicine at the Qin family's house and took the opportunity to get close to Qin Sanlang.

Mrs. Gu would not feel sorry for Leng Meifang. She thought she was good enough to Leng Meifang, so she immediately got up and went out, saying to Leng Meifang outside: "Brother Liang hasn't gotten better for a long time because of the lack of some medicinal materials. You Now go to the Qin family to borrow the medicinal materials, and then return them to the Qin family after the medicinal materials are distributed from our side."

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