Fu Mingcong did not go in, but held a torch and medicinal materials, walked in front, and called Leng Meifang behind him: "Miss Leng, let's go."

Leng Meifang was no longer reserved. After bowing to Fu Mingcong, she lowered her head and followed Fu Mingcong away with small steps.

Doctor Shi's medicine boy lifted the curtain of the tent, looked at the disappearing torch light, turned back to Doctor Shi in the tent and said, "Master, they are gone."

Then he said: "Master, Master Fu, I'm afraid that doing this is not good for Miss Leng? How will you explain it to the Leng family after you send it back? If you meet a blasphemous family member on the road, gossip will spread tomorrow."

If a grown man spreads gossip between men and women, it can be regarded as romantic at best, but if an unmarried girl spreads gossip about being sent home by a man after dark, it will affect the person who is planning to get married, and in worst cases, she may lose her life.

With a bang, Doctor Shi grabbed the small sandbag used to check the pulse, threw it at the medicine boy, and cursed: "What does this have to do with you? Come over and clean it up quickly. When it's done, we can go back and rest."

Then he lowered his voice and taught the medicine boy: "That Leng girl is smart. She can't bear the loss. Don't worry blindly. If you are worried, you should worry about Master Fu."

Didn’t you see that Master Fu was so fascinated by that cold girl? Didn’t he listen to that cold girl in everything?

And that cold girl was not a light-hearted person. She came alone to get medicine at night, crying and begging to a grown man. She didn't shy away from it at all. It was already clear what her intentions were.

Master Fu felt that he was plotting for a beautiful woman, but he didn't know that he was the one being plotted.

"Master, what do you mean, why can't I understand?" The medicine boy was also a gossip, and was tickled by Doctor Shi's words: "Please speak more clearly, otherwise my disciple will not be able to sleep at night."

Gossip scratches people’s minds.

"If you can't sleep, don't sleep. Don't worry about this nonsense. The two of them can be regarded as admiring each other. In terms of status, the woman's family is different, but she is worthy of it. After all, she is not marrying the original wife, but just renewing the relationship... In short Don't be curious, don't go out and talk too much, lest you get into trouble, come over and get to work."

"Hey, here we come." After hearing these words, the medicine boy felt less curious and came over to work with Dr. Shi.

On the way from the medicinal material camp to Leng Qianhu's camp, Fu Mingcong and Leng Meifang were walking in tandem, but the distance between them was getting closer and closer. In the end, for some reason, Leng Meifang bumped into Fu Mingcong's back. Back, he screamed in surprise and stepped back in fright.

Fu Mingcong was shocked when she hit him. He looked back at Leng Meifang and said with a smile, "Miss Leng, does it hurt?"

Leng Meifang blushed with embarrassment, said nothing, and just shook her head.

Fu Mingcong found it extremely interesting, wishing that this was the wedding night.

Leng Meifang saw that he kept stopping and could only urge: "Sir, Brother Liang is still sick. I need to get the medicine back to him quickly."

Fu Mingcong smiled when he heard this, and walked towards Leng Qianhu's camp again.

When they were approaching the camp, Leng Meifang said: "Send me here, sir. If someone sees me, I'm afraid it won't be good for you."

Fu Mingcong was also fierce. Hearing this, he said: "There's nothing wrong with it. If someone gossips, I'll ask a matchmaker to propose marriage."

"Propose marriage!" Leng Meifang was shocked. This Fu Mingcong seemed to be a scholar, but he didn't expect that he was so wild at heart. However, when they first met, he proposed marriage.

However, it was a good thing that Fu Mingcong was willing to propose marriage to her. It was better than not proposing marriage and just taking advantage of her.

"That's right." This was not Fu Mingcong's first time marrying a wife. He was very experienced and the Leng family's family background was not as good as that of the Fu family. Therefore, he dared to say forcefully: "To be honest, Miss Leng, I fell in love with you at first sight. If Miss Leng has no objection. After the Winter Solstice Festival, I will ask my family to propose marriage."

Then he said: "I just want to wrong Miss Leng to be my stepmother."

He told him that he had lost his wife and had no children.

Leng Meifang knew about this. It was precisely because she knew that Fu Mingcong had no wife that she allowed him to flirt with her.

"I, I don't know..." Leng Meifang was so embarrassed that she thought about it for a moment and said, "My brother and sister-in-law make the decision about my marriage. Please go talk to my brother and sister-in-law."

After saying that, he snatched the medicinal materials from Fu Mingcong's hand and ran towards the Leng family's tent.

Fu Mingcong was overjoyed. Is this tacit approval?

Okay, okay, he will definitely tell his brother as soon as possible and propose marriage to the Leng family. After all, if such a beautiful woman doesn't act quickly, she may be snatched away.

"Mei Fang, wait for me!"

Good guy, I didn’t even call Miss Leng, I called her by her first name, and chased after him while holding a torch.

After Xia Zhang came back, he reported the matter to Qin Sanlang.

Qin Sanlang returned to the house and told Gu Jinli about this, which shocked Gu Jinli... Is this an ancient person? Were the ancients so fierce? As soon as they met, the camp was full of people chasing her, and they even talked about proposing marriage.

Seeing her shocked look, Qin Sanlang said with a smile: "Although Meng Lang is a little embarrassed, it is indeed something Fu Mingcong can do."

Fu Mingcong came from a noble family and was a scholar. Scholars in Dachu all have the style of a madman. They will only respect ladies whose family background is higher than their own. For those whose family background is lower than their own, they will use the style of a madman as a cover. , doing everything possible to do to Meng Lang.

"Fu Mingcong has been widowed for four years. Some time ago, he fell in love with a beautiful young widow. He wanted to keep her, but General Fu stopped him. He said that he could keep the woman, but he had to find a widow with a death contract, not a widow with a death contract. , no matter how beautiful she is, she can’t be accepted.”

"Later, the little widow was promised by General Fu to a soldier who was over forty years old. Fu Mingcong didn't succeed and was angry for a while. It can be seen that he has long been eager to remarry, and he should be married soon. Bring this matter out."

"It's so fast?" Gu Jinli was a little surprised and asked: "This matter won't be traced to us, right?"

Qin Sanlang smiled: "We didn't drug them, we just didn't lend the medicine to the Leng family's daughter, and then showed the Leng family's daughter a place to get the medicine. It was the affection they had when they bumped into each other, even if General Fu wanted to He doesn't care about us, he can settle the accounts with his own brothers, so Xiaoyu doesn't have to worry."

After saying this, he leaned over and kissed Gu Jinli secretly.

Qin Sanlang's guess was correct. Fu Mingcong knew that Leng Meifang had outstanding appearance, and was afraid that he would lose his beauty if he delayed for a long time. After sending Leng Meifang back to Leng Qianhu's camp, he immediately rushed to find his eldest brother.

General Fu was very happy when he heard that his brother was coming and ordered his soldiers: "Boil a pot of good wine and cut three pounds of good mutton. I will have a few drinks with Brother Cong."

"Yes." The soldier smiled and hurried to do it.

The general is so happy. After all, the matter of sending the Leng family daughter to Qin Sanlang as his concubine is almost done.

However, the Leng family daughter did not become Qin Sanlang's concubine, but joined the Fu family.

"What did you say? You want to marry the Leng family's daughter as your stepmother? You are crazy!" After hearing what his youngest brother said, General Fu wanted to poke his ears.

On a great day, he saw that what General Xu had told him was about to come true, but what kind of nonsense did he hear? !

Fu Mingcong thought that the eldest brother disliked the low status of the Leng family, so he said again: "Brother, I want to marry Miss Mei Fang of the Leng family as my stepmother. Please ask the eldest brother to ask a matchmaker to come to the Leng family to propose marriage after the Winter Solstice Festival. My younger brother has already lost his wife four times. In the new year, it’s time to marry another wife and live a happy life, this is what my eldest brother said.”

General Fu was so angry that he almost fainted and shouted: "I said it, but I didn't let you marry Leng Meifang!"

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