Fu Mingcong was also angry and shouted: "Why can't you marry me? You didn't let me take over the Bai family before, and now you don't allow me to marry Mei Fang. Do you want to see me be a bachelor for the rest of my life, and I won't even have a child when I'm almost thirty?" None?!”

He has always listened to his eldest brother. He came to work in the army when his eldest brother asked him to do it, and put it off when his eldest brother asked him to postpone the marriage. Now that he has finally waited until the war is over, he sincerely falls in love with a girl. Why doesn't his eldest brother let him marry her?

Do you know how beautiful Mei Fang is? It’s not something that little widows like Bai’s can compare to!


General Fu slapped his younger brother and cursed: "You still have the nerve to ask me why I don't let you marry the Leng family's daughter, Qin... Did I hide that from you? You clearly know that the Leng family's daughter is of great use, You dare to flirt with her and ruin the general's plan, you are seeking death!"

General Fu was so angry that he punched and kicked Fu Mingcong. If his brother hadn't been working by his side, he would have wanted to draw his sword and chop him.

"Are you so in need of a woman? As soon as we met, you rushed to say you want to marry me. If you are really in need of a woman, I will find a few beautiful ones. Is there a need for beautiful women who can warm your bed? What if you still like Bai Bai? Shi, I will save my face and get Bai Shi back to you!"

"But you shouldn't mess with Leng's daughter. Who she wants to marry has already been planned. Stop thinking about it immediately, or I'll beat you to death!" General Fu kicked his brother again and warned. he.

But Fu Mingcong refused to agree. He ignored the bruises on his face from being slapped, salivated the blood at the corner of his mouth, and endured the pain and shouted: "Why can't I marry Mei Fang? Mei Fang is such a good girl, innocent, but you are If you want her to be your concubine, are you still human?"

"Shut up, you bastard, do you know what you are talking about? Do you want to drag your whole family to death?!" General Fu was shocked. He did not expect that his youngest brother would say such things for Leng Meifang.

General Xu holds hundreds of thousands of troops. Even the emperor is afraid of him. Their brothers rely on General Xu to fight for their future. How dare this bastard say such slanderous words about General Xu? Come!

Fu Mingcong sneered: "If I can't marry Mei Fang, what's the point of living for me? It's better to just die."

"You, you beast!" General Fu was stunned and trembling with anger. He pointed at Fu Mingcong and said: "I didn't expect that Fu Mingcong, who is almost thirty years old, would still be so emotional and say such a thing about a teenager. It’s a joke that only a kid can say. You can die if you want, but you can’t take the whole family’s future and bury it with you!”

After all, General Fu was a military general. Even if he doted on his younger brother, he would not let him harm the whole family. He shouted outside the house: "Come here, drag Fu Mingcong down, lock him up, and release him after the Winter Solstice Festival!"

After the Winter Solstice Festival, the guard stations will be divided. At that time, the Leng family's daughter will follow Qin Sanlang to the guard station. Once everything has settled, Fu Mingcong will have no chance to cause trouble.

After hearing this, the soldiers outside the house immediately came in, but they did not dare to arrest Fu Mingcong forcefully.

Fu Mingcong was stunned and cried quickly: "Brother, please don't shut me up. Please give me someone else, Qin Sanlang, and leave Mei Fang to me. As long as you help my brother, I will be your best friend for the rest of my life!" "

"Go away, you useless thing. You will live and die for a woman. I have supported you all these years in vain!" General Fu kicked Fu Mingcong over and waved his hand, signaling for the soldiers to come and arrest him.

When the soldiers saw this, they knew that the general was determined to imprison Fu Mingcong, so they rushed over and surrounded Fu Mingcong without any further hesitation.

But General Fu underestimated Fu Mingcong's determination to marry Leng Meifang. He actually took the opportunity to pull out the sword of a soldier, put it directly on his neck, and shouted: "Don't come over, if you come over again I will die here immediately!"

The soldiers were shocked and quickly retreated, not daring to move again.

General Fu sneered: "Pretending to die? Oh, Fu Mingcong, have you learned this method over the years? Then go and die quickly. I am not just your brother. I can feel more relaxed if you die!"

Fu Mingcong was stunned. He didn't expect General Fu to say such words. He felt sad. At this moment, he really felt that living was meaningless.

Seeing him standing still, General Fu started crying, and said angrily: "You are useless, you don't even dare to die? Then you still dare to go against me and insist on marrying the Leng family's daughter!"

General Fu expected that Fu Mingcong would not wipe his neck, so he said these irritating words to him.

However, after hearing this, Fu Mingcong sneered, moved his hand, and actually wiped his neck!

With a clang, the saber fell to the ground. Fu Mingcong rolled his eyes and fainted.

General Fu was startled by the sound of him knocking him to the ground. He came to his senses, rushed over and hugged Fu Mingcong, shouting: "Go and call the doctor!"

The room was in chaos. Half of the soldiers hurriedly ran to call for a doctor, while others rushed to get cloths and came to press the wound on Fu Mingcong's neck.

"Brother Cong, you bastard, wake up quickly, don't let me sleep on you, do you hear me?"

After all, he was his biological brother. Fu Mingcong suddenly wiped his neck. No matter how angry General Fu was, he just hoped that he would be okay.

However, Fu Mingcong actually had nothing to do.

He was a civil servant and was afraid of death. Although he was so excited that he wiped his neck with a knife, he did not dare to use too much force. The flesh was cut and some blood flowed out, but the arteries and trachea were not cut at all, so he could not die.

Dr. Mo, the most skilled doctor under General Fu, came over to see Fu Mingcong's injuries. As soon as he entered the door, he saw the amount of blood stained on the front of Fu Mingcong's clothes. He felt relieved and said to the frightened General Fu: "General, Mr. Fu It’s okay, I can’t die.”

With so much blood, it would be difficult to die.

After saying this, Dr. Mo opened the medicine box, took out the medicinal materials to stop the bleeding, and first stopped Fu Mingcong's bleeding before cleaning, applying sore medicine, and bandaging his wounds.

"Old Doctor Mo, is Brother Cong really okay? Why isn't he awake yet?" General Fu asked worriedly.

Old Doctor Mo said: "It's okay. Mr. Fu just fainted due to excitement and will wake up soon."

To put it bluntly, I was afraid of death. When I wiped my neck, I fainted from fear.

After hearing this, General Fu felt relieved... But the anger in his heart was soaring. He wanted to stab his younger brother to death, and he hated Leng Meifang again: "Bitch, you are relying on your good looks. How dare you use such a trick!"

If you dare to plot against his Fu family, wait for him, he will give this bitch a bad death.

General Fu had murderous intentions towards Leng Meifang and wanted to send someone to teach her a lesson. However, Leng Meifang was not a white widow. She was Leng Qianhu’s sister and a member of the military attaché’s family. If something happened at the assembly area, he, the general, would not It’s hard to explain.

Fu Mingcong knew his brother very well and knew that he must be angry with Mei Fang. After waking up, he immediately grabbed General Fu's hand and said: "Brother, don't blame Mei Fang, she is innocent...it was us who made the mistake first. You shouldn’t plot against a good girl like her.”

"Oh, Fu Mingcong, you are still speaking for her. Can't you see that your fate with her tonight was calculated by her?!"

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