He tried hard with his arms to carry Leng Meifang to the back room, but he was a civil servant and didn't practice much, so he couldn't pick up the beauty. With a thud, he and Leng Meifang fell to the ground.


There was silence in the room for a moment. General Fu had a sullen expression on his face and wished he could blind his own eyes. Leng Qianhu's expression was also not good-looking. He walked over and said, "Let me come. I am Mei Fang's biological brother."

After saying that, he picked up Leng Meifang and entered the back room.

Fu Mingcong hurriedly called for Dr. Mo to follow him, and then asked the soldiers to call his two maids to help. After three and a quarter of hours of tossing, Leng Meifang's wound was finally treated.


"Old Doctor Mo, why hasn't Mei Fang woke up yet? Is she injured too badly? She's already on the verge of..." Fu Mingcong didn't dare to say the word "death", lest it become a prophecy.

Old Doctor Mo was wondering in his heart, this matter has caused such a big fuss today, and anyone with any brains would take the opportunity to pretend to be faint, so why should he be stupid enough to wake up and face a mess?

He did not tell the truth, but said: "If you are frightened, just take a nap and you will wake up at night or tomorrow. Don't worry, sir."

Doctor Mo packed up the medicine box and said to Fu Mingcong: "Send someone to go back with me to get the medicine. The decoction can be taken once a day, and the medicine for external application is the same."

Even the layer of flesh on the stomach has been pierced, and it doesn't matter whether he takes medicine or not.

"Xiu'er, quickly follow Dr. Mo to get the medicine." Fu Mingcong said to a maid, with such an eager look that Xiu'er and Xiang'er felt itching in their hearts.

The Lord really fell in love with the vixen Leng's daughter, and actually asked them to serve her. They were not ordinary maids, but had served the Lord. If they were lucky enough to get pregnant, they would have become aunts long ago.

"Master Fu, this is the room where General Fu works. Mei Fang can't stay long. I'll take her back to the Leng family's tent to recuperate... The Fu family should choose a day to come to the Leng family to propose marriage. If things go wrong like this, Mei Fang must give an explanation. , we can't let her be wronged anymore." Leng Qianhu became smart and left this mess to Fu Mingcong to deal with. Anyway, Fu Mingcong is willing to die for Mei Fang, so he will definitely be able to withstand General Fu's anger and successfully come to the Leng family to propose marriage. .

Added another sentence: "Mei Fang is the legitimate daughter of the Leng family. She was still young when her parents died. She has suffered a lot with me over the years. Things about the Qin family... I won't talk about this anymore. I will just say one thing. , Mei Fang must be a wife, she can no longer be wronged."

Today he said that Leng Meifang should be Qin Sanlang's concubine. If General Fu insists on this and does not agree with Mei Fang to be Fu Mingcong's wife and only allows Fu Mingcong to accept Meifang as his concubine, then the Leng family will suffer a big loss.

Fu Mingcong said hurriedly: "Brother, don't worry, I treat Mei Fang sincerely. I will definitely hire her as my wife and will never wrong her."

Good guy, do you want to be embarrassed if you call me uncle before you get engaged?

Then he told Xiang'er: "Follow Mei Fang back and serve her well. Don't neglect her."

Xiang'er almost shed tears. Two days ago, he hugged her and called her a wonderful person. Today, he asked her to serve other women. Those words he said were completely false!

"Yes." Xiang'er was a maid from the Fu family. She had no choice but to obey orders and follow Leng Qianhu to send Leng Meifang back.

When passing by the outhouse, Xiang'er shuddered because General Fu looked at Leng Meifang with murderous eyes... The uncle hated Leng Meifang!

After Xiang'er found out about this, she felt a lot more at ease. Being hated by the uncle, even if the Leng family daughter enters the Fu family, her life in the Fu family will not be easy in the future.

"General, I'll take my leave." Leng Qianhu gave General Fu a fist salute and left with Leng Meifang.

After they left, Fu Mingcong came out of the back room, knelt in front of General Fu, and begged: "Brother, please help me and Mei Fang."

"Ha!" General Fu smiled: "Cuddling and hugging in front of so many people is making a scene, even if you don't want Leng Meifang."


"Are you going to take her as your concubine or marry her as your wife?" General Fu said, "You have to think carefully. If you make the wrong choice, don't regret it in the future, and don't blame me."

Fu Mingcong's qualifications are actually mediocre. He couldn't even pass the examination. He was able to become a fifth-grade experienced officer only because of his ten years of support.

And he supports him like this just because he is his biological brother.

But he didn't expect that after ten years of hard work, he would raise a white-eyed wolf. Since Fu Mingcong was ignorant, there was no need for him to support him and leave opportunities to capable and loyal people.

Fu Mingcong didn't hear the power in General Fu's words, and said loudly: "Of course I am going to be married as a wife. Mei Fang has already suffered a lot. I can't let her suffer the grievances of being a concubine!"

Hehe, General Fu sneered and said, "Okay, now that you have made your decision, go find a matchmaker to propose marriage to the Leng family."

Fu Mingcong was stunned: "I will find a matchmaker myself to propose marriage to the Leng family? Why won't the eldest brother come forward? You are my eldest brother."

General Fu said: "You are marrying your step-brother, so you can make the decision yourself... You messed up the matter, and I have to clean up the mess. I don't have time to propose marriage for you."

An abandoned son is not worth his extra effort. Moreover, he will not recognize Leng Meifang as his sister-in-law, nor even Fu Mingcong as his younger brother. After the canonization of the team is finished, he will take Fu Mingcong This room will be allocated.

From now on, whether Fu Mingcong lives or dies, whether he is rich or poor, has nothing to do with him.

"Thank you, brother!" Fu Mingcong was ecstatic, feeling that he was capable and could actually make his brother compromise.

He stood up, bowed to General Fu, then turned and left.

After Fu Mingcong left, General Fu smashed everything in the house and broke the door of the back room, which showed how angry he was towards his younger brother.

If it weren't for his biological brother, he would really hack him to death.

When Yu Xiucai heard that General Fu agreed to Fu Mingcong's marriage to the Leng family's daughter, he smiled, hid in the room, knelt down and kowtowed three times to his ancestor's tablet.

With the blessing of his ancestors, Fu Mingcong finally fell. He was finally able to climb up by stepping on Fu Mingcong, and became a civil servant from a master!

In the Leng family camp, Mrs. Gu was shocked after hearing what Leng Qianhu said: "My lord, what are you talking about? Our Mei Fang is attracted by General Fu's younger brother and wants to join the Fu family as a wife?!"

"Keep your voice down, what are you doing with such a loud voice?" Leng Qianhu scolded and nodded: "Well, Mr. Fu met Mei Fang by chance. He fell in love with Mei Fang at first sight and asked to marry her. He guessed that after the Winter Solstice Festival, A matchmaker will be sent to propose marriage.”

After saying that, he stared at Gu Shi and warned: "Be kind to Mei Fang in the future. If I know that you treat her poorly, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

He still relies on Mei Fang to climb into the Fu family, and relies on the Fu family to get promoted.

Gu Shi said with a smile: "Look at what your husband said, am I the one who is ignorant? Mei Fang has made a career and is about to get married. Her days at home are not long. As a sister-in-law, I naturally have to treat her favorably and let her The days before going out were very comfortable.”

But he was sneering in his heart: Hey, wasn't it always you, my brother, who treated Leng Meifang poorly? As long as you treat Leng Meifang as a human being, you will not give her to a hundred households as a concubine.

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