A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1823 Please calm down for me

"It's good if you think so." Leng Qianhu came to the outside of the camp, sat down to warm himself by the fire, and said to Gu: "Mei Fang is marrying from a high family. When you prepare her dowry, you can't be too shabby. It should be given to her. You have to give it, otherwise we will lose face."

Mrs. Gu was stunned when she heard this, and looked at Leng Qianhu in disbelief: "What do you mean, my husband, wants me to be responsible for Mei Fang's dowry?"

Leng Qianhu's face darkened: "As the mistress of the Leng family, you are irresponsible. Do you want me, a grown man, to handle this matter? You are not afraid of being laughed at!"

Bah, you Leng Qingsong, you really care about what I have in my hands. You want me to give your sister a dowry, but you don’t give me a penny. Are you still a human being? !

Gu was so wronged that she almost shed tears.

She married the Leng family for twelve years and used her dowry to support the Leng family for twelve years. Leng Qingsong never gave her a penny of military pay. When she asked him for money, he said that he had to socialize with his colleagues outside. It doesn’t even cost military pay.

He often asked her for money, and now he even asked her to pay for his own sister's dowry. Did Leng Qingsong really treat her like meat on the chopping board and cut her off as he pleased? !

"Ms. sir, war has been going on since last year. Everything is in short supply. Food is much more expensive than two years ago. I still have money on hand to save for the winter and New Year. I don't have much to give to Mei Fang." Gu finished complaining. At this point, he quickly said: "Ms. sir, I will try my best to get a decent dowry for Mei Fang, but Mei Fang is your biological sister. When she gets married, if you, as your brother, can give her something, It will definitely make her happy and her heart will be closer to you."

Huh, don't complain about poverty to me. If you don't use money to make dowry for Leng Meifang, don't blame me for throwing your Leng family's face to the ground and trampling on it!

Leng Qianhu was originally unhappy when he heard Gu's words, but over the years he had treated Leng Meifang poorly, and the girl was angry with him. She thought he would give her one or two good things to warm her heart. In the future, when I ask her to help me fight for my future, it will be easier and I will just nod my head and agree.

"Okay, I'll think of a way to get one or two good things. Then I'll give one to Mei Fang and one to you." Leng Qianhu knew that Mr. Gu had complaints in his heart. In order to continue to receive his wife's dowry, he He held Gu's hand and said, "Don't refuse me. You have suffered all these years and you deserve something good."

After saying these gentle words, he added: "Mei Fang's marriage still needs more of your attention."

Mrs. Gu almost vomited after hearing this and wished she could poison Leng Qingsong to death. However, the child is still young and the world is chaotic. She will have to rely on Leng Qingsong for a few more years. She cooperated and said: "My husband knows that it is not easy for me to become... …Don’t worry, sir, I will definitely take care of Mei Fang’s marriage.”

After hearing this, Leng Qianhu was very happy. After a few words with Gu, he got up and left on the pretext that he had official duties: "We have to prepare for the big event of canonizing the team recently. If I don't come back at night, don't worry. , just take good care of your family."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

After he left the camp, Mrs. Gu spat on the ground: "Bah, I didn't know you were looking for the little goblin, so go ahead, don't tire yourself to death!"

Leng Qingsong was not an honest man. He would not refuse any beauties who came to his door. He had slept with many little widows. However, he wanted her dowry to support his family and he did not dare to let the little widow give birth to children.

"Cousin." Ruan Shuniang came in with Leng Mudan in her arms and asked anxiously: "The Fu family really likes Leng Meifang and wants to hire her as his wife?"

Ruan Shuniang is only a few months younger than Leng Meifang. Because her appearance is not as good as Leng Meifang's, she has been trying to avoid Leng Meifang. After hearing about Leng Meifang's affair with the Fu family, she was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. , waited until Leng Qingsong left, and hurriedly came in to ask his cousin.

Gu glanced at her and sneered: "Mei Fang is discussing marriage with the Fu family, but what does this have to do with you? I'm warning you, be calm and don't make any trouble, otherwise I won't care about you!"

"It's true!" Ruan Shuniang exclaimed, and hurriedly begged Gu: "Cousin, what should I do? I will be seventeen in a year, and I have to marry quickly, otherwise I will become an old girl! You have to help me I'm looking for someone similar to the Fu family, I can't marry anyone worse than Leng Meifang!"

Gu: "Bah, you're a girl with a foreign surname who lives with your cousin, but you still want to have sex with the real girl from a Qianhu family without even checking whether you're worthy?"

Ruan Shuniang felt extremely aggrieved after hearing this. She hugged Leng Mudan and cried loudly: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu I know my status is not high, but no matter how low my status is, I want to marry a good family. Do I want to marry a good family?" Is there anything wrong?"

That's right, but...

"You are from a girl's family, and the world is harsh on women. If you make one wrong move, your life will be over." Mrs. Gu came over to comfort Ruan Shuniang: "Be honest and obedient. After marrying Mei Fang, my cousin will start to find a wife for you. . There are many hundreds of families in the northwest. I will definitely find you a capable hundred to marry and make you the wife of a hundred. But you are not allowed to do anything that ruins the family tradition, or I will kill you~"

The last half of the sentence was said in a low voice, for fear that Leng Meifang in the tent would hear it.

But Ruan Shuniang cried even harder: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Leng Meifang can marry Master Fu, but I can only marry a poor family. Why is my life so miserable?"

Gu rolled his eyes when he heard this, pushed her, and said: "It's enough to cry twice. Crying too much is annoying. It's almost noon. I'm going to see Brother Liang. You guard Mei Fang and don't quarrel." , she is not something you can offend now, so be smart, you know?"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Ruan Shuniang cried even louder after hearing this. Gu raised her hand to slap her, but she quickly stopped her tears and said, "I know, I will take good care of her golden bump."

"Well, that's right." Mrs. Gu touched Leng Mudan's hand and saw that she was not frozen, then turned and left to take care of Brother Liang.

Brother Liang was deliberately made ill by Leng Qingsong this time, and he really suffered a lot. Gu felt very distressed. Fortunately, Brother Liang's fever had gone away, and he could recover as long as he stopped catching colds in the past few days.

General Fu didn't want to be embarrassed, so he covered up today's farce, but Fu Mingcong was worried about Leng Meifang's injury and ran to see her in the afternoon.

Seeing that she didn't wake up, I ran to the Leng family camp again in the evening to check on her.

I would go to see an unmarried girl twice a day. If there was nothing romantic about it, I wouldn't believe it.

So by the time it got dark, the story about Fu Mingcong and the Leng family's daughter had already spread in various camps.

"This Master Fu is really worthy of Meng Lang. He has just been in Leng Qianhu's house for a few days, and he has already fallen in love with her girl. The whole gathering knows about it... No wonder he can't keep it. I heard that Leng Qianhu's girl She is very beautiful, not to mention the entire gathering place, there is no one more beautiful than her in the entire northwest."

"Bah, my last name is here, what do you mean by that? Are you attracted to the Leng family's daughter too? I'll castrate you!"

Lai Baihu was wronged: "You mother-in-law are making blind assumptions again. I'm almost the father-in-law, and why can I still fall in love with a teenage girl? I just feel that Mr. Fu didn't handle this matter well and let the people in the gathering place Gossip spread, causing Miss Leng to be talked about."

Mrs. Lai knew that her man was not a philanderer, so she said, "Don't worry about it blindly. That Miss Leng is not a simple person, otherwise this thing wouldn't be possible. Now that it's done, it's just two slaps in the face." It’s about filming together.”

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