Zhang Tu wiped the cold sweat from the fright and said: "The general doesn't know, the noble master said that he will tell the truth only after meeting the Lord."

He added: "But now he is smelly and dressed like a servant. He doesn't look like a noble man at all."

She has lost a lot of weight, and her face that was originally fair and fleshy is now sunken, and she looks like a beggar!

"Bring him here." Qin Sanlang ordered.

"Yes." Zhang Tu hurried out.

A quarter of an hour later, Qin Sanlang heard the sound of running, and then the tent curtain was opened, and a figure came in, bringing with it the stench of not taking a bath for three months.

"Qin Qianhu, congratulations on your promotion!" Zhong Yu, with a beard on his face, rushed towards him with open arms, wanting to hug Qin Sanlang and give him a good brother's hug, but Qin Sanlang avoided him in disgust.

He drew out his saber again, pointed it at Zhong Yu, kept the two of them at a knife's distance, frowned and asked: "How did you come to the northwest, and how did you enter the Daokougou Camp? Tell me clearly, otherwise I will treat you as Carefully caught."

Qin Sanlang said sternly: "Don't think I'm scaring you. Daokougou camp is not the garrison camp of Xing'an Prefecture. If you don't explain this clearly, not only you, but also me will be affected."

Zhong Yu pursed his lips and said: "Don't worry, with my master's ability, he will definitely be admitted to the big camp. You know the Shen family, right? It's the Shen family that the founding eldest princess married. His family died on the way to the northwest. I have many servants, I am good at driving, I can also box and kick, and I am good at riding, shooting, swords and halberds..."

Qin Sanlang interrupted him: "Don't praise yourself, focus on the important points."

Hehe, Zhong Yu said with a smile: "I have so many abilities, and his family took a fancy to me, so I sold myself to his family and followed them to Daokougou Camp."

Zhang Tu was shocked: "You sold yourself as a slave?!"

Oh my god, you are a noble son who sold yourself as a slave. If your father and brother knew about it, they would be so angry that they would vomit blood and die.

Zhong Yu glanced at Qin Sanlang and his sword, smiled coquettishly, and stepped back a foot away in an obedient manner, saying, "How is this? Is this method of my master worthy of being a clever plan?"

What a great size you are!

Qin Sanlang had a headache: "Your father and brother are still officials in the court. If this news gets out, how do you want them to face their colleagues?"

You must not be laughed at to death.

Zhong Yu took the opportunity to beg: "That's why I hurriedly came to you for help. Brother Qin, you have to save me."

Qin Sanlang sneered: "How to save?"

He couldn't be saved. No matter what he did, he would bring shame to the Zhong family and make the Zhong family's father and brother laugh at him for the rest of their lives.

Zhong Yu didn't worry about his father and brother's face. He felt that his father and eldest brother were too proud, and it would be good to embarrass them. He said: "It's very simple. Brother Qin will give me money to redeem my body, and then I will be included in the family." Just serve as the general banner under your command."

How dare you ask for an official position!

"Take him out." Qin Sanlang was too lazy to pay attention to him and directly asked Zhang Tu to take Zhong Yu away.

Zhang Tu was stunned, but he listened to Qin Sanlang and immediately came over to drag Zhong Yu: "Let's go."

Zhang Tu was so strong that Zhong Yu couldn't break free. He pulled on the door curtain and admitted his mistake: "Qin Qianhu, I was wrong. You have to save me. Otherwise, once my identity is revealed, I will be sent home, and my father and elder brother will fight." Damn me!"

Zhang Tu grabbed his hand holding the door curtain and said, "Hurry up and let go. If it's broken, I'll ask you to pay for it."

"Compensate, when my father and elder brother bring me the money, I will compensate you ten times." Zhong Yu replied, and continued to beg Qin Sanlang: "Brother Qin, you really want to save me this time. I I have gone through a lot of hardships to come to the northwest, but if I cannot make great contributions and realize my lifelong ambition, I will never rest in peace!"

With a bang, Qin Sanlang slammed the table: "Shut up."

Zhong Yu was so frightened that he burped and quickly shut up.

Tsk, Qin Sanlang is still as scary as before.

He looked at Qin Sanlang pitifully again, with tears in his eyes.

Qin Sanlang snorted coldly, and after a moment of stalemate, he still agreed to help Zhong Yu.

Just because Zhong Yu wanted to ride on the battlefield and guard the border and protect the people was very determined and had never changed. For this reason, he came to the northwest alone and suffered a lot along the way. This courage alone was enough for him to help he.

Qin Sanlang: "Let's go with me to see Vice General Ma."

Zhong Yu was stunned for a moment, and surprise flooded his face: "Did you agree?!"

Qin Sanlang frowned: "Stop talking nonsense and hurry up and follow."

"Hey!" Zhong Yu happily ran over, walked side by side with Qin Sanlang, sniffed the stinky smell on his body, and asked: "Do I want to take a bath first? It's so smelly, it won't be good for Lieutenant General Ma. Now. Who is Lieutenant General Ma? Your new leader?"

Qin Sanlang shook his head: "No, my new leader is General Jiang."

Jiang Wankang guarded the first line of defense. He was assigned to the guard station of the first line of defense and became a person under Jiang Wankang.

This is also where Qin Sanlang felt that Emperor Jingyuan was sick.

I obviously wanted to use him to follow General Cheng, so why not assign him to General Cheng? Instead, the first line of defense was put down and stuck in the troops of Xu You's confidant Jiang Wangang.

Are you so happy to cause trouble for him?

"It's the most powerful general in the northwest, General Jiang Wankang!" Zhong Yu was excited. On his way here, he heard about Jiang Wankang helping Xu You fight against the bandits. He admired him very much, but: "Then why don't we go and meet him?" Why did he go to see Lieutenant General Ma instead?"

Qin Sanlang said: "General Jiang is confronting the bandits in Duchongchang ditch. He is not in the camp at the moment."

"Poisonous Insect Ditch!" Zhong Yu was excited again: "It's a poisonous insect ditch full of poisonous insects, used to stop the bandits from attacking?"

Ah, I really want to go and see it.

Qin Sanlang was annoyed by him and said coldly: "Shut up and keep asking questions. Don't blame me for not helping you."

Zhong Yu quickly shut up and followed Qin Sanlang as honestly as a little daughter-in-law.

The camp was too big, and by the time we saw Lieutenant General Ma, it was already half an hour later.

Vice General Ma frowned and held his breath, and looked at Zhong Yu: "Are you the young master of Mr. Zhong's family?"

The Zhong family is a wealthy family with strong financial resources, and they are a good family. Master Zhong and his eldest son love the young master of the Zhong family very much, to the extent that everyone in the capital and Jiangnan knows about it.

"Do you have proof?" Vice General Ma asked. If he is really the young master of the Zhong family, he will definitely keep him, but if he is fake, he will be dragged out and beheaded.

"Yes." Zhong Yu put his hand into his clothes, fumbled around for a while, and took out a few things, including the Zhong family pendant, letters written to him by the two Masters Zhong, a few famous cards of the Zhong family, and the personal seals of the two Masters Zhong. calligraphy and painting, and a private seal of Mr. Zhong.

There is even Mr. Zhong’s private seal, which shows that he is the real young master of the Zhong family.

It's just that the smell of these things was so strong that when Lieutenant General Ma checked them, he almost vomited.

After the examination was completed, he said: "I will send someone to inform Mr. Xu that you should take a bath first. After Mr. Xu replies, I will take you to see him."

It stinks so much, don’t smoke it to the Marquis.

"Okay, thank you Lieutenant General Ma, you are so kind to me!" Zhong Yu was very happy and felt that he was popular. He had been liked by a lieutenant general when he first came to Daokougou Camp. If he wants to realize his ambition and make great achievements, it will be just around the corner. ,

He went to take a bath happily.

Vice General Ma immediately sent someone to inform General Xu and praised Qin Sanlang: "Well done."

Qin Sanlang is really a lucky guy. Thanks to him, they got a lot of good things and good relationships.

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