Qin Sanlang said: "The general's words are serious. The general and Zhong Yu are old acquaintances, so it is appropriate to help him."

Vice General Ma smiled: "You are just too humble."

He liked Qin Sanlang very much. If Qin Sanlang hadn't already gotten married, he would have wanted to marry his niece to him.

Talking about Jiang Wankang again: "General Jiang looks fierce, but he is an extremely loyal person and values ​​true ability. You have real ability, so don't worry about him deliberately making things difficult for you. Anxin Town Guard Station That’s it.”

Vice General Ma didn't lie. Jiang Wankang really admires people with real abilities. As long as you are capable enough to cope with the tasks he assigned, there is nothing to worry about.

As for the surveillance by the Cypriots, Jiang Wankang did the least among their confidants.

However, he will let his subordinates who have made great achievements in war enjoy the beauties, but if you don't go, he won't bother to care about you.

After hearing this, Qin Sanlang smiled at Vice General Ma: "Thank you, General, for reminding me."

After the two of them talked for a while, Zhong Yu finally cleaned himself up. When he came out again, the stink and beard were gone, and he looked like a human being.

Zhong Yu looked at Qin Sanlang and asked, "Ha, look, is he as handsome as before?"

Qin Sanlang was too lazy to pay attention to him, and said to the surprised Vice General Ma: "General, don't worry, that's just the kind of person he is."

This is great!

A few words of coaxing can bring benefits to Mr. Xu. Vice General Ma is very happy: "Young Master Zhong is hearty and sincere. His temper is very popular in the army."

Zhong Yu was a little embarrassed to be praised and asked, "Does Mr. Xu like people with my temper?"

"Yes, the Marquis likes people from Chicheng the most, and dislikes people who are too scheming." Vice General Ma told the truth.

"Ha, I hate scheming villains too!" Zhong Yu said proudly. Qin Sanlang's head hurt. With this guy, he would have to lose three years of his life, and he would have to keep an eye on everything.

Not long after, General Xu sent someone over and asked Vice General Ma to take Qin Sanlang and Zhong Yu there.

When they arrived at the Chinese army's tent, Shilang Xu and the uncle of the Shen family also arrived.

After Xu You inquired about the situation, he said to the elder Shen family: "Brother Shen, please return the deed of betrayal to Zhong Yu. I will send someone to the Long'an government office to cross out Zhong Yu's deed of betrayal."

The sale was thorough, and the death deed signed was even passed through the Yamen. If he had such a son, he would be so angry that he would be stabbed to death.

But Zhong Yu has value. With Zhong Yu, he can tie up the entire Zhong family, and even win over wealthy families through the Zhong family.

"Hey." The uncle of the Shen family was also shocked. He didn't expect that the servant driving his car was the young master of the Zhong family. This is really... capable!

Wouldn’t it be nice to enjoy yourself at home?

If you have to come to the northwest to endure hardships, the soldiers and thieves are so cruel. If you don't do well, you will be chopped into pieces.

"Boy from the Zhong family, take your deed of betrayal." The uncle of the Shen family gave the deed of betrayal to Zhong Yu.

Zhong Yu was very happy. He took the deed of sale and said, "Thank you, Mr. Shen. This is the silver. You can take it."

The uncle of the Shen family looked at the penny and cursed in his heart, "Did you do this on purpose?" Now everyone knows that I, the buyer of the Shen family, lowered the price and bought you for only one penny!

"No, I have met the two Masters Zhong. They are old acquaintances. You can keep the money and use it yourself." Not only did the Shen family uncle not ask for the money, he also gave Zhong Yu two 500-tael silver notes and A bag of cash: "Take it, it's a meeting gift from my uncle."

Zhong Yu was short of money, but he took it away and said with a serious face: "Uncle Shen doesn't need to give me money for the sake of the Zhong family. I've come out on my own to make a living. I can't rely on the Zhong family's face to ask for money!"

What you said is quite righteous and awe-inspiring, but you were not beheaded, but were able to stand here with beard and tail, all because of the Zhong family's face.

Xu You said: "Since Zhong Yu doesn't want it, Brother Shen should take it back."

Then he asked Zhong Yu: "What are your plans in the future? Go home, or stay as a soldier to fight against bandits?"

Zhong Yu said: "If you don't go home, I want to stay. Please ask Mr. Xu to assign me to Qin Qianhu's command as a soldier!"

Previously, when he said that he was the general flag general, he was despised by Qin Sanlang. In order not to anger Qin Sanlang, he had better become a soldier first.


"You were the commander-in-chief when you were in He'an Mansion, but now you are willing to be a soldier?"

Zhong Yu: "I'm willing to go back to the Marquis. Now that I've come to the northwest, I have to start from scratch!"

Xu You smiled: "Sure, in that case, you will follow Qin Qianhu, and after the Winter Solstice Festival, follow him to the guard station."

After speaking, he asked Shilang Xu: "What do you think, Mr. Xu?"

Xu Shilang frowned and said: "Since the Zhong family is happy, let's do it. But you have to write a letter back to your father and brother, so as not to worry them."

The last words were said to Zhong Yu.

The Zhong family father and son were officials in the capital and knew Xu Shilang.

"Yes!" Zhong Yu agreed, and after staying for a while, he followed Qin Sanlang and left.

When they returned to the camp, the news that he had sold himself and came to the northwest had spread.

Niu Dabao, Xie Cheng and other people who knew him came to reminisce with him: "That's right, your master, he actually ran to the northwest alone and even entered the Daokougou camp!"

Zhong Yu laughed and said, "That's right, I'm not just a playboy, I have real skills!"

"Just brag. Your greatest ability is that you are from a good background, have money, power and love." Niu Dabao and the others did not give Zhong Yu face and started to quarrel with him.

Zhong Yu had long been familiar with them and started bickering with them. Such commotion made the camp lively.

The next day, Zhong Yu's military card was issued, and he officially became a soldier under Qin Sanlang.

In the past two days, many people in the Daokougou camp were promoted, and those who had made military exploits but were not promoted also received material rewards. The entire camp was filled with joy.

The only ones who weren't happy were the soldiers under Leng Qianhu's command.

After Leng Qianhu's death, the higher-ups have already spoken. They will not promote a Qianhu from among the hundreds of households under Leng Qianhu's command to take care of the big guys. Instead, they will be scattered and assigned to other Qianhu's subordinates.

The hundred households and general bannermen under Leng Qianhu were very frustrated because of this.

Xiao Qi and the soldiers secretly cursed Leng Qianhu in their hearts: Forget about being stingy in normal times, it was not the right time to die. Because of his death, the credit they had worked hard for was in vain, and the soldiers in other camps They all have rewards, but they don’t!

Jifeng was the one who was most saddened by Leng Qianhu. He thought to himself: Leng Qianhu is dead, what will happen to Mei Fang? Will the Fu family dislike her because of Leng Qianhu's death and ruin the engagement between the two families?

True love, absolutely true love, has been suppressed by Leng Meifang. You still care about her so much and think about her like no one else.

"General Situ sent someone to tell us that someone should take Leng Qianhu's ashes to the gathering place in Mu County and give them to Mrs. Leng. Who will go?" Lin Baihu asked.

He didn't want to go. In a few days there would be the Winter Solstice Festival, where all the adults would pay homage to the fallen soldiers, and he would get to know many adults.

And their future is uncertain. They don't know which thousand households or lieutenant they will be assigned to. They have to stay and take care of it, so as not to be assigned to someone who is too bad and have trouble getting ahead in their lives.

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