A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1872 One thousand taels is not enough

"What, you still need to press fingerprints? Why do you need to press fingerprints? I'm your uncle, why do you treat your own uncle like this?!" Uncle Qin didn't want to be manipulated by a junior, so he started playing tricks again.

But it was not up to him.

"You and your family are all gangsters and must be restrained." General Fu said, "Press your fingerprints or get out!"


Uncle Qin was shocked, looked at Qin Sanlang, and said to him: "My dear nephew, you get dressed first, and uncle and General Fu go out and say a few words."

After that, go and grab General Fu.

General Fu shook him off and said, "You have only two choices. Press your fingerprints and live with Qin Qianhu from now on, or get out!"

After saying that, he shouted towards the outer room: "Come here, throw Lan Jiulang to this general..."

"No, no, no, why don't you just press your fingerprints?" Uncle Qin was afraid, so he agreed to press his fingerprints.

Not long after, Uncle Qin signed and fingerprinted.

Qin Sanlang put away the guarantee letter and said: "Restrain the Xiao family. If any of them makes a mistake, all of you will have to get out."

"Okay, okay, I got it. You disrespectful person, how can you talk to your uncle like this?" Uncle Qin held his breath and pointed at Qin Sanlang with his hands on his hips and scolded him.

Qin Sanlang had already put on his clothes and glanced at him contemptuously: "You have already become a son-in-law for someone else's family, and you have done so twice. You are already a member of the woman's family, not my uncle."

Uncle Qin choked and couldn't find the words to refute.

General Fu was also very dissatisfied with Lan Jiulang's role as a son-in-law for Widow Xiao. If he had not become Widow Xiao's son-in-law, he would have been able to be tough in front of Qin Sanlang, and he would not have to be controlled by Qin Sanlang because of his status as a son-in-law.

But things have come to this, and this is the only way to go.

"General Fu, the physical examination is over, and the general will go out first." Qin Sanlang looked unhappy.

General Fu did not dare to look at his red mole any more and nodded quickly: "Well, go ahead, you have been wronged."

Qin Sanlang cupped his hands, left the inner room and went to the outer room.

When Widow Xiao and her family saw him, they were crazy. They rushed towards him and shouted: "Nephew, cousin, cousin, wuwuwu, I finally recognize you. What are we doing now? Are we following you back to Qin's house?" ? I heard that you were appreciated by General Xu and were assigned a big house. Hey, then we have to live in with you, so as not to panic that your house will be empty! "

The Xiao family took advantage of the time when Qin Sanlang went to the back room to check the mark and pestered Liu Sanbiao. After learning that Qin Sanlang had a big house at the gathering place, they already regarded the house as theirs.

Qian Qinghe also said to Qin Sanlang: "Cousin, it's not my cousin-in-law who said you, but you are too kind and too easy to deceive. How can we let outsiders live in the house assigned to you? Let's go home right away and put those things away. The Niu family, Xie family, and Zhang family who are occupying your house must be kicked out!"

Qin Sanlang sneered: "The heads of these three families are all from Qianhu. If you are not afraid of death, just go and drive them away."

"What, they are all Qianhu adults!" Qian Qinghe was shocked and glared at Liu Sanbiao. This bastard told them a lot of nonsense in vain. He actually hid his secrets from them and didn't mention that Niu Xie Zhang and his family belonged to Qianhu. Tell them things.

Liu Sanbiao bared his teeth at them and said, "You didn't even ask."

When the Xiao family heard that the house assigned to Qin Sanlang was occupied by three families with surnames outside the family, they immediately became angry. They didn't even ask about the situation of the three families. They immediately cursed and shouted that they would be driven away.

The Xiao family is angry and hateful, but they have nothing to say.

Zhong Yu, on the other hand, led his soldiers to push over and push the Xiao family away: "Get out of the way, Mr. Qianhu, are you allowed to surround him casually?"

Then he asked Qin Sanlang: "Sir, when will these people be driven away?"

"Mr. Zhong~" When Xiaomei heard his words, tears welled up in her eyes and she shouted to him.

Here we go again, here we go again!

Zhong Yu wanted to pierce his own ears. In less than two-quarters of an hour, Xiao Xiaomei had called him like this no less than twenty times. If he died suddenly, Xiao Xiaomei would probably be able to revive him.

Zhong Yu ignored her and only looked at Qin Sanlang.

Qin Sanlang said: "He is indeed my mother's brother."

"It's really your uncle!" Zhong Yu was shocked. After catching a glimpse of Xiao Xiaomei's surprise smile, he almost wanted to hit the wall.

Qin Sanlang nodded: "Yes."

Uncle Qin said proudly: "I am not only Sanlang's biological uncle, but I will also follow him to live in the guard house in the future."

"What? No!" Zhong Yu was angry: "The guard station is an important military area, where can people just enter it?"

Qin Sanlang frowned and looked at General Fu.

General Fu hurriedly stopped him and said: "The guard station is also divided into military camps and the residences of relatives. They can only move around in the residences of relatives and cannot reach your military camp."

He added: "Lan Jiulang is Qin Qianhu's uncle after all. The master of Yushitai is still in the Daokougou camp. If we drive away Lan Jiulang's family, Qin Qianhu will be ginsenged by the censor."

General Fu patted Zhong Yu on the shoulder and said, "Be patient for now."

Zhong Yu disagreed and gave an idea: "How about I pay a thousand taels of silver and let them settle down in Fucheng?"

"One, one thousand taels of silver!" After hearing this, the Xiao family almost fainted. The money just fell from the sky and hit their heads. They were so excited.

Qian Qinghe immediately agreed: "Okay, okay, that's it, give me some money."

"What the hell, you bastard living off your mother-in-law's family, this is the Lan family's and Xiao's family's business, do you have any say in it? Get out of here!" Uncle Qin slapped Qian in celebration and stopped him from taking the money. Leave.

Widow Xiao also disagreed and followed Uncle Qin in scolding Qian Qing: "Small-sighted thing, do you only have money in your eyes? Your father-in-law finally found his nephew, so naturally we have to spend some time with Qin's nephew to raise him." Love. How can you abandon your newly found nephew for a thousand taels?"

Are you satisfied with one thousand taels?

Can you have some big ambitions?

With so many people in the family, is one thousand taels enough? They don't have ten thousand taels per person and a big house with an income of seven square meters, so they can't be sent away.

Besides, she also wanted to bring her little sister and Zhong Yu together.

Zhong Yu's first move was a thousand taels of silver. It was obvious that the Zhong family was extremely rich, so the good young man would naturally be eager to get married. If the whole family went to Fucheng, how could the younger sister seduce Zhong Yu?

Widow Xiao combed her hair, looked at Zhong Yu, and said, "Mr. Zhong, we want to stay and live with nephew Qin. If we don't leave... you don't have to give me any money."

When the last words were spoken, the hearts of the Xiao family were bleeding.

Zhong Yu was so angry that he started to increase the price: "Three thousand taels, is it enough?"

The Xiao family's eyes lit up, and Sister Xiao almost agreed.

Widow Xiao shook her head: "No, no amount of money can buy the family relationship between our family and nephew Qin."

It's quite touching, but actually I just don't think there's enough money.

General Fu couldn't listen anymore and said to Zhong Yu: "Mr. Zhong, that's enough. Don't make it too embarrassing."

Then he said to Qin Sanlang: "Qin Qianhu, you will leave for the guardhouse in a few days. Go back first and make arrangements for the departure and your uncle's family. Don't delay the trip."

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