A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1873 I was caught right now [Thank you for your monthly votes]

General Xu told him that Lan Jiulang and his family must follow him to the guard station to monitor Qin Sanlang.

He had already been ruined once by Leng Meifang. This time, he must do it!

General Fu said again: "Your uncle's family is here. This is a great event. The gathering place will send several carts of supplies to Qin House for you to settle down with your uncle's family."

He was determined to keep Uncle Qin's family and not give Qin Sanlang the chance to drive them away because of insufficient supplies.

Qin Sanlang looked at General Fu. After a moment, he nodded and agreed: "Yes, thank you very much, General."

After that, he called Zhong Yu and Uncle Qin's family: "Let's go."

"Coming, coming." Uncle Qin responded and called to the Xiao family: "Follow me quickly!"

"Hey, hey, here we come." The Xiao family was extremely excited, finally being able to stay and live the prestigious life of official family members.

General Fu looked at their retreating figures and breathed a sigh of relief... The person who was monitoring Qin Sanlang finally got through. He was considered guilty and meritorious.

"Hey, this sister-in-law is carrying water. We are the uncle of the great hero Qin Qianhu, and we will live with Qin Qianhu from now on."

"Gentlemen, we are on patrol. We are the uncle of the great hero Qin Qianhu. Let's recognize each other and see each other more often in the future."

The Xiao family walked all the way talking, but Zhong Yu was angry again and cursed: "Stop, do any of you talk like this? It's embarrassing for Brother Qin!"

Then he said to Qin Sanlang: "Master Qianhu, will you just leave it alone?"

Qin Sanlang looked at Uncle Qin and smiled coldly: "Don't worry about it, let them do what they do. If they commit any crime, drive them away immediately according to what is written in the guarantee letter."

"Guarantee letter." Zhong Yu was surprised and asked, "Is there this thing? Where is it, show me."

Qin Sanlang handed him the guarantee letter.

After looking at it, Zhong Yu finally lost his temper, laughed out loud, pointed at Widow Xiao and said, "Keep talking, let's see how long you can be arrogant!"

Widow Xiao frowned, pulled Uncle Qin over, and asked in a low voice: "What's the guarantee?"

Uncle Qin waved his hand and said, "It's just a meeting gift I gave to my nephew. Don't ask, I'll tell you more in detail tonight. Let's go see the house first and occupy a few good yards."

"Yes, yes, let's go and occupy the house first!" Widow Xiao was very excited, thinking about how to show off her aunt's behavior to Gu Jinli when she saw her later.

A group of people walked for more than three quarters of an hour before arriving at Qin's house.

The open space in front of Qin's house was very lively. Many people came here carrying supplies to exchange for bean sprouts.

"At Mrs. Shen's house, three pounds of soybeans are exchanged for one pound of bean sprouts. Mark that down!" Xiong shouted.

Xiong Er took a note and wrote down that these are accounts to be presented to Madam, so they cannot be careless.

Xiao Pingxi smiled at Mrs. Shen and said: "Ms. Shen, do you want us to remove the bean shells? It's not expensive, just a copper plate. If you don't want to give a copper plate, you can use something to pay for it. Three handfuls of soybeans, two handfuls of rice, anything is fine. Woolen cloth."

Xiao Pingxi has been raised well recently. His cheeks have become fleshy and his face is white. He is also dressed in round clothes. He looks very cute. Madam Shen is teasing him: "Want to start my family's business? Yes, but you have to give it to your uncle." Touch.”

After saying that, she squeezed his face, teased him a little, and handed him the bean sprouts: "Here, shake it. Use soybeans to pay for it."

"Hey, thank you, Mrs. Shen." Xiao Pingxi took the basket of bean sprouts and worked with Xiao Yantai and Dou Chengzi to remove the shells from the bean sprouts. After a while, the shells were removed from the bean sprouts.

"Ms. Shen, put your bean sprouts away. If you feel they are not clean enough, we can wash them for you again." Xiao Pingxi said with a smile.

Madam Shen almost melted away at his smile and said, "It's clean enough. Come on, take it. I'll give you these soybeans."

I gave him the remaining half a pound of soybeans.

Xiaoping was delighted: "Thank you, Mrs. Shen."

Sister Xiao saw the excitement here and squeezed in. After seeing the bean sprouts, she asked, "What is this? I've never seen it before. It looks quite juicy."

Xiaoping said with a smile: "This is bean sprouts, made from beans. It costs one tael of silver per catty. If you exchange it with items, it will be much cheaper. Three catties of soybeans can be exchanged for one catty."

"A tael of silver and a pound of vegetables? You guys are so evil!" Sister Xiao was angry, how could you deceive people like this? I wanted to come here for nothing.

After hearing this, Xia Zhang came over and said, "Sister-in-law, these bean sprouts are fresh vegetables and a novelty to eat. If you don't want to buy them, please leave."

"What? You dare to let me leave, do you know who I am?" Xiao Sister raised her chin and said: "I am the cousin of Qin Qianhu, the great hero of the Anti-Japanese War!"

"Are you Uncle Qin's cousin?" Xiaoping was surprised and couldn't believe that there was such a relative in Uncle Qin's family?

Sister Xiao frowned: "Cousin Qin is your uncle? Then who are you, Mrs. Gu?"

Xiaoping said happily: "It's my aunt."

Then he pointed at the bean sprouts and said, "This is Aunt Gu's business. Many of the people who come to buy are women above the general banner. Everyone likes the food and doesn't think it's expensive."

So you are not allowed to say that Aunt Gu is evil!

What, these bean sprouts are sold by Gu?

That’s a loss on the sale!

Sister Xiao quickly snatched the basket from Mrs. Chen Baihu's hand and said, "How much money did you buy for a pound of bean sprouts?"

Mrs. Chen was watching a play when she was suddenly snatched away from the basket by Sister Xiao, who was acting in the play. She said angrily: "I didn't need any money to buy it. I bought it with ten pounds of soybeans."

"What? You exchanged it for soybeans, you black-hearted woman. How much is a pound of soybeans? You want to exchange so many bean sprouts for ten pounds of soybeans. No, you can't leave. You have to make up for the money, three and a half!" Sister Xiao said proudly: "My hands are very accurate. Your bean sprouts are at least three and a half kilograms. I'll give you money!"

"Well, why are you being unreasonable?" Mrs. Chen was furious. Just when she was about to find someone to make the decision, Hong Dao came over with a group of soldiers.

When Xiao Sister came closer, Hong Dao grabbed Xiao Sister's hand and said, "You dare to make noise in the assembly area and blackmail the noble lady Baihu. You have violated military regulations. You will be dragged down and tortured!"

What, she's breaking military rules!

"Let go, you can't catch me, I am Qin Qianhu's cousin!" Sister Xiao shouted, thinking that Hong Dao would let her go in fear.


Hong Dao sneered: "Oh, using Qin Qianhu's name to bully others, the crime will be increased, and he will be taken away and given a severe punishment!"

It's just that the adults allowed you to come here and act arrogantly so that they could catch you and make a warning to your family. You still want the adults to save you? Just dream.

Sister Xiao was just gagged and taken away.

Xia Zhang smiled and said: "Madams, don't be surprised. Nothing has happened. Let's continue changing the bean sprouts."

The big guys queuing up to exchange for bean sprouts discussed it for a while and then continued queuing up to exchange for bean sprouts. They didn't take Sister Xiao's matter to heart at all.

Moreover, the person was arrested by Hong Baihu, who was Qin Qianhu's confidant. He could arrest the person himself. Even if Xiao Sister was really Qin Qianhu's cousin, they didn't have to be afraid of her.

Qin Sanlang's move not only served as a warning to the Xiao family, but also told everyone in the gathering place that he did not value the Xiao family. If the Xiao family dared to bully others in his name in the future, they would not have to endure it, they would just deal with it severely. .

And because he has a bad relationship with the Xiao family, you should not trust the Xiao family's words easily. If you are deceived by the Xiao family, go to the Xiao family and he will not care.

Over here, the Xiao family was stunned. They pointed at Sister Xiao who was dragged away and said, "Nephew Qin, your cousin has been captured. Go and rescue her quickly."

Qin Sanlang looked indifferent: "She violated military regulations and I sent people to catch her. If you don't want to be like her, just shut up."

After saying that, he turned to the path behind Qin's house and entered the house through the back door.

Widow Xiao and the others were extremely anxious. It was obvious that he was leaving, so they had no choice but to follow him first.

0.0 Thank you for your monthly votes, I appreciate it. Don't worry about the Xiao family, they are not the best. The Qin family and Lan Jiulang, the military households in Xiaoqingou Village, have other identities.

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