A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1874 Dad, you have changed

"Sir, you are back." The servant guarding the back door opened the door for Qin Sanlang and said respectfully to him.

The back door is a heavily guarded area. In order to prevent outsiders from sneaking into the house, the people guarding the door are Yu Xi's subordinates.

Widow Xiao's family was a little scared because of Little Sister Xiao's arrest, but this family cared about food and not beatings. After they were frightened, they became arrogant again and said to the person who opened the door: "We are relatives of your elders."

After Wu Xi heard this, he didn't even look at them. After they came in, he closed the back door and continued to stand guard.

As for why they were not driven away, it was because the adults had already sent the news back. They already knew that the Xiao family was coming, so they did not take action against them.

Widow Xiao was unhappy when she saw this and pushed Uncle Qin away.

Uncle Qin could only say: "Sanlang, it's not my uncle who told you that your servants don't understand the rules too much. My uncle has a group of brothers in the county and prefectural cities. The rules are much better than them. I'll bring them to you tomorrow." Ask them to look after the home and care for the home, and each of them will be given two taels of silver as a monthly allowance."

Zhong Yu was angry again: "What did you say? You still want to bring people from outside in? This is simply ridiculous! I tell you, if you dare to bring people from outside in, your whole family will be thrown into jail!"

Do you think this is a vegetable market and anyone can be brought in?

Uncle Qin frowned, glanced at Zhong Yu, and said, "If you don't take it, I won't take it. Why are you so excited? It's like this is your home."

He turned around and complained to Qin Sanlang: "Sanlang, although Mr. Zhong's family is rich, he is now your soldier, so you can't spoil him too much."

Xiao Mei was unhappy when she heard this: "Dad, how could you say that? Mr. Zhong also means well!"

Don't talk about Mr. Zhong, I haven't married him yet. If you go against him and make him dislike me, what will I do if I can't marry him?

He looked at Zhong Yu again, his face was red, and he said shyly: "Mr. Zhong, don't be angry. My father can't speak. In fact, he likes you very much. Our whole family likes you very much."

Uncle Qin, hehe, stupid, even if I please Zhong Yu, he can't marry you.

Widow Xiao also scolded: "Yes, dad, you can't talk about Mr. Zhong."

Then he said to Zhong Yu: "Mr. Zhong, you have a lot of money, don't take it to heart."

Zhong Yu felt: "Are you caring about the wrong person? You should care more about Sister Xiao, right?"

Sister Xiao was taken away, so you were just anxious for a moment, begged Brother Qin, and then started acting like nothing happened again.

In your hearts, isn’t Sister Xiao less important than me?

Hey, you are really right, you are from the Jinshan Silver Mine, and the eldest sister is a loser. She is also a loser who brings a man and children back to feed her parents' family after getting married.

"The eldest sister is Sanlang's cousin. Even if she is taken away, nothing will happen to her." Widow Xiao said and asked Qin Sanlang: "Nephew, you won't kill your cousin, right?"

As long as you don't kill your eldest sister, it's not a big deal.

Qin Sanlang was too lazy to pay attention to them, and continued to walk forward, saying to You An who came up to him: "Take them to the small living room, and let them identify themselves when the lady comes back."

"Yes." You An came over, stopped Widow Xiao and the others, and said, "Please follow me."

"Who are you? Why are you stopping us?" Widow Xiao asked with her hands on her hips, and hurriedly shouted to Qin Sanlang who was walking away: "Nephew, nephew, where are you going? Where is my nephew's wife? We are all home, how is she? Why don't you come to see us? This is so disrespectful!"

After hearing this, Qin Sanlang stopped and turned around, looking at Widow Xiao coldly: "Xiaoyu is the head of the family. Whether you have food or not depends entirely on Xiaoyu, so be smart and don't offend Xiaoyu. Just wait patiently. .”

After saying that, he left.

Widow Xiao choked, turned around and pulled Uncle Qin and said: "Look, what is his attitude towards us? You don't care!"

"What the hell, I'm the son-in-law of the house. I have nothing to do with the Lan family for a long time. Now that I can fawn over him, it's pretty good. You still expect me to take care of him? How can you be so dreamy?" Uncle Qin said: "Be honest first. Just go ahead and wait until you have a firm footing before talking."

"You An, keep an eye on them and don't let them run around in the house." After Zhong Yu explained, he caught up with Qin Sanlang.

When Xiaomei saw Zhong Yu running away, she hugged Brother Gui and wanted to chase him. She was stopped by You An: "Girl, you can't go in without permission over there. Please come with me."

Xiao Mei stamped her feet and looked at Uncle Qin: "Dad, your future son-in-law ran away, why don't you say a few words?"

Uncle Qin: "Stop talking, my future son-in-law, a noble young man, can marry you? Stop dreaming."

Then he said: "Show your eyes on the other young men in the gathering place. There are many unmarried general banners and hundreds of households here. Just pick a good one and ask your cousin to be a matchmaker for you. You will definitely succeed." .Don’t even think about it, Zhong Yu.”

Xiao Mei cried angrily when she heard this: "Dad, you have changed. You don't even like your rich and powerful son-in-law!"

Uncle Qin followed You An and said, "How can I not like him? But we can't get along with a rich and powerful son-in-law."

He glanced at her face again, shook his head, and said loudly: "Little sister, you are just pretty, not a great beauty, so don't keep dreaming. Let's think of something that can be easily realized."

Xiao Xiaomei was shocked and couldn't believe that this man was his stepfather: "Didn't you always brag to us before..."

"You also know that it is bragging, so do you take it seriously?" Uncle Qin waved his hand and said: "Stop talking, be honest first, and wait until you have established your footing before talking, otherwise you want to be arrested like your eldest sister. ?"

That's not what I want.

Xiao Mei was afraid and could only shut up first.

You An took them to the small living room next to the second door and said to them: "Uncle, please sit down first and wait until my wife comes back."

Uncle Qin nodded, sat down, crossed his legs and said, "Bring over whatever delicious food you have at home. We haven't had breakfast yet."

Then he pointed at Brother Gui and said, "Is there any egg custard? If not, make some. Brother Gui wants to eat it."

As soon as they talked about food, the Xiao family became excited and started to order: "I want to eat stew!"

"White rice, white flour steamed buns, steamed buns and dumplings, etc., all served!"

"And those bean sprouts, oh, those are expensive things. Fry them in two clay pots for us. We have to eat enough!" Qian Qinghe said.

His wife was arrested because of bean sprouts, so he had to make enough money for his wife.

Uncle Qin scolded: "You prodigal thing, those bean sprouts are going to be sold for money, you still want to eat them?!"

After cursing Qian to celebrate, he turned to You An and said, "How many kilograms of bean sprouts are there in the two pots?"

You An said: "The pottery pot is very big. The bean sprouts in two pots weigh at least ten kilograms."

"Come on, we won't eat those bean sprouts. You can break them into silver and give them to us, a total of ten taels of silver." Uncle Qin's words were shocking. You An had to be calm, otherwise he would be stunned by his words.

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