"What do you mean, mother? Brother Ji has refused to give the military card to the Leng family. How can the Leng family take advantage of him?" Niu Sijin was confused and felt that his mother was overthinking.

"What do you know!" Mrs. Kuang looked at Gu Jinli and asked, "Xiaoyu, do you think it's not easy for the Leng family to send someone to see you off?"

Gu Jinli recalled what Niu Sijin said and said, "Sijin said that Butler Leng said that after the Leng family returns to their hometown, they will go to visit Mrs. Ji on behalf of Ji Baihu?"

"Yes, Sister-in-law Qin." Niu Sijin nodded.

Gu Jinli said: "People in the country talk about old friendships. Even if Ji Baihu didn't give the military card to the Leng family, the folks in his hometown must know how he treats the Leng family. If the Leng family returns to their hometown, they should go to Ji Baihu more often." After visiting Mrs. Ji a few times, everyone will feel that the relationship between the Ji family and the Leng family is really good, and if the Leng family uses Jifeng's name to do things to make money for themselves, it will still be possible."

Jifeng is a hundred households. In the countryside, the name of a hundred households is still very useful.

Moreover, Jifeng is fighting here in Daokougou, and he probably won't be able to go back for a few years. And in the past few years, the Leng family doesn't know how many things they can do with Jifeng's name.

Mrs. Kuang was excited when she heard this. She patted her thigh and said, "I thought something was wrong, so it's like this... There used to be a magistrate Liu in our hometown. His fate was not good. His first wife died, so he married a member of our family. The daughter was the stepmother. Later she was promoted and took the stepmother with her, and the stepmother's family used the names of Magistrate Liu and Mrs. Liu to collect money in the county."

"A few years later, Mrs. Liu's stepson passed by our hometown while on a study tour. He thought it was his stepmother's natal family after all, and as a junior, he should pay a visit. When he heard about this, he almost died of anger. He immediately wrote home, Liu Madam came back in person and stayed at her parents' house for a year before she slowly put an end to the bad things her parents' family had done by using the reputation of County Magistrate Liu. Privately, she paid the mistress a lot of money and lost half of her family wealth."

The Liu family still has money to compensate, but Jifeng is extremely poor. What will he use to compensate when the time comes, his life?

"The damn Leng family has all gone to the Fu family and refuses to let Ji Feng go. Do they think Ji Feng is stupid and want to eat him for the rest of his life? No, I want to settle the score with them!" Kuang ordered Niu Sijin : "Hurry up and stop Butler Leng, don't let him run away."

"Hey." Niu Sijin hurriedly stopped him.

Kuang ran to find Niu DaBao.

Niu Dabao frowned when he saw her coming: "Why are you here? Have your relatives arranged to get in the car?"

Mrs. Kuang ignored him and only looked at Ji Feng: "Boy Ji, the Leng family said they would help you take care of your mother when they return home, but is it true?"

Jifeng nodded: "To Mrs. Qianhu, that's right."

Kuang was anxious: "Then do you refuse?"

Jifeng was stunned and said truthfully: "The general didn't say this."

Then asked: "Mrs. Qianhu, do you think the Leng family will still take advantage of me? Don't worry, the general has refused to give the Leng family a military card, which means that he has drawn a clear line with the Leng family, and they have no military card, so there is nothing they can do Use my name to do evil things."

Kuang became angry when she heard this, pointed at him and said: "You didn't give the military card to the Leng family, but in the past few years, your old family knows how good you were to the Leng family. If the Leng family goes back , if I go to visit your mother a few more times, and then use your name to do evil, do you think the people in your hometown will believe it?!"

"Oh my God, I beg you, can you be smarter about these private matters?"

Jifeng was confused when he heard this: "Mrs. Qianhu, it's not that serious, is it?"

Kuang frowned and asked, her expression already bad: "You don't think it's serious?"

Niu DaBao's face was also a little ugly.

But something happened that made them even more angry.

Xiao Chengju ran over, looked at Jifeng, laughed twice, and said: "You are Jifeng, right? The servant of your former good friend's family is telling everyone about you over there. When he said that the Leng family was in his hometown, I am very grateful to the Leng family for saving my life, saying that even though Leng Qianhu is dead, you will take care of the Leng family for the rest of your life."

Kuang's eyes widened angrily when she heard this, and she pointed at Jifeng and said, "You heard it? The Leng family started making nonsense before you left. If you leave and outsiders listen to the Leng family's words, you won't know what to do for the Leng family in the future." How many things to take on!"

Then he asked Xiao Chengju: "Can Butler Leng leave? We can't let him go. We have to hold him and explain this matter clearly."

Xiao Chengju raised his chin and said slightly proudly: "I didn't leave, but my brother-in-law held me back."

The Xiao family is very fierce. They learned a lot of things within a few days of coming to the gathering place. They also learned the gossip about the Leng, Fang, Ji, and Fu families. After hearing that the Leng family dared to come to see them off, they were happy and ran to Join in the fun and take the initiative to talk to Butler Leng.

Butler Leng didn't know them. After hearing that they were relatives of the official family who had just come to visit, he thought he could take advantage of them, so he told Jifeng about his friendship with the Leng family.

As a result, Butler Leng made a mistake. As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Chengju came to expose him.

"As long as you don't leave." Mrs. Kuang greeted Jifeng: "Hurry up and beat him up. Show everyone your break with the Leng family. Don't let the Leng family take advantage of you again."

But Jifeng was still in shock, so he slowed down a beat and Kuang said angrily: "Why are you still not moving? Do you still have feelings for Leng Meifang?"

She said to Niu Dabao: "In this case, send him somewhere else. I don't want to be dragged to death by him."

Ji Feng is now working under Niu DaBao. When the Leng family uses Ji Feng's name to do evil things, it is inevitable that they will not add "he is Niu Qianhu's confidant." If he really said this, Niu DaBao would also have to be punished.

"I'm sorry, I'll go right now." Ji Feng felt very guilty. He didn't expect that the Leng family still had such an idea and hurried to find Butler Leng.

Butler Leng was also alert. When he saw Ji Feng coming, he immediately wanted to run away, but Qian Qinghe grabbed him while Xiao Chenggong supported Qian Qinghe. It was equivalent to both of them dragging him. He couldn't run away.

Butler Leng finally realized something was wrong: "What are you doing? Our Leng family has no grudge against the Zhen family. Don't hold on to me. Let go!"

Qian Qinghe smiled and said, "Who told you that we are relatives of the Zhen family? We are relatives of the Qin family. Qin Qianhu, you know, I am his cousin-in-law, and this is his cousin."

Ha, do you really think we are stupid? After listening to the Leng family’s gossip, will he still tell you the details?

Butler Leng was angry: "You, you lied to me!"

Qian Qinghe replied: "Bah, you lied to us all the same? We are all the same, what qualifications do you have to criticize us?"

Xiao Chenggong corrected him: "Brother-in-law, we are relatives of an official family, he is just a slave, and his status is much lower than us."

"Brother is right! Hold on tight, otherwise I won't be able to hold him." Qian Qinghe shouted to Jifeng again: "Are you hatching eggs? Come here and catch him!"

After hearing this, Ji Feng ran over and quickly came to the front of Butler Leng. He grabbed him and asked with anger and disappointment: "I'm not good enough to the Leng family? Why do the Leng family still use me? You just You are so greedy, do you still want to use my name to harm others?"

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