Butler Leng looked at the furious Ji Feng and was very frightened. He also wanted to pretend to be confused: "Why did Ji Baihu say this? The Leng family is very grateful to you and has never thought of using your name to make money. You Don’t listen to the evil people’s nonsense.”

Bang, Qian Qinghe slapped Butler Leng, who was stunned: "You, you..."

"You've already said that we are evil people, why don't we slap you a few times to prove this crime?" Qian Qinghe said with a scoundrel look on his face, and it was impossible to tell that he had studied in school when he was a child.

Then he looked at Jifeng and said: "We swear on the life of cousin Qin that this servant told us personally that you are very good to the Leng family. You promised that you would take care of the Leng family for the rest of your life, protect the Leng family in your own name, and never let the Leng family go away." My family was bullied after they returned home!”

Butler Leng was so angry that he yelled at him: "You bitch, I thought you were good, but it turns out you were just trying to trick me!"

This statement indirectly confirmed Qian Qinghe's remarks.

Ji Feng was very angry and said nothing, but just grabbed Butler Leng and beat him.

Bang bang bang!

The punches hit the flesh and beat Butler Leng so hard that his bones were about to break. He cried out for mercy: "Ji Baihu, please spare my life... This old slave is just following orders... Ah!"

Stop fighting. If you fight again, you will attract people!

However, it was too late.

Niu DaBao, Kuang Shi, Jifeng's cousin and his subordinates all came over.

Xiao Chengju also brought a large group of people over to watch the show. As he led the way, he added in a jealous tone: "Butler Leng has told us that after returning to his hometown, the Leng family plans to take the opportunity to visit Ji Baihu's wife to make Ji Baihu's love. The fact that their family is still in love will be publicized, and then they will use Ji Baihu's name to make money, and then harm Niu Qianhu!"

Some people were angry: "Why are the Leng family members so vicious?"

Xiao Chengju: "Hey, Butler Leng said, this is not vicious. After they collect money in Ji Baihu's name, they will help Ji Baihu take care of his mother, so that Ji Baihu's mother can take care of him every three months." After eating meat for once, the two families are even!"

"Shameless, shameless. Not only did the Leng family girl do things that were disgraceful to the family, but the Leng family also dared to harm others like this. It's so shameless!"

Someone else asked: "Isn't the Leng family married to the Fu family? If they really want to live a good life in the countryside, they can just do it in the name of the Fu family. Why do they use Ji Baihu's name?"

Xiao Chengju sneered: "With General Fu in the Fu family, no matter how courageous the Leng family is, they will not dare to ruin the Fu family's reputation. However, the Leng family looks down on Ji Baihu, and they don't feel bad at all if his reputation is ruined."

Someone who had heard about the Leng family's troubles said: "Qin Qianhu's cousin is right! Jifeng is too stupid. If only the Leng family would take advantage of him!"


"You can't fool smart people with just a name, can you?"

Xiao Chengju smiled and said: "So Butler Leng came here to ask Jifeng for military cards."

"What? The Leng family really dare to ask for it! Did Jifeng give it to him?"

Xiao Chengju: "That's not true. However, the Leng family is insidious. Ji Baihu has been friends with the Leng family for several years. Maybe the Leng family has hidden something of his for a long time. He just waits for him to return home, take the things, and use the name Go and harm him!"

After hearing this, a large group of people gasped: "You are right. With Jifeng's stupidity, I guess he must have given the Leng family something useful!"

They talked and ran all the way, and when they arrived at the place where Ji Feng beat Butler Leng, Butler Leng had been beaten so hard that he couldn't speak.

Ji Feng saw these people watching the excitement and said to them: "The Leng family wanted to use my name to do evil, but I saw through it. Today, I, Jifeng, swear an oath to sever all ties with the Leng family! If the Leng family goes there in my name, If you do something bad, please don’t believe it. If you believe it and are deceived, please go and sue the Leng family. I, Jifeng, have nothing to do with it!”

After speaking, he cupped his fists and saluted everyone present: "Please bear witness to me, thank you very much."

The big guy sighed: "Ji Baihu, you have finally become smarter. Don't worry, we will testify for you and never let the Leng family harm you again!"

Mr. Luo Qi remembered Xiao Chengju's words and reminded Ji Feng: "By the way, have you given anything to the Leng family? If so, take it back quickly. Don't let the Leng family use it to harm you."

Ji Feng was shocked and remembered that he had given Leng Meifang a dagger. The dagger was a reward for his meritorious service. Because it was an honor, he cherished it, so he engraved his name on the dagger and eagerly gave it away. To Leng Meifang.

But Leng Meifang didn't like these things and thought they were vulgar, so she didn't want them at the time. But after a while, she took the initiative to send a message to him, saying that she wanted the dagger.

He was so happy that he took this as proof that Leng Meifang accepted his intention, so he asked for leave and ran to give her the dagger.

This matter has been going on for a long time, and he didn't want to take back the things he sent out, but after hearing Mr. Luo Qi's words, he immediately said: "Thank you for reminding me."

After saying that, he looked at Niu Dabao: "Master Qianhu, I want to go to the county seat and bring the dagger back, is that possible?"

Before Niu DaBao could say anything, General Fu's voice came: "There is no need to go to Ji Baihu. The general will send someone to the county town to get the dagger. When he gets it, he will send someone to take it to the guardhouse for you."

General Fu's face was ugly, so heavy that it dripped with water. If possible, he really wanted to kill Leng Meifang!

Perhaps the general said that this was Fu Mingcong's punishment for ruining his plan, and Leng Meifang would be kept to torture Fu Mingcong for the rest of his life.

General Fu couldn't kill Leng Meifang, but he didn't want Ji Feng to go to the county town in person to ask for the dagger and ruin his family's reputation.

Ji Feng looked at Niu Dabao, and after seeing him nodding, he said: "Thank you very much, General Fu. Then I'll leave it to the general."

General Fu nodded and said: "It's getting late. You should set off quickly. I, the general, will handle the rest."

General Fu's eyes were fixed on Butler Leng, and the murderous intent in his eyes was not concealed at all. Everyone knew that Butler Leng would not survive this time.

"Yes!" Niu Dabao understood that General Fu didn't want people to see the Fu family's jokes, so he hurriedly took the big guy away.

The Xiao family caught up with Ji Feng and reminded him: "Ji Baihu, we helped you."

Jifeng said hurriedly: "Thank you, Mr. Xiao and Mr. Qian, for your help. Jifeng is very grateful."

What, Master?

Hahaha, brothers Xiao Chenggong and Qian Qinghe were very happy. They were very happy to be called young master by a hundred people.

However, Qian Qinghe quickly calmed down and said, "Don't talk nonsense, we have helped you a lot, why don't you do something practical?"

"What kind of reward do you want?" Ji Feng was not a stingy person, and the Xiao family had indeed helped him today, so he asked hurriedly.

Xiao Chengju said: "Our family has just arrived, we are short of money, and we have just met our relatives. I am sorry to cause trouble to cousin Qin. You can just give us one hundred taels of silver as reward... Don't think it is too much. We have calculated it. According to the As long as you give us five taels a month for your military salary, we can pay it back in less than two years. You can also use the supplies you receive to pay for it, we won’t pick it."

Good guy, you want to eat up Jifeng's two years of military pay as soon as you open your mouth. You used to make loan sharks in gambling houses, right?

Kuang was angry. This boy from the Xiao family was too scheming. He turned around to scold the Xiao family, but was stopped by Niu Dabao: "Don't worry, let Ji Feng suffer a lot. It will be good for him to learn enough lessons."

After hearing this, Mr. Kuang stopped talking.

"Since you don't object, let's make an agreement. Come on, put your fingerprints here first, and I will write down the fact that you owe us one hundred taels of silver." Qian Qinghe said. He took out a blank yellow paper and handed it to Jifeng with a smile, taking the opportunity to show off: "You didn't expect that I am a literate scholar!"

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