There are also those soldiers, they have to obey orders, and they are only asked to beat wooden pillars, and they are not asked to fight against the soldiers. There is no need to shed blood and lose their lives. It is already a very easy job, and it is also a very easy job. How do you want to relax? !

Xu Liu's little body was shaking. He tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart, but he still couldn't suppress it. In the end, for fear of exposing his true nature, he could only start crying: "Uuuuuuuuu~"

Damn, crying again?

Gu Jinli was convinced, you must have been reincarnated by the spirit of tears, how can you cry so much?

Qin Sanlang also hated Xu Liu crying, but his status was too low now, so he could only ask with concern: "Sixth Young Master, why are you crying? But you don't like the drill because there is too much dirt on it? It's okay, I'll clean it up for you."

After hearing this, Gu Jinli had to hold it in so hard that he couldn't stop laughing.

Xu Liu cried even harder when he heard Qin Sanlang's words.

However, after he cried the most violently, he calmed down again and said while wiping his tears: "It's not that I dislike the drill being dirty, it's..."

I was angry that you gave the drill to Jiang Wankang, causing me to lose my great contribution!

However, this cannot be said clearly. Once said, he will offend Jiang Wankang.

Dad said that Jiang Wankang is the most courageous general under the Xu family. He must have a good relationship with him and not offend him... Even if he doesn't like Jiang Wankang, he must wait until he becomes a big man before taking action against him.

"I was thinking of the soldiers over there in the poisonous insect ditch. They were suffering so much. Many soldiers had poisonous insects burrowing into their bodies, breaking their stomachs and dying... I heard from Brother Qin that after he gave the drill to Uncle Jiang, I cried when I thought of the soldiers who died tragically in Duchonggou." Xu Liu found a good reason to hide his sudden crying.

Finally, he looked at Qin Sanlang and said pitifully and helplessly: "Brother Qin, I'm afraid... will I be poisoned to death by poisonous insects getting into my body?"

Gu Jinli: "..."

Yes, as long as you want it, I can make it happen for you right away!

Qin Sanlang: "Of course not. Don't think too much. If you think too much, you will only scare yourself. The drill has been washed, take it."

Xu Liu frowned and took the drill with a bit of disgust. While looking at the drill, he casually asked: "Brother Qin, why did you send the drill to Uncle Jiang? If you gave it to my father, You’ll get a lot of credit.”

Can't you tell who is your first master? !

Qin Sanlang said: "I have thought about sending it to Mr. Xu, but I have been assigned to the first line of defense. General Jiang is my superior. According to the rules, if anything happens to me, I must first Report to General Jiang."

So he is acting according to the rules. If you, Xu Liu, are dissatisfied, just hold it in!

"That's it." Xu Liuying said in agreement and looked at Manager Xu.

Manager Xu hurried over and took away the drill that was not very clean... This broken drill failed to bring credit to the Sixth Young Master, but we can't let it dirty the Sixth Young Master's hands again!

After all, Xu Liu was Xu You's favorite son. Xu You had someone teach him carefully. Even though Xu Liu had a bad temper, he was still taught to control his emotions.

After seeing that the drill business was not profitable, he put it down, walked to the well, and looked down at the bottomless well: "It's so deep, is there any water?"

Qin Sanlang: "Yes, but there is not enough water and it is still very dirty."

"Dirty?" Xu Liu didn't understand: "How could it be dirty? Isn't the well water very clean?"

Qin Sanlang said: "That is a well that has been drilled through the well wall and has been sedimented for a month. The water from this new well is usually very dirty and cannot be drunk."

"So Brother Qin, you still have to go to other guard stations to get water?" Xu Liu asked.

Qin Sanlang nodded: "That's right."

Xu Liu asked again: "I heard that Brother Qin's family bought a village and there is a well there. I am very curious. Can I go and have a look?"

Dad said that he had to go to Tianhuai Village to prevent Qin Sanlang from doing something they didn't know about in that village.

"Okay." Qin Sanlang agreed without any hesitation: "But we can't go today. It's late. We have to stay in Dabuwei for one night."

Xie Cheng, who is the Qianhu of the big port guard, said: "Sixth Young Master, please stay here too. Tonight we will eat pork ribs and stewed chicken. This is good meat. It is rare to eat it once."

Pork ribs and chicken stew?

Xu Liu asked: "What kind of ribs are they?"

Xie Cheng smiled and replied: "It's pork ribs, brought by Brother Qin and his wife."

Tsk, Xu Liu was very disdainful, what’s so delicious about pork ribs and chicken stew? He thought they were deer ribs!

Then he showed off and showed kindness and said: "Brother Qin, I have eaten deer ribs, which are more delicious than beef ribs and incomparable to pork ribs. When the capital sends new year's goods to Daokougou camp, I will see if there are any We don’t have any deer ribs, but if we do, I’ll send someone to bring you some.”

Let all you poor men have a taste of the best venison.

Gu Jinli hehe, kid, you started eating venison at a young age. I'm afraid you want to poison yourself to death. Can you digest it? Aren't you afraid of sudden death? !

After hearing this, Mrs. Kuang was happy and said to Xu Liu: "Then we will wait for Mr. Six's deer ribs and other new year's goods!"

"Who are you?" Xu Liu didn't know Mrs. Kuang, but he hated her because this woman was ugly and vulgar, and looking at her affected his mood.

Kuang Shi smiled and said: "I am Niu Kuang Shi, the daughter-in-law of Niu Dabao from Qianhu of Yangshan Guards."

"Ah? Are you Niu Qianhu's wife?" Xu Liu was shocked. He looked at Niu Dabao and sympathized with him. It was so pitiful that he managed to become Qianhu and still slept with such an ugly old woman.

He also thought that men all like beautiful women. If Kuang is so ugly, then he can give Niu DaBao beauties and win over Niu DaBao.

It's a pity that Niu Dabao has spent most of his life with the Kuang family and has seven children. Where can he find a concubine?

Xu Liu looked at Gu Jinli again, pretending to be concerned and asked: "Sister-in-law, why do you have so many small scars on your face and abscesses as big as mung beans? These abscesses are not contagious, right? Are they some kind of serious disease? Sister-in-law, don’t be sad, I will ask my father to ask the imperial doctor to take a look at you, and I will definitely cure your disease and not make you ugly for the rest of your life!"

Why did you say it so loudly, for fear that the people present would be deaf and unable to hear?

After Gu Jinli complained in his heart, he pretended to be stunned, and finally said angrily: "Don't talk nonsense, it's just an ordinary acne, it's not contagious. And I'm taking medicine, and it's much better. Now I'm just left with If I have a few acnes, I don’t need your help to call the imperial doctor.”

"It's much better? Will it turn into a scar after it's healed?" Xu Liucheng asked sincerely. Fortunately, the acne on Gu Jinli's face was fake. If he really had such acne, he would probably be beaten to death.

Gu Jinli wisely chose not to speak.

Xu Liu was so proud when he saw this, hmph, old woman, you know how ugly you are!

Xu Liu consciously felt happy that he had hit Gu Jinli, and said to Qin Sanlang: "Brother Qin, I've seen the drill, let's go."

This place is so dirty, he doesn't want to stay here.

"Yes." Qin Sanlang nodded and lent his horse to Xu Liu: "Your whirlwind horse was frightened. Don't ride it yet, otherwise there may be another accident."

The Tornado Horse was a BMW gifted to Xu You by Emperor Jingyuan. He came with the canonization team from the capital. Xu Liu liked it and asked Xu You for it. He has been riding the Tornado Horse during this period.

But after the experience just now, Xu Liu hated the whirlwind horse, so he nodded and said, "Okay, I'll ride Brother Qin's horse first."

After he asked the guard to help him onto the horse, he looked at the whirlwind horse with disgust and told the guard: "Tame it well."

If it can't be tamed well, it will be slaughtered for meat. Damn it, it was him who almost fell!

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