A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1932 The risk is too great

Xu Liu's nature is like this. When he sees a good thing, he will quickly fall in love with it, but if the thing is disobedient, he will quickly become disgusted with it, and even have the intention to kill it!

"Yes." The guard responsible for taking care of the whirlwind horse responded.

"Drive!" Xu Liu swung his whip, hit the horse hard, and galloped towards the residence of the big port guard. He turned back and shouted to Qin Sanlang: "Brother Qin, follow me quickly!"

After saying this, he slapped the horse twice.

Gu Jinli felt hurt for Qin Sanlang's horse just looking at him. Is Xu Liu, a naughty kid, out of his mind?

No, to prepare for a rainy day, she had to make a powerful and well-hidden poison to attract Xu Liu... Children with abnormal brains must be guarded against, otherwise he could kill them anytime and anywhere if his brain twitches. .

"Xiaoyu, you go back in the carriage, and I'll follow you first." Qin Sanlang told Gu Jinli, with guilt in his eyes.

Gu Jinli waved his hand and said with a smile: "Don't worry about me, just follow him quickly. The Sixth Young Master is the son of Lord Xu, so you can't neglect him."

Hurry up and keep an eye on him, Xu Liu's brain is not normal, don't let him get sick!

"Yes." Qin Sanlang responded, borrowed Niu Dabao's horse, greeted Xie Cheng, and the two of them caught up with Xu Liu.

As for Niuda Leopard...

Xu Liu didn't care about him that much, and he wasn't a Qianhu of Dabuwei, so he didn't have to be the host to entertain Xu Liu, so he lagged behind some distance and drove back to the house for Kuang and the others.

When they brought Kuang and the others back to the house, they happened to hear Xu Liu exclaiming: "This cassava is so high-yielding. I like it. Brother Qin, give me the cassava. I will take them to Daokougou Camp to give to dad." Look, let dad give the order to plant cassava throughout Chu!"

In this way he can make a great contribution.

When Gu Jinli heard this, he was speechless. Good guy, you are so rude, you have fallen in love with cassava again.

After hearing this, Ji Zhenniang grabbed Gu Jinli's hand and whispered: "Gu Xiaoyu, that sixth master has taken a fancy to our cassava, what should we do? If he takes away the cassava, we won't get any credit~ "

Kuang was also very worried and lowered her voice: "Sanlang's wife, my aunt looks at that child... as a domineering one. If he takes a liking to her, it will be difficult for us to keep Cassava~"

Gu Jinli smiled: "Don't worry, cassava is too risky. Even if Xu Liu takes it away, for safety reasons, Mr. Xu will not order it to be planted."

They would just let it go and let the three guards plant and eat first. If they didn't eat the dead, Xu You would snatch the cassava.

However, when it came time to eat cultivated cassava without eating dead people, the fact that cassava was the first to discover, grow and eat it had already spread.

This credit still belongs to them, and the Xu family cannot take it away.

"Really? But cassava is so high-yield, how could you not plant it?" Kuang was still worried.

However, Gu Jinli's guess was correct. In the courtyard of the house, Doctor Cui's expression changed drastically. He pointed at the pile of cassava and said: "Sixth Young Master, this is not cassava, but ghost potato. You can't eat it, it will kill you." !”

"What do you mean? Isn't this cassava? How could it be a ghost potato? What is a ghost potato?" Xu Liu had never heard of ghost potato at all.

Doctor Cui said: "It is recorded in medical books that there is a monster growing in the barren land of the northwest, like a potato, which is very poisonous. During the famine years of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the people of a village couldn't bear the pain of famine. Hundreds of lives!”

Doctor Cui cried: "Sixth Young Master, this ghost potato is really inedible. Not to mention what is recorded in medical books, even I have personally seen someone die from poisoning after accidentally eating the ghost potato!"

Then he pointed at Qin Sanlang and asked angrily: "Qin Qianhu, you dedicated this poisonous monster to the Sixth Young Master. What is the purpose of getting the Sixth Young Master to agree to plant it on a large scale? You also specially changed the name of Guimingshu to cassava. What do you think? What are you covering up? You are too vicious. If you plant ghost potatoes on a large scale, many people will die!"

Xu Liu was shocked, his face turned pale, he looked at Qin Sanlang and asked with red eyes: "Brother Qin, is what Doctor Cui said true?"

If it's true, are you trying to kill me by boasting about the ghost life potato to me? I'm so kind to you in vain!

Xu Zheng also said: "Qin Qianhu, why are you doing this? Please explain clearly."

If you don't explain clearly, the consequences will be serious. The Sixth Young Master is Mr. Xu's favorite son. If you dare to harm him, you don't want to live anymore!

Qin Sanlang said: "Cassava is indeed the ghost potato from the northwest, and it is indeed poisonous, but the poison can be detoxified. As long as it is handled properly before eating, it will not be poisoned... Just like the puffer fish, it is poisonous itself, but if it is handled properly, it will still be poisonous. It’s edible.”

Then he pointed at the cassava and said to Xu Liu: "Sixth Young Master, cassava is really high-yielding. The yield per mu can reach more than two thousand kilograms. There is a food shortage in the northwest. This year due to the war and poisonous pests, many prefectures and cities have missed farming again. There may be a great famine next year. ...Although cassava is poisonous, it can be a life-saving food at critical moments and is worth growing. There is no need to be afraid of it just because it is poisonous."

Worth planting?

No need to be afraid of it?

This shit is very poisonous, is it still worth growing? Qin Sanlang, are you sick? !

Xu Liu was really angry and wanted to yell, but he really liked Qin Sanlang, and Qin Sanlang was indeed a fierce general with great powers, so he had to win over him.

I have no choice but to get angry, I can only cry.

Xu Liu wiped his tears again: "Brother Qin, you said the toxins in the ghost potato can be detoxified, but how? What if the toxins are not detoxified and some soldiers die from eating them? Won't the soldiers blame me then?"

Qin Sanlang was a little speechless: "..."

I didn’t let you take away the cassava to claim credit. It was you who wanted to take the cassava as your own after learning about its high yield. Now that you know that cassava is poisonous, you blame me for harming you.

You are even less normal than the eldest prince back then.

However, Qin Sanlang was no longer the legitimate son of the Hou family, but now he was a member of a thousand households. He could only endure all his dissatisfaction and patiently explained to Xu Liu how to detoxify cassava by soaking it in water.

He added: "You don't need to eat it for humans. You can use it to feed livestock first. We have a lot of livestock here in the northwest, and we can't feed them enough grass. Soybeans have to be mixed in to feed them every day. If we use cassava instead of soybeans to feed livestock, the soybeans saved will be better." It can be fed to people and solve the problem of food shortage."

Xu Zheng felt that it made sense and said to Xu Liu: "Sixth Young Master, it would be good if you only use ghost potatoes to feed the livestock."

If you want to die, animals will die, not people. And there are indeed too many animals in the northwest. Just raising them will consume a lot of food.

After hearing this, Xu Liu thought for a while and burst into laughter: "If that's really the case, that would be great."

Then he pointed at the cassava and said, "Brother Qin, please give me these cassava. I will send someone to deliver them to Dad right away."

This was a credit, he had to keep it and not lose it again.

Qin Sanlang did not hesitate and agreed: "Sure, I will have someone pack the cassava for you. You can send someone to Daokougou camp as soon as possible for Mr. Xu. If Mr. Xu agrees to plant it, it will be a great thing for the northwest." .”

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