A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1933 Wanting to make great achievements

"Brother Qin, did you agree? That's great." Xu Liu was very happy. Qin Sanlang agreed to give him the cassava without any hesitation, which shows that he is very loyal to him.

According to this calculation, as long as he keeps a close eye on Gu and asks Qin Sanlang for it in time when Gu makes the magic anti-parasitic medicine, Qin Sanlang will definitely give it to him, and then he will be able to achieve great success and become famous. A person who left a lasting legacy in history!

He is only eleven years old. If he can go down in history, he will be the first person in history.

Or maybe Xu Liu was mentally ill. The anti-parasitic medicine was jointly developed by many doctors. Gu Jinli only took a small share of the credit. Xu Liu didn't even understand medical skills and wanted to take all the credit. What a big dream?

"Manager Xu, hurry up and send someone to collect the cassava and send it to my father immediately. Tell him about the cassava in detail and tell him that this is food, food that can save lives at critical moments." Xu Liu ordered Manager Xu , the whole person was very excited.

After thinking about it, he felt that only a few sentences could not show his contribution, so he asked Xu Zheng for paper and pen, and wrote a letter to Xu You in person.

But it took some time to write clearly about cassava. Xu Liu wrote for more than a quarter of an hour. During this period, he frowned several times and almost broke his brush before he could bear his impatience and write about cassava. Finished writing.

Qin Sanlang observed Xu Liu and felt more and more that Xu Liu was sick... His temper was too manic, and he didn't even have the patience to write a letter.

Manager Xu had already asked his servants to pack up the cassava and came to ask Qin Sanlang: "Qin Qianhu, how do you do this water immersion detoxification method? Please do it again and let us see."

Qin Sanlang did not stretch it. After asking Xie Cheng's people to bring water, he peeled and cut the cassava himself and put it in a bucket to soak: "That's it, soak it for more than two days, change the water six times a day, and then cook it." You won’t be poisoned if you eat it.”

He also specifically explained: "It must be cut into small pieces and soaked. It is not a waste of time. If the whole cassava is soaked, it will take more than five days to remove the toxins. The water must be changed frequently."

Manager Xu wrote them down one by one.

Xu Liu had already written the letter, sealed it with beeswax, stamped it with his private seal, and handed it to Manager Xu: "Send the letter and cassava to dad."

Then he stared at Manager Xu and said, "You must handle the cassava matter well and don't make any mistakes, you know?"

If you dare to make mistakes and make me lose all my credit, your whole family will be questioned!

"Yes, I understand, let's go and do it now. Mr. Liu, please stay well here, I will leave first." After saying goodbye to Xu Liu, Manager Xu took three servants and left on horseback carrying cassava.

After Steward Xu left, Xie Cheng said: "It's getting late, Sixth Young Master, the general has already asked someone to build a large tent for you to live in. Will I take you to see it now?"

Xu Liu pointed at the house and said, "No need to go to such trouble, I can just live here."

Xie Cheng listened for a moment and said: "Sixth Young Master, please forgive me, this is the residence of the female family members."

What's going on when a man comes to live in a place where women have lived? !

Xu Zheng also felt that Xu Liu had gone too far and advised him: "Sixth Young Master, there is only one house in Dabuwei, which is for the families of thousands of families. Let's live in a tent."

Xu Liu hated living in a tent. Although his tent was very good, no matter how good it was, it couldn't compare to a solid house.

However, it was impossible for him to occupy the house of the female family members, so he had no choice but to agree and drag Qin Sanlang along: "Brother Qin, let's go see the camp."

Qin Sanlang could only accompany him.

When leaving the house, he saw a carriage parked in the open space on the far right side of the house. Knowing that Gu Jinli and the others were in the car, Xu Liu turned around and walked towards the carriage.

Qin Sanlang was secretly annoyed. Enough was enough. Xu Liu had no choice but to hold back his anger and follow him.

"Sister-in-law!" Xu Liu shouted loudly before he reached the carriage.

After Gu Jinli heard this, he wanted to poison him.

What does this little lunatic want to do? They all rushed the carriage here to hide, and he came running over. Why, are you here to beg me to poison you?

Gu Jinli lifted the curtain, looked at him from the carriage, and said with a smile: "Sixth Young Master, what's the matter? If you have anything to do, just go to your husband and tell him. I'm a woman, and I don't understand anything."

You have a bad heart and like to poison people. Do you want to try a new poison?

Xu Liu smiled and said, "I came here to formally greet my sister-in-law."

After saying that, he really bowed to Gu Jinli: "Hello, sister-in-law."

Xu Liu is only eleven years old. He has the childishness of a young boy and looks more feminine. He smiles sweetly and is very popular with middle-aged and elderly women.

It's a pity that Gu Jinli didn't like his eunuch type. He scolded him in his heart and said with a smile: "Xiao Liu is such a polite boy. From now on, my sister-in-law will treat you as my younger brother."

After saying that, he stopped smiling, put on his sister-in-law's gifts, and began to lecture Xu Liu: "Xiao Liu, my sister-in-law is not telling you, why are your equestrian skills so bad? You need to practice more, or you will crash into the well next time. What should we do? You are only eleven years old, not even fifteen. What if that is the case, but even the ancestral graves... Hey, bah, bah, bah, we Xiaoliu will definitely be able to grow up safely. Anyway, Xiaoliu, you have to be careful in the future. click it."

Don't torment yourself to death!

Xu Liu wanted to kill someone after hearing this. Why did this old woman talk so much nonsense?

Ah, I hate Mrs. Gu, I don’t want to see her in the future!

What Gu Jinli wants is for Xu Liu to annoy her...Xu Liu is sick, and she doesn't want to compromise with this little lunatic and let Brother Qin deal with him.

After saying that, Gu Jinli waved to Qin Sanlang, who was quickly following him, and said happily: "Mr.


A strong stench suddenly hit Xu Liu and he almost vomited... The old woman was so disgusting!

But Qin Sanlang's voice had already been heard, and Xu Liu did not dare to say any more unpleasant words. He suppressed his anger and said, "My master, I have taken note of my sister-in-law's teachings."

Then he asked: "I heard that my sister-in-law is developing a magic anti-parasitic medicine for soldiers and thieves, and she also found newt liver to replace one of the medicinal materials in the magic medicine. Xiao Liu would like to ask my sister-in-law if there is anything about developing a magic anti-parasitic medicine. Progress, is it almost ready?"

He was also afraid that Gu Jinli would find excuses not to tell him about the magical anti-parasitic medicine, so he quickly added: "I have heard about my sister-in-law's abilities. Not only did she make insect-attracting medicine, but she also wrote a pharmacology booklet. She is extremely powerful." Got it!"

Haha, it turned out that I was eyeing the magic drug to repel insects, and I wanted to achieve this great effect.


"The anti-parasitic medicine was jointly developed by imperial doctors from the capital, military doctors from the army, and famous doctors from the city. As a woman, I can't get involved too much, so I have stopped developing it." Gu Jinli said, "As for the pharmacology booklet , has been given to Dr. Xu of Xing'an Prefecture, and several imperial doctors from the capital have also copied it. If you want to know, you can ask them for it, this is not a secret."

I have a habit of giving it away when I can’t keep it and letting those who like it fight for it, so if you want it, fight for it.

After Xu Liu heard this, he was very disappointed, but what Gu Jinli said was true, and he couldn't get angry easily, so he could only ask: "Is it true that sister-in-law has not developed any more magical anti-parasitic medicine?"

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