A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1942 Lying and apologizing

"Then go and get tested quickly." Xu You ordered hurriedly, and then asked, "How long will it take to get the results?"

Xu He thought for a while and replied: "We have enough drug testing equipment and manpower. If the Marquis is in a hurry, the results can be obtained in one night."

Xu You nodded: "The test must be accurate. This is a major event that affects Xiaoliu's life."

"Yes." Xu He immediately left the tent and went to test the poison.

Xu You glanced at Mr. Qianshan, pointed at Xu Liu, and said angrily: "You traitor, why don't you kneel down!"

Xu Liu was shocked, why did his father scold him again?

But Xu Liugang was given a needle by Xu He. The needle could curb his anger and calm him down. He knelt down honestly and said, "Dad, my son knows he was wrong."

Xu You ignored him and only said to Mr. Qianshan: "Xiao Liu got into trouble again. When he went to deliver reward materials to Qin Sanlang, he led his men and horses to break into the big port guard."

Then he sighed: "The military banquet is coming soon. Xiao Liu is riding into the guardhouse like this. If some villain makes a few remarks in front of Brother Jiang, I am afraid that Brother Jiang will think that I asked Xiao Liu to kill him on purpose." face."

Mr. Qianshan was angry when he heard this. Xu Liu was really careless and caused one disaster after another. He even rushed to break into the first line of defense station guarded by Jiang Wangang!

Don’t you know how important Jiang Wankang is to them?

Don’t you know that Jiang Wankang hates dandies who trample on military law the most?

Mr. Qianshan said: "Master Marquis, without further ado, you immediately kidnap the Sixth Young Master and go to General Jiang overnight to plead guilty...and tell him that the Sixth Young Master was poisoned, which caused his temper to change and that he lost his mind. Riding a horse to break into the guardhouse."

Xu You frowned when he heard this: "Speaking like this will indeed make Brother Jiang feel sorry for Xiao Liu, so we won't punish him severely. But if you lose your mind, once you say it, it will be very bad for Xiao Liu's reputation."

Having mutilated limbs is considered ominous, not to mention losing one's mind. Once Jiang Wanzang says this, he will definitely think that there is something wrong with Xiaoliu's brain, and will suggest that he take the boss to the northwest for training. How can Xiaoliu stand out?

"The Marquis has had a life-and-death relationship with General Jiang for more than 20 years. He is very strict in running the army. If the Sixth Young Master breaks into the guardhouse without sufficient reasons, he will regard him as violating military discipline and wants him to support the Sixth Young Master. It's even more difficult for the young master." Mr. Qianshan knew Xu You's worries and said: "Master Hou, there is no need to worry. With Jiang Wankang's personality, he will not take advantage of the sixth young master's poisoning to make a mistake and propose to exchange the eldest young master to the northwest. .”

At least, he has to wait until the Sixth Young Master's poison has been cleansed and he makes another mistake before he will say that he will give up the Sixth Young Master and take the Eldest Young Master in to train him.

"Master Marquis, this matter needs to be done sooner rather than later. Please take the Sixth Young Master to Du Chonggou Camp as soon as possible." Mr. Qianshan begged.

Xu He has already shown it to Xu Liu, and he thinks that Xu Liu is probably not poisoned, but this does not prevent them from using this matter to trick Jiang Wankang.

Xu You thought for a moment and finally agreed: "Sure, I will take Xiao Liu to see Jiang Wankang tonight."

Mr. Qianshan nodded and discussed with Xu You again.

In the end, it was decided to first release false news to Jiang Wankang that Xu Liu was poisoned, and then tell Jiang Wankang after a while that Xu Liu's poison had been eliminated, and then blame Xu Liu's poisoning on Emperor Jingyuan, saying that it was Jing Yuan who was responsible for Xu Liu's poisoning. Emperor Yuan sent Jun Tianwei to do it.

Mr. Qianshan said: "A few months ago, there was an incident in Yongcheng Mansion about Jun Tianwei poisoning General Dai. We can just take advantage of it."

Xu You was very happy: "This will not only make Jiang Wankang hate Emperor Jingyuan even more, but I will also no longer have to worry about doing a scene of arresting the drug addict and avenging Xiao Liu. It will kill many people in one fell swoop, sir, a brilliant idea!"

After discussing the plan and confirming that there were no loopholes, Xu You brought a rope and tied Xu Liu: "Brother Heng, you are the cause of the trouble. Now you have to suffer this to settle the matter. Do you understand? "

Xu Liu shed tears and said: "My son understands... Dad, please tie me hard, my son is not afraid of hardship."

Mr. Qianshan was a little speechless after saying this. Wouldn't it be better if he were so smart earlier?

"Master Marquis, don't take the carriage. Just throw the Sixth Young Master on the horse and carry him on his back, and then gag the Sixth Young Master. This will make General Jiang feel more sorry for the Sixth Young Master."

When Xu Liu heard what Mr. Qianshan said, he was so angry that he wanted to kill someone. The old thief Qianshan really had no good intentions. In such a cold weather, he was not even allowed to sit in a carriage. Do you want to freeze him to death? !

But Xu You had already agreed. He brought a ball of burlap, stuffed his mouth, and dragged him out of the tent. Still on horseback, he personally took Xu Liu, his own soldiers, and Manager Xu with him. The others left the tent overnight and ran towards the Du Chonggou camp.

Xu Liu's luck is really bad. It's late December now, and the Chinese New Year will be in a few days, and the weather is very cold.

By the middle of the night, the cold wind was blowing even harder, causing pain to the bones... What was even worse was that it was snowing!

The snowflakes from the sky fell with the cold wind, getting bigger and bigger. Within an hour, Xu Liu's body was covered with a half-inch thick layer of snowflakes, which froze Xu Liu to the point where he almost died on the spot.

Xu You calculated the distance, gritted his teeth, and said to Xu Liu: "Xiao Liu, we are almost at the Du Chonggou camp. If you don't bear it any longer, if I cover you with an animal skin blanket now, by the time we get to the camp, there will be no snowflakes on you. Jiang Wangang Then he will know that we are playing tricks on him."

Bastard, old man, I'm your biological son, do you want to kill me? !

Xu Liu was furious, but his mouth was blocked and he couldn't say anything. He could only moan a few times to express his dissatisfaction.

Ke Xu You thought that he was echoing her words, and said happily: "Xiao Liu, good job, keep at it, we'll be there soon."

Xu You and the others took a shortcut, and since he was Xu You, no one dared to stop them even if they passed through the guard station. Therefore, after running for more than half an hour, they arrived at the Du Chonggou camp.

When Jiang Wankang heard that Xu You was coming, he got up in a hurry, put on his armor and went to greet him. When he saw Xu You, he was surprised and said, "Why are you here at this hour? But what's the big deal?"

I rushed all night to see him, there must be something big going on.


Without saying a word, Xu You pulled Xu Liu down and threw him in front of Jiang Wangang: "This traitor broke into the port guard with his guards, violated military discipline, and concealed it. When I learned about it, I tied him up in anger. Come, bring him to plead guilty to you...Old Jiang, you are in charge of the first line of defense, you have the final say on how to deal with this traitor, I will never plead for him!"

Jiang Wanzang was stunned and said: "It turns out that it is because of this matter. The general already knows about it. There is no need for the Marquis to take the Sixth Young Master to plead guilty."

Xu You was shocked when he heard this. Jiang Wankang indeed knew about it, but since Jiang Wankang knew about it, why didn't he write to tell him?

Could it be that he was specifically waiting for him to bring Xiao Liu to plead guilty?

If he didn't come this time, would Jiang Wankang have to break up with him? !

It was such a cold day that cold sweat broke out on Xu You's back, and his whole body ached. He felt that 40% of the soldiers and horses in the northwest were following Jiang Wankang away from him.

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