A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1943 A serious illness

When Manager Xu heard what Jiang Wankang said, he was very frightened. He quickly rolled off his horse, knelt down, and came over on his knees and said, "Please punish General Jiang! It's all the fault of the slave. I watched the Sixth Young Master break into the guardhouse without permission." If you don’t stop me and conceal this matter and don’t report it, it’s the slave who deserves to die. Please kill the slave!”


Xu You kicked Manager Xu over and scolded: "You bitch, you and Xu Heng are both at fault. Both of you deserve to die. You don't need to excuse Xu Heng!"

Xu Heng is Xu Liu's name.

"Uh huh~" Xu Liu was already so cold that he was almost confused. Seeing that his father was still wasting time acting with a slave, he hurriedly shouted.

Can you enter the camp quickly?

If you don't go in, I will freeze to death!

Woohoo, bastard, my father is also a bastard. In order to win Jiang Wangang's heart, he didn't take his life seriously.

Wait, wait for him. After he inherits everything from the Xu family, he will definitely wipe out Jiang Wangang's entire family, and then pour poison into Xu You, letting Xu You linger on the sick bed and taste the suffering he suffered tonight!

Human nature is inherently good, but there are a very small number of people in the world who are born bad, such as Xu Liu, Leng Meifang, and Qian Lier.

"Xiao Liu, how are you? Why is there so much snow on you? You must be freezing." Jiang Wanzang heard Xu Liu's voice and rushed over, took off the linen ball from his mouth, swept the snow off his body, and wiped himself He pulled off his animal skin cloak, wrapped Xu Liu around him, and carried him back to the camp quickly: "Send the military doctor, quickly send the military doctor, Xiao Liu is turning purple from the cold!"

"Yes!" Jiang Wankang's soldiers rushed to find a military doctor to save Xu Liu.

Xu You breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this. The trick really worked.

Xu You followed in with a dark face, and said to Jiang Wangang who was taking off Xu Liu's wet clothes and tucking him into the bed to keep warm: "Old Jiang, you don't have to worry about this traitor. He violated military regulations and should be beheaded." , it’s already a great fate to be alive now!”

Jiang Wankang was also very angry about Xu Liu breaking into the guardhouse with his guards and injuring two gatekeepers from the port guard. But he looked pitiful when he saw Xu Liu lying on the fire bed, shivering with cold and still crying. He looked distressed.

He had hugged Xu Liu when he was a child. Although he felt that Xu Liu was a bastard and should act accordingly and not compete for the eldest son's position, Xu Liu was Xu You's son after all. Seeing Xu Liu suffer would make him feel uncomfortable. .

"Master Marquis, we'll talk about breaking into the guardhouse without permission after Xiao Liu recovers." When Jiang Wankang saw the military doctor coming in, he quickly got out of the way, pointed at Xu Liu and said: "Xiao Liu is frostbitten, please give him medicine to relieve the cold." !”

"Yes." The two military doctors hurriedly took their medicine boys to the fire bed and examined Xu Liu: "The Sixth Young Master has suffered from wind and cold, and now he has a slight fever. He must be given medicine to dispel the cold and reduce the fever as soon as possible. .”

Jiang Wanzang said hurriedly: "Then prescribe the medicine quickly! Just tell him whatever he needs. We must cure Xiao Liu as soon as possible and don't let Xiao Liu suffer too much."

"Yes." The two military doctors responded. They were busy for almost two hours, and it was not until daybreak that Xu Liu's fever was relieved.

Xu You has been standing guard in the camp, wanting to care about Xu Liu, but fearing that the scene would be in vain, so he could only endure it, but he felt very sorry for Xu Liu.

Because of his heartache, he finally blamed Jiang Wankang. If Jiang Wankang hadn't valued military law too much and almost ran the army based on military law, he wouldn't have had to torment Xiao Liu like this!

Thinking about the soldiers and horses in Jiang Wankang's hands again, his murderous intention towards Jiang Wankang became more and more serious.

Jiang Wankang never thought that his life-and-death brother, who had been friends with him for more than 20 years, had been through life and death countless times, and even helped him rebel, would have murderous intentions for him.

At this moment, he was still happy that Xu Liu's fever had gone away, so he told the military doctor: "Wind-cold always likes to come back. Please prescribe some good medicine for Xiao Liu. The Chinese New Year will be here in a few days, but we can't let Xiao Liu's fever get worse again." It’s about attending the military banquet.”

Xu You was overjoyed when he heard this: "Lao Jiang, you finally figured it out and support Xiao Liu attending the military banquet?"

Such a banquet, which was remonstrated by all the military generals in the northwest, should be attended by the eldest son. Jiang Wankang had specially reminded him before, saying that it was not appropriate for Xu Liu to attend the military banquet, as it would bring shame on his eldest son and his first wife.

Now he supports it. Xiaoliu is doing well with his illness!

Jiang Wangang sighed: "Now the Marquis only has one son, Xiaoliu, in the northwest. It is not good to have no heirs to attend such a big banquet, so Xiaoliu can only go."

After Xu Liu heard this, he was furious, Jiang Wangang, what do you mean by this? Do you think I, Xu Heng, am the companion of the scale? I can only attend when all my brothers are gone... You are dead, Jiang Wanzang and your whole family are dead!

"Thank you, Uncle Jiang..." Xu Liu knew how to pretend. Even though he was so angry that he wanted to kill Jiang Wangang, he was very grateful on his face and shed tears as he apologized to him: "Uncle Jiang, I'm sorry for leading someone to break into the guard without permission." What happened was that I was wrong... I knew I shouldn't break into the guard house, but I don't know what's going on lately. I've been doing things more and more impulsively. I knew it was wrong and I shouldn't do it, but I just couldn't control it. Sorry, wuwuwu..."

Xu Liu cried very sadly, looking extremely pitiful, and Xu You asked him to say these words.

Xu You took the opportunity to wave to Jiang Wankang, called Jiang Wankang into the tent, and told him about Xu Liu's poisoning.

Jiang Wankang was shocked: "He has already attacked Xiaoliu? He is really vicious. He is not worthy of being a big Chu..."

Jiang Wankang didn't say the word emperor, but he hated Emperor Jingyuan in his heart.

If it weren't for Emperor Jingyuan, the Wei Guogong line would not have died, the soldiers would not have dared to step into the land of Chu, the people of Chu would not have been killed by the soldiers, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers would not have died fighting against the soldiers. People, the people in the south don't have to pay all kinds of heavy taxes to support this war of resistance, and their lives are miserable!

But now, Xu You had just led the army to repel the bandits and protect Dachu. Emperor Jingyuan began to go crazy again and sent Jun Tianwei to poison Xiaoliu in an attempt to kill Xu You's most beloved son.

With a bang, Jiang Wangang punched the kang in the middle of the camp, almost breaking it.

Xu You said: "Old Jiang, you don't need to be angry. What kind of person he is has been clear to us since he killed Duke Wei and his family."

Then he took the opportunity to grab Jiang Wankang's hand, looked directly at him, and begged: "So, please help me, help the army and people of Dachu to escape from the sea of ​​suffering!"

Hey, that's right, you are such a thief!

However, Jiang Wankang was still moved and said: "Don't worry, I will learn from the past mistakes. I will obey your orders and will not let us become the line of Duke Wei."

"Good brother!" Xu You hugged Jiang Wangang, choked and shed tears... Are the Xu family members so capable of crying?

Jiang Wankang felt sad for a long time when he thought about the destruction of Wei Guogong's line. Finally, he talked about Xu Liu's incident: "Xiao Liu broke into the guardhouse without authorization, and he can be beaten with thirty military sticks. But remember not to do it again in the future." , otherwise those noble gentlemen from the capital will imitate this, and this first line of defense will become a sieve."

He also said very reasonably: "We will wait until the military banquet before execution. Let Xiaoliu take care of him these days."

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