A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1944 Children and In-Laws

Xu You got Jiang Wankang's promise to support him in his fight against Chu. He felt that Xu Liu was beaten with thirty military sticks and was no longer so embarrassed. He started acting again and said to Jiang Wankang: "Old Jiang, you love that traitor too much. According to me, that traitor should be dragged out and tortured immediately!"

Jiang Wankang smiled: "Don't talk nonsense. You love Xiaoliu so much. Are you willing to torture him now?"

Speaking of this, he reminded Xu You: "Ayou, I know you care about Xiao Cui very much, but she is a concubine after all, so you can't go too far, lest you slap the lady in the face. And this concubine who destroys his wife will be punished. Those civil servants who report impeachment will also be scolded by those civil servants who follow the etiquette of concubines... We need the help of the civil servants, and we cannot go against them."

After the coup was successful, they needed literati to govern the country.

Jiang Wankang said this because he didn't know the identity of Cui Xi's natal ancestor, and Xu You didn't tell him.

When Xu You heard this, he was very angry. He suppressed his anger so that he did not get angry at Jiang Wankang...Jiang Wankang, you are just a general under my command. It is not enough for me to bring my son to apologize to you; If you want to take care of my house affairs, whoever I want to favor, is it your turn to take care of it?

However, Xu You still needs Jiang Wankang, so he can't get angry with him now, so he said: "Old Jiang, what you are reminding me is, I will pay attention to it."

He also talked about guarding against sneak attacks by thieves during the Chinese New Year.

After finishing speaking, Xu You said again: "Old Jiang, you have been sitting in the Du Chonggou camp for the past six months, fighting head-on with the bandits. It has been very hard. I will replace you during the Chinese New Year. You can go back to the Daokou Gou camp to rest for a few days. .”

Jiang Wankang waved his hand and said with a smile: "Whatever, this is my job. Those dignitaries from the capital are still in the Daokougou camp. I can't get along with them, so you have to deal with them."

After speaking, he patted Xu You on the shoulder twice.

In the past, they were brothers fighting in a trap, and it was common for them to pat each other on the shoulders. But Xu You changed and felt that Jiang Wankang was offending him... He was already a marquis, and even in private, Jiang Wankang He should be treated as a prince, not just a brother!

Xu You suppressed his dissatisfaction and started a family affair with Jiang Wangang: "Your Zheng'an has also studied for so many years. How about I find a way to bring him to the northwest and arrange a job for him as a civil servant. In less than three years, he will be employed The official rank is above the fifth rank, which is higher than his grandfather's official position when he became an official."

Speaking of Jiang Zhengan, Xu You felt that Jiang Wankang was sick. He was the eldest son of the Jiang family. Jiang Wankang liked this son very much. He didn't take him with him to promote him, but asked Jiang Zhengan to study and become a civil servant.

If Jiang Zheng'an joins the army, thanks to his father Jiang Wangang, he can now become a deputy general.

Jiang Wankang shook his head: "Zheng'an can't come now. His grandfather's health is getting worse. He has been taught by his grandfather since he was a child and has a deep affection. If we get him here and don't let him serve his grandfather in person, I'm afraid it will be painful. lifetime."

Jiang Wankang was very lucky. The wife he married was a lady from an official family, and his father-in-law could only become an official if he had the same knowledge of the fifth grade. Because of this, both of his sons in the family took the path of studying.

Jiang Wankang did not force his sons to join the army. Seeing that they liked studying, he let them go.

They even felt that they did not have to suffer hardships in the camp like me, always preparing for war with the Rong people, but could have a peaceful meal and sleep peacefully, which was extremely good.

When talking about family affairs, Jiang Wanzang glanced at Xu You, hesitated for a moment, and asked: "Ayou, does our family's marriage still count?"

Jiang Wankang only had one daughter-in-law, so he had few children, only two sons and one daughter, and this daughter was engaged to be married to Xu You's eldest son.

But Jiang Zhengrong was already sixteen years old and had already reached the age of marriage, but the Xu family did not officially send anyone to arrange a betrothal.

Xu You said hurriedly: "Of course it counts! We are brothers in life and death. We have exchanged tokens about the two children. The father-in-law's family has made a decision here."

Just kidding, Jiang Wankang's son will not join the army. As long as his son can become Jiang Wankang's son-in-law, he will be able to take away Jiang Wankang's soldiers and horses in the future. The female in-laws here are bound to die!

But Xu You was not happy for his eldest son to marry Jiang Zhengrong... He wanted to wait for a few years until Jiang Zhengrong turned twenty and became an old girl, and then let her marry Xu Liu as his concubine.

That's right, Xu You had no intention of letting Jiang Zhengrong be Xu Liu's first wife. Xu Liu was considered a descendant of the royal family, and his first wife would only be chosen from the top ten aristocratic families, nobles above marquis, and noble ladies from the royal family.

Jiang Zhengrong is not worthy of being Xu Liu's wife.

Jiang Wanzang never thought that Xu You would plot against his daughter like this. After hearing that Xu You said that the marriage between the two families was still a good thing, he was very happy, put down his heart, and said: "Then when will the two children get married?"

A man can get married later, but a girl's family can't wait. If she doesn't get married for two years, she will be criticized.

Xu You frowned, a look of pain appeared on his face, and sighed: "When Sister Rong was still young, I asked my wife to prepare for their marriage, thinking of marrying Sister Rong to the Xu family as soon as possible. But in the past two years, things have changed. Things are changing too fast, we have so many soldiers and horses... He doesn't trust us, so he asked the boss to go to the capital to be a hostage. If Sister Rong is married at this time, Sister Rong will be in danger if there is a fight. "

Xu You held Jiang Wankang's hand and said, "Old Jiang, wait two more years, wait until we are successful, wait until I send troops to rescue the eldest son and his wife, and then let the two children get married happily."

These words were spoken sincerely. Jiang Wanzang regarded Xu You as his dead brother, so naturally he would not doubt anything and said excitedly: "Ayou, have you finally thought clearly and want to save the eldest son and his wife? I thought... …”

In order to pave the way for Xu Liu, you will not care about the life and death of the eldest son and his wife.

After hearing this, Xu You said: "Although I love Xiaoliu the most, the boss is also my son. No matter what, I will let him live a safe and prosperous life and will not let anything happen to him."

However, the eldest son hated him for being unfair and had long since separated from his father. And since he had many sons, he didn't have much affection for his eldest son who couldn't please him. So eldest son Xu died as soon as he died.

Jiang Wankang was very happy. He did not have high expectations for the younger generation, just peace, wealth and honor: "Okay, okay, that's enough! I can finally reply to Ya Niang. You don't know, she wrote a letter saying two things." Come back, it’s a bit annoying.”

Yaniang would write him a letter to urge him on this matter, because she was afraid that Sister Rong would be recruited into the palace by Emperor Jingyuan to become a concubine. The couple only had one daughter, how could they send her to the palace?

Moreover, Sister Rong and Boss Xu were childhood sweethearts. Sister Rong liked Boss Xu. As a mother, she could see clearly that she felt very distressed because she wanted to make her daughter happy.

But Xu You was very unhappy after hearing this. It turned out that it was Shen Yaniang who was urging this matter... Jiang Wankang had a good relationship with him and trusted him very much, but Shen Yaniang was as shrewd as a scholar, so he had to be careful about this woman and not let her cause trouble. .

"Old Jiang, you are all alone here, why not get a second roommate so that someone can take care of you and give you two more Lin'er."

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