A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1945 Recruits are coming

Jiang Wangang burst out laughing when he heard this: "Ayou, you are really good at joking. We didn't know when we started fighting with the soldiers. How could I have time to take care of a second wife? And you still take care of me? Tian Lin'er? Then I will fight." Don't we still have to worry about them? It's too tiring. At my age, I can't take care of them."

Although Ya Niang has a nice name, she has a really bad temper. If he dares to take concubines outside at his age, I'm afraid she will have a serious fight with him.

By then, let alone his beautiful concubine Lin'er, he might even lose his original wife and three children.

Xu You felt very contemptuous when he heard this, "Jiang Wankang, can you have some potential? It has been so many years, and you still treat Shen Yanniang as a royal lady."

You are now a general, and you no longer need to live your life based on your father-in-law's family, do you understand? !

"We are all our people here. If you take concubines and have children here, Mrs. Shen won't know about it. Don't delay, I will make arrangements for you. You just need to go and have fun when you are free." If Mrs. Shen gets angry, I will ask Madam to talk to her."

Can't a Mrs. Hou control Shen Yanniang, whose natal family is in decline?

But Jiang Wankang still refused: "Forget it, I'm old, there's no need to bother."

It was not easy for Ya Niang to take care of a large family for many years. There was no need for him to make her angry by taking a concubine.

After hearing this, Xu You felt very disdainful of Jiang Wankang's persistence. Just as he was about to persuade him again, he suddenly heard an exclamation from outside the camp: "Master, the sixth master has a fever again, and it's getting hotter and hotter!"

Xiao Liu has a fever again?

Xu You hurried out, quickly came to the fire bed, and asked the military doctor who was treating the doctor: "Why did the fever come up again not long after the fever subsided? Hurry up and give Xiaoliu medicine to get rid of the fever!"

"Yes." The two military doctors responded, quickly took out the medicinal materials, mashed them into juice, wiped Xu Liu's body, injected Xu Liu with an injection, and poured medicine. After half an hour of tossing, Xu Liu's fever subsided again. .

Xu Liu was covered in sweat and had fallen asleep from being tortured. The medicine boy wiped his body to prevent him from being soaked in sweat and aggravating his condition.

Xu You looked at the unconscious Xu Liu and felt very heartbroken. He asked the military doctor angrily: "What is the condition of Mr. Six? Will he be cured within eight days?"

It would be New Year's Eve in six days, and the military banquet was on the second day of the Lunar New Year. He had been planning for months and was waiting to bring Xiao Liu out to meet people. If he was delayed due to illness, it would be a big loss!

The two military doctors frowned and thought. Seeing that Xu You's face was getting gloomier and he was about to draw a knife to kill someone, they hurriedly said: "Don't worry, Mr. Hou, as long as the treatment is proper, the wind and cold will be cured quickly. Eight days is enough."

However, Xu Liu was unlucky. He developed a cough after his fever subsided. People say that once the cold enters the bones and causes a cough, it is impossible to recover quickly from whooping cough.

And this cough caused Xu Liu a big disaster at the military banquet, but this is a story for later. Now Xu Liu's high fever has subsided, and he has been forgiven by Jiang Wangang. He is sitting in a warm carriage, slowly heading towards I rushed to Daokougou Camp to prepare to go back to celebrate the New Year.

By the time they arrived at the Daokouigou Camp, the camp already had a festive New Year atmosphere. Red lanterns, Spring Festival couplets, and bags of lucky candy could be seen everywhere.

The guard lifted up the car curtain to let Xu Liu look at the various decorations in the camp, and said: "These lucky candy bags are hung up by the nobles from the capital. Everyone can go and get lucky candy. I heard that on the first day of the new year At that time, the Shen family, Fang family and other people from the capital would hang up money bags and let the soldiers shoot the money bags. The archers in the camp have been practicing intensively recently, trying to shoot down a money bag with one arrow. Make a fortune."

A lucky money bag was not small. It could hold a thousand coins, which was one tael of silver. The soldiers were very excited.

Shen family, Fang family?

Xu Liu was unhappy after hearing this. Daokougou Camp belonged to his Xu family, so why did the Shen family and the Fang family come to show off their prestige?

Xu Liu snorted coldly: "When I see dad later, I will mention this to him and ask him to order people to prepare a lot of lucky money bags so that the soldiers can have fun."

We can't let the Shen family and the Fang family steal the limelight!

There were many things going on at Daokougou camp. Xu You returned to the camp half a day earlier than Xu Liu. At this moment, he had learned from Xu He that Xu Liu had not been poisoned.


Xu He said: "I have already revealed the news of the Sixth Young Master's poisoning to Ma Linshan, and he should have informed General Jiang of the news."

Ma Linshan is a military doctor under Jiang Wankang. He treats the soldiers who were seriously injured in Duchonggou at Daokougou Camp.

"Well, good job." Xu You was relieved. As soon as the news from Ma Linshan arrived, his lie would be perfect.


"Why is Xiao Liu's temper like this?" Xu You was worried that Xu Liu's bad temper would lead to big trouble in the future.

Xu He said: "Sixth Young Master must be too stressed and tired, which makes him grumpy."

Xu You frowned: "Is this really the reason? Don't lie to me!"

Xu He was startled and hurriedly knelt down: "I dare not deceive the Marquis. This is indeed the reason... The Sixth Young Master used to have an easy life. He was pampered by the Second Lady and grew up. Suddenly he came to Daokougou Camp, and he had a lot of burdens. Pressing down at the same time, the Sixth Young Master can hold on until now, and his mind is already tougher than his peers."

Toughness is nothing, Xu Liu’s appearance of always crying, does it have anything to do with toughness?

After hearing this, Xu You felt relieved and asked Xu He: "Is there any medicine that doesn't hurt the body and can suppress people's bad temper? If there is, give it to Xiaoliu immediately, and don't let him offend during the military banquet. people."

Xu He said: "There is a medicine that can suppress people's rage, but after taking the medicine, people will feel dizzy, which is not conducive for the Sixth Young Master to make friends with others."

Not good for making friends?

What's the point of coming?

He wanted to take advantage of the military banquet to let Xiao Liu make friends with various generals and noble families!

In the end, Xu You didn't dare to let Xu Liu take this medicine, so he said: "Forget it, when Xiao Liu comes back, you can cure his wind and cold first."

"Yes." Xu He agreed and turned to leave, but his heart became more and more sad... He had to find an opportunity to send a message to the second lady and ask her, did the ancestors of the Cui family have any children with brain problems?

If so, the Sixth Young Master might have contracted this ancestral disease!

On the twenty-seventh of the twelfth lunar month, the snow that had stopped for two days started to fall again. Gu Jinli was telling Qin Sanlang: "Bring him back as soon as you receive him. The New Year is almost here, so you have to arrange it quickly."

Then he complained: "I don't know what General Jiang thinks about giving it to someone at this time."

Qin Sanlang smiled and said: "The best soldiers to give at this time are veterans who have fought in the war. They can go directly to the battlefield without training. After the new year, most of the soldiers will be new soldiers, who need to train for at least three months before they can fight."

Then he said: "Don't worry, Xiaoyu, I will leave as soon as possible... General Jiang is getting better and better towards me."

Jiang Wankang hated him before, but after discovering that the soldiers dug tunnels to attack him, he changed his mind about him, and now he is even giving him veterans.

"Well, you are right, General Jiang is actually quite good, not as bad as we originally thought." Gu Jinli said, and asked Qin Sanlang: "Do you think we can win him over? Give him and Xu You a chance A divorce plan?"

God said, Xu You is going to kill his friendship with Jiang Wankang without you using any tricks to separate them.

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