"Aren't you afraid of death?" Gaofen Niang sneered: "That's so nice to say. If it really gets to that point, you ladies will push out your relatives to make shields to block your knives!"

That bitch Mrs. Zeng also said that she was not afraid of death and would protect them, but it turned out that she lied to them. In the end, fifteen of the seventeen good-looking girls in Junhu Village died tragically.

Only she and her cousin Gao Fangniang were left.

But my cousin got married in a hurry a few months after the incident, to a widower in his thirties with a son in his teens!

She was very angry and wanted her cousin not to marry and to take revenge with her, but her cousin said: "Fen Niang, if that happened, who else could I marry? Wu Laosan is very good, at least he is not a military household." ,This is enough."

Gao Fenniang knew what her cousin meant when she said this, but she refused to accept it and asked: "Don't you want to take revenge, cousin? How can you take revenge in the future after marrying Wu Laosan?!"

Gao Fangniang smiled and asked her: "Even if I can marry a Qianhu, can I take revenge? Mrs. Zeng is no longer the wife of Qianhu, but the wife of the deputy general."

The Rong people were ferocious and killed many generals in the northwest. When the northwest was extremely short of major generals, Zeng Qianhu, who had fought in battles and made meritorious deeds, was promoted to deputy general.

The military household was of low status, and the highest-ranking person in their family was just a general bannerman. How could they seek revenge from the Zeng family?

The cousin finally said to her: "Fen Niang, accept your fate."

But Gaofen Niang doesn't accept her fate, why should she accept such a miserable fate? !

She will make herself stronger, and one day, she will kill Mrs. Zeng to avenge herself and her sisters!

Gu Jinli swung the heavy knife in his hand and hit Gaofen Niang's injured arm directly with a bang, making Gaofen Niang scream out, "Ah~"

Pan Xiaoxu shouted: "Stop, why are you so vicious, you only want to inflict wounds on Sister Gao!"

Gu Jinli looked at Pan Xiaoxue and asked with a smile: "Is this vicious?"

Oh well.

Bang bang bang!

Gu Jinli hit Gaofen Niang's arm three more times with a heavy knife. Gaofen Niang's face twisted in pain, but she gritted her teeth and did not scream anymore.

Pan Xiaoxu was so angry that he almost fainted, pointed at Gu Jinli and said: "You, you..."

"What are you doing? Do you still want to violate military law? Or do you want to come over and have a fight with me? But can you beat me? If not, shut up!" Gu Jinli gave Pan Xiaoxu a lesson, and then looked at Gao Fen Niang smiled disdainfully and said: "If you want to question my wife after you are defeated, I will wait until you win!"

Why are you so crazy if you can't beat me?

"You are not allowed to scold Sister Gao." Pan Xiaoxu didn't want to see Gao Fenniang suffer, so he hurriedly said to Jin Xiuxiu: "Sister Xiuxiu, you should speak up."

Aren't you usually very creative?

After hearing this, Jin Xiuxiu kowtowed to Gu Jinli and said, "Madam, please calm down. For the sake of Sister Gao who has killed soldiers and thieves and protected her family members, please spare her once."

After saying that, he glanced behind him.

Those relatives who had been cared for by Gaofen Niang understood and knelt down to beg for mercy: "Madam, Fen Niang didn't mean it, she just has a bad temper. Madam, just spare her for once!"

Then there was a sound of kowtows.

Gu Jinli looked at the people who were kneeling and couldn't say anything. "Do you have something wrong with your ears? I told you before the fight that you fight voluntarily. You are responsible for life and death. There is no need for accountability. Don't you understand what I mean?"

Why are you still kneeling down to beg for mercy?

Do you really think I will kill Gaofen Niang?

Hey, don't tell me, that's what everyone thinks. After all, you won. You seem to be in a bad temper, and you have a knife in your hand. What if you can't hold it back and chop Gaofen's mother with one knife?

"Get up, the fight is over. If you dare to attack violently again, you really want to murder me. If you are subdued by me again, I will chop off your hands and feet." Gu Jinli stopped his feet, moved his hand, and the big knife fell She walked back with the knife on her shoulder.

Aunt Yu almost fainted after seeing this... Madam's rules are really bad. After the young Marquis comes back, she must risk her life to make a suggestion and make him agree to teach Madam the rules. If she continues to indulge Madam like this If you go on like this, you might become a female bandit.

Pan Xiaoxu was shocked. He looked at Gu Jinli and asked, "Are you really going to let Sister Gao go like this? Don't you chop off her hands and feet, or beat her up, and lock her up for a few more days?"

Hehe, Gu Jinli laughed: "How many days will she be detained? There are so many tasks in the health center now. How many days of detention is just to give her a holiday. Stop having such sweet dreams and work for me. Don't be lazy and not work!" "

Then he pointed a knife at Pan Xiaoxu and said: "And you, don't think that just because you were beaten up, you can use the excuse of recuperating to laze around. You have to follow the women to pick up the soles and sew the cotton clothes and trousers you wear!"

"What, there are new cotton-padded jackets for us to wear? Are they real or fake? You're not lying to us, are you?" Pan Xiaoxu didn't believe it. They were military households with low status, and were not as good as the relatives who came from the south. Many times, they Can't get supplies.

"Yes, madam, you are not lying to us, or are you sending us some moldy old cotton-padded jackets?!" Mrs. Fan has always been a shrew. Previously, she was afraid of death and kept silent, but she heard that new cotton-padded jackets were found Finally, I couldn't hold it any longer.

After asking this question, Mrs. Fan pinched the little Peng next to her and asked her to yell a few words to make sure she understood.

Little Peng was shrewd. When she saw Gu Jinli knocking Gao Fenniang down, she understood that Gu Jinli was a powerful person. Instead of trying to be the first, she said to Lu Chen: "Ms. Lu, Mrs. Lu, at this time you have to Can you ask a few questions for our relatives?"

You haven't spoken a word. Are you dead? !

Mrs. Lu Chen was afraid that they would act recklessly and cause trouble for her relatives, so she could only ask: "Is what Madam said true? Are there really new cotton-padded jackets for us to wear? There are about a hundred of us."

One set of new cotton-padded jackets per person costs more than one hundred sets, which is not a small sum.

Gu Jinli did not answer immediately, but glanced at them, and finally said seriously: "You must remember that as Mrs. Qianhu, I generally will not joke with you. You must treat my words as military orders, otherwise if you encounter If you still question my words during an enemy attack, you will be the ones who die!"

As for her, she will definitely not let herself die.

There was silence all around, and just as Mrs. Lu Chen was about to speak, Pan Xiaoxu jumped up excitedly and shouted: "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I really have a new cotton-padded jacket!"

But he forgot that his butt was still injured, and before he finished jumping, he hit the ground directly. He cried in pain and said, "I finally have a new cotton-padded jacket to wear."

Well, this little kid is a little crazy.

Gu Jinli said again: "Remember what I said, remember the regulations of the health center, and don't let me say it a third time!"

"Yes, Madam, don't worry, we have remembered it." Mrs. Lu Chen responded hurriedly, and asked tentatively: "Madam, when can we get new cotton-padded jackets?"

After saying that, he quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, ma'am, but it's true that you guys haven't worn a new cotton-padded jacket for almost three years. You won't feel at ease until you get the cotton-padded jacket."

Gu Jinli was not angry and looked at Lu: "Aunt Yao, take them to the supplies camp to get things to keep out the cold."

"Yes." Lu responded, and after bowing, he called to the new relatives: "Follow me."

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