"Hey, hey, here we come." The family members happily followed Lu and left.

Fan Shi and Xiao Peng Shi pushed through many relatives and came to Lu Shi. One of them grabbed one of Lu Shi's arms and said with a smile: "Thank you for your hard work, Madam Baihu. We will help you walk."

Bah, are you helping me? It's clearly a kidnapping!

Fifth Aunt Wang cursed in her heart, fearing that the good things would be snatched away by Mrs. Fan and Xiao Peng. She ignored Pan Xiaoxu and said to Jin Xiuxiu: "Xiuxiu, look at the small axe. Auntie will go and get it first." Cotton-padded jacket, hold on to your ax and come here quickly."

After saying that, he quickly turned around and ran away.

"Hey." Jin Xiuxiu responded and walked towards Gao Liu: "Auntie, let's go over and see Sister Gao. She has several injuries. We need to take her to see her."

Mrs. Gao Liu was also worried about Gaofen Niang, but Gaofen Niang hated her so much that when she saw that she hadn't left yet, she sneered and said, "Still not leaving? Do you like to see my jokes so much?!"

Jin Xiuxiu said: "Sister Gao, Auntie doesn't mean that. She is very worried about you."

"Bah, will she be worried about me? I've seen clearly what kind of heart she has. Get out now and don't be an eyesore in front of me!" Gaofen's mother angrily yelled at Gao Liushi. The scars on her face were caused by her yelling. It is getting more and more ferocious.

"Xiuxiu, my aunt is leaving first, please look after her." Gao Liu knew that Gao Fenniang hated her and would not accept her help, so she withdrew the arm held by Jin Xiuxiu and turned around to leave.

Jin Xiuxiu had no choice but to take care of Gaofen Niang by herself.

It was not until this moment that Daqing and Sanqing let go of Gaofenniang and tightened their grip on the weapons in their hands on guard.

Gao Fenniang was defeated by Gu Jinli, but she didn't make another violent move. Instead, she remained silent and followed Jin Xiuxiu away.

"Stop." Gu Jinli suddenly stopped Gao Fenniang.

Gaofen Niang is a little angry, wouldn't you have told me earlier if something happened? What a waste of time it is to wait for someone to go some distance away before talking!

But Gaofen Niang finally stopped and asked, "What's the matter?!"

Gu Jinli: "I have a scar-removing cream in my hand. It's very effective. If you make meritorious deeds, I can give it to you for free."

Look how generous she is.

Gaofen Niang was stunned, and after a while she said angrily: "Are you laughing at me?!"

"My defeated general, can't I laugh at you?" After Gu Jinli said these barbed words, he explained: "There are two reasons why I promised to give you the scar removal cream. First, I want to heal your face; Secondly, I don’t want you to live in the pain of the past, I hope you can become truly powerful.”

When she was looking at the roster, she saw the record about Gaofen Niang and admired her very much... Gaofen Niang, a person who could successfully escape with 80% of her family members when the bandits came, such a person has grown up. Liang Weihou should be reused.

It can be seen that after meeting Gaofen Niang, she discovered Gaofen Niang's problem... She lives in hatred and is a person who is easily driven crazy by the hatred of the past.

Gu Jinli said: "If you want to take revenge, you have to calm down. It will not do you any good to be furious like a tiger whose head has been stepped on."

Gaofen Niang was shocked and then angry. All her secrets were known to this stranger she had just met. She felt very embarrassed.

But if you think about it calmly, even Gu, who met her for the first time, could see her desire for revenge, which shows that she is really easily angered by her previous hatred, which is really not good.

Gaofen Niang's mouth moved, but she didn't speak. Instead, she took steps and followed Jin Xiuxiu, followed by Pan Xiaoxue, who was limping and wincing in pain.

Seeing that Gu Jinli had finished speaking, Aunt Yu said, "Madam, it's cold outside, let's go inside."

Madam's sunflower water just disappeared today, so I have to continue to keep it to avoid catching a cold and hurting my body.

"Okay." Gu Jinli responded and handed the big knife to Daqing: "Let someone tell Aunt Xiong that when the camps are divided, the most aggressive of the three families will be assigned to the Xiao family's camp and let them fight fiercely."

Among the three most aggressive families, two are currently picking supplies in front of the supplies camp.

Lu was the daughter of a scholar and was relatively gentle. When she saw Fan and Peng turning over a pile of cotton-padded jackets and quilts, she couldn't help but remind her: "Cotton coats, quilts, and shoes are all made of the same material. The primary and secondary schools are kept separately, so you can take it according to your own family size, there is no need to turn it over like this."

It's all messed up.

Xiao Peng: "Mrs. Baihu, what you said is that you dislike us for choosing things? But who can't choose a few cotton clothes and pants when buying one? Besides, we asked you before we made the selection, and we only accepted it after you nodded. They picked things, and now they dislike us for choosing things, this... wuwuwu, are you not willing to give us cotton clothes and pants?!"

Good guy, he started crying now, looking like he was bullied to the point of crying by Lu.

Lu was stunned: "That's not what I meant..."

Fan interrupted Lu's words and comforted little Peng in a loud voice: "Brothers and sisters, please don't cry. We are newcomers. We just came here halfway. We are always more angry and bullied than the old people... ...Stop crying and put away your tears."

Little Peng: "Oh, oh, oh, sister-in-law, but I am just wronged and can't stop crying."

They were talking one sentence after another, which made Lu family tremble. Especially Fan family's words were just deliberately provoking conflicts between the new relatives and the old relatives!

She pointed at Mrs. Fan and said, "Ms. Fan, if you don't know how to comfort people, don't talk nonsense."

Then he said: "There are still many relatives behind who want to receive supplies. You should hurry up and get them..."

Xiao Peng interrupted Lu: "Mrs. Baihu, don't blame my sister-in-law. She just wants to comfort me. Don't use military law to deal with her... Wuwuwu~"


Lu was confused. She didn't say she wanted to use military law to deal with Fan. She just wanted her to stop stirring up trouble and quickly collect her things and leave.

Lu wanted to explain, but she was clumsy, and Fan was quick to speak, and had already answered Xiao Peng's words: "Sister-in-law, stop talking. My sister-in-law is not afraid of being dealt with by military law, but she is afraid that if you keep talking, we will run out of warm clothes. "


Aunt Xiong shook her head as she watched from the outside. Mrs. Yao was still too soft to deal with these shrews. She was about to take action to deal with Fan and Xiao Peng, but someone stepped ahead of her and rushed into the material camp. The wooden stick in his hand was pointing at He hit Fan and Xiao Peng on their bodies.

Bang bang bang!

"Ah ah ah, Bao Xiaolian, you are crazy, why should you hit us?"

"Bao Xiaolian, you are a waste, stop it!"


Bang bang bang!

The worse they scolded, the harder Bao Xiaolian hit them, and finally hit them on the knees. After beating them until they knelt down, she cursed: "Bah, I'm beating you two shameless shrews! "

After saying that, he spat at them twice: "If you want to make trouble together and get more supplies, I don't care, but if you dare to delay my getting warm clothes, don't blame me for beating you to death!"

Lu was shocked when he saw this... Bao Xiaolian, who was still wearing her hair like a girl, actually tasted like an old lady. How come she didn't have the elegance and beauty in her name at all?

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