It is no longer possible to make private wine and sell it here in the northwest. As for selling wine given by others, someone has to be a guarantee. For example, when Xiao Chengju sells wine, he uses the name of Wei Suo.

Xiao Chengju choked as if his throat was being strangled. He clutched his stomach and stared at Uncle Qin, so angry that he couldn't speak.

Uncle Qin looked at him and asked: "What are you covering, you're pregnant? Take out the money quickly and ask your mother to hide it for you, leaving it for you to marry a wife in the future, so that you don't use it to do business randomly." Just waste your money."

Ju Ge'er is smart and knows how to do business, but he is a bit of a gambler. After seeing how much money he makes from selling wine, he will definitely use the money he earns to exchange for something more profitable.

We have to take the money back and not let him spend it randomly, otherwise I'm afraid there won't even be a copper left.

Qian Qinghe laughed out loud: "Father-in-law is right, second brother, please hand over the money quickly."

Bang, Sister Xiao slapped Qian Qinghe on the face and scolded: "You are so ridiculous, what are you doing tonight when we are fighting with the Bao family and the Fan family? Just look at Bao Xiaolian, you like her so much, you marry her Let her go!”

Qian Qinghe was hurt by the beating and retorted: "You're a fierce bitch. You've beaten me before and you're here again. Are you done with it?"

"Dad, look at him, he went to see Bao Xiaolian by himself and he still dared to scold me, wuwuwu, I'm not going to live anymore!" Sister Xiao immediately complained, feeling a little aggrieved and started crying, but there were no tears.

"Okay, the Chinese New Year is almost here, don't keep arguing about this." Uncle Qin held his chopsticks and pointed at Xiao Chengju, who was bending down to run away: "Where can you escape to? Hand over the money quickly."

Xiao Chengju was so angry that he snorted coldly, and could only go back and take out the silver hidden in his clothes, but he was smart and only gave Uncle Qin ten taels of silver: "The remaining eight taels have to be exchanged for wine, not all For you guys."

"Okay." Uncle Qin agreed and gave the money to Widow Xiao: "Keep it and keep accounts for him to avoid conflicts between the families in the future."

Xiao Chenggong was jealous when he heard this. He looked at Uncle Qin and said, "Dad, can I follow my second brother to sell wine tomorrow? I am too tired to chop wood. I am a scholar and I have to write articles by hand. If I chop wood, I will give you a hand." What should I do if I chop it down?"

Uncle Qin: "This is the northwest. Even if you can be an official, you are still working as an errand in the military camp. You can't even bear the hard work of chopping firewood. When the soldiers come, won't you be hacked to death?"

He added: "Don't just think about taking shortcuts. You have to be capable and able to endure hardship. If you complain about chopping firewood, how can your cousin promote you?"

Uncle Qin pointed at the money and celebrated: "If you become a high official and your brother-in-law comes to ask you for promotion, if he is like this, will you let him become an official?"

Xiao Chenggong glanced at Qian Qinghe, thinking about Qian Qinghe's daily behavior, he shook his head repeatedly: "No, if I let him become an official, I would be harming myself."

Bang, Qian Qinghe slammed the table angrily and said: "Xiao Chenggong, please remember this for me. When I become rich, you will never come to attack me!"

"Yeah, yeah, wind!" Brother Xiaogui learned from watching the excitement for a long time. He also slapped the table, but he hit it too hard and hurt himself. He raised his hands and cried to Uncle Qin. .

Sister Xiao quickly coaxed him: "Look at your potential, stop crying. You will have lucky candies the day after tomorrow."

Widow Xiao scolded: "You can eat whatever you want. How many times have your cousins ​​told you that your brother is still young and can't eat sweets. He will choke. Just give him some sugar water."

Then he said: "Don't be lazy. Big sister and little sister, hurry up and clear the table, let your brother urinate and let him sleep; the boss, the second brother, and Qian's son-in-law hurry up and chop the firewood, and chop enough for tomorrow." sleep."

After Widow Xiao finished speaking, she dragged Uncle Qin away and went to the camp where the men of the Xiao family lived to talk.

Uncle Qin said: "What are you doing? You don't have to be laughed at by the children."

"Bah, do you really think I'm greedy for your beauty? I just want to ask you, have the people over there been looking for you? It's been almost a month, so I should be looking for you to ask about the situation."

Widow Xiao knew that a group of people had come to see Uncle Qin and asked him to keep an eye on Sanlang Qin.

However, she didn't know that the group was Xu You's, nor did she know that Uncle Qin had assassinated scouts before.

Uncle Qin said: "You haven't come to see me recently."

Then he said: "Don't worry about this matter. That group of people is very mysterious. We don't know their details yet. If they have more contacts, I'm afraid something will happen. Besides, we are already close to Qin's nephew and are rich. We don't need to rely on him anymore." Make them rich."

After hearing this, Widow Xiao was so angry that she pinched Uncle Qin and said angrily: "Is this a matter of making money or not? Those people are too dangerous. Since they can find us, they will definitely not let us go so easily. We...I am afraid that they will cause trouble for us in the future and cause our whole family to die."

Then he said: "I regret it so much now. If I had known that Qin's nephew would recognize us, you wouldn't have had to agree to help them keep an eye on people. It's better now. If you don't want to help them, you're afraid of their revenge."

After hearing this, Uncle Qin was quite pleased, but said, "If it hadn't been for them, we wouldn't have been able to see nephew Qin."

The Mu County gathering area is very strictly controlled. There are patrols within ten miles, and there are sentries within three miles. Within one mile, ordinary people are not allowed to approach. They can reach the gate of Mu County gathering area, which is sent there by that group of people. .

"Okay, you don't have to worry too much about this. You can raise your baby with peace of mind." Uncle Qin said, "If we fall out with them and they want to kill us, I will ask Qin's nephew and he will help. I am his only biological uncle."

He also told Widow Xiao: "Don't run out if you have nothing to do, stay in the guardhouse honestly, so as not to meet that group of people... If you do, don't panic, just tell them half-truths and half- lies to fool them. OK, if they don’t believe it, they will come to me and ask questions, and I will deal with them.”

Widow Xiao said: "But the second brother is in the business of selling wine. What if those people come to question him?"

Uncle Qin smiled: "He is much smarter than you and can handle it. You don't have to worry about him. Just take good care of your brother and sister. After all, they are the children and the girl."

After hearing this, Widow Xiao thought for a while, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

After talking about the business, Widow Xiao looked around and listened for a while. When she saw that there were no footsteps, she hugged Uncle Qin and started to chew on him. She even took off his clothes and said, "Tell me, have you thought about me?"

Look at this face, he is still handsome even when he is old. I am very proud of him!

Uncle Qin was laughing so hard: "One look at your thief look and I know you are going to take advantage of me... Stop making trouble. When Brother Ju and the others come over and bump into us later, our old face will be completely disgraced."

"What are you afraid of? I'm pregnant. How can they not understand this?" Widow Xiao drooled over Uncle Qin's face, but she couldn't find anything hidden in Uncle Qin's clothes. Finally, she pushed him away: "I listen to you and stop making trouble. It's not easy to make trouble when you're pregnant with a baby."

Uncle Qin said angrily: "Tsk, I know you, a woman, want to take the opportunity to search for private money. I told you that those people didn't give me any banknotes, so it's useless for you to search."

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