Widow Xiao denied it: "What are you talking about? I don't believe you."

Then he waved his hand and said, "It's getting late. I'm pregnant with my baby. I'll go back to bed first. Don't send me away."

But it was dark and snowing, and Uncle Qin was worried about her, so he still took a torch, supported her, and took her back to the women's camp.

The next day, there was gossip in the health center, saying that a pair of old men from the health center had become grandpa and grandma. Everybody heard it.

Anyway, the gossip spread very loudly.

And soon, everyone guessed that the elderly couple who became grandfather and grandmother were Uncle Qin and Widow Xiao.

Widow Xiao was so angry that she ran to the Bao family and her daughter: "Get out of here, you old man, who gave birth to babies before you got married. You dare to spread gossip about me, so that you can be well..."

She had to hold back the words before she could say them, because Bao Xiaolian rushed out with a hatchet and rushed toward Widow Xiao desperately.

Widow Xiao was so frightened that she ran away. After returning to her tent, she quickly closed the door... Qin's niece ordered Xia Zhang to take people to cut down trees and make a batch of wooden doors. Therefore, some of the tents were equipped with doors, which was better than before. Much safer.

Bang bang bang!

Bao Xiaolian was also fierce. She slashed at the wooden door with a hatchet several times, almost breaking it: "Old Qianpo, don't think that you can wrongly accuse someone just because you are Qin Qianhu's aunt. Who spread gossip about you?" If you dare to accuse anyone unjustly again, I will burn your tent!"

After saying that, he gave the wooden door two legs and then left.

Widow Xiao and her two daughters were trembling with fear. They didn't expect Bao Xiaolian to be so fierce. Her family had met a match.

Sister Xiao: "Mom, it seems that it's not the Bao family, it should be the gossip coming from the Gan family. This damn Fan is still not honest even after being beaten with a military stick. Mom, please rest, while my daughter goes to chop up her family's pot and give it to her." You take it out!"

"Sister, don't be impulsive." Xiao Xiaomei grabbed Sister Xiao and said, "It is against the regulations of the health department to spread gossip. Let's go to my cousin and ask her to drag Mr. Fan out and give her a beating."

Dad said that the guardhouse is a place with rules. If someone is harmed, you don't have to bother to knock on the door, just ask your cousin, who will deal with them using military law.

"My little sister is right, let's go find your cousin sister-in-law and see how rampant the Bao family and Gan family are!" Widow Xiao took her two daughters and carried Brother Xiaogui to find Gu Jinli, and successfully met her.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu she herself has to make the decision for herself. My aunt is about to be killed by that bitch of the Gan family!" Widow Xiao complained in tears. She was afraid that her crying was not miserable enough, so she pinched your brother. , which made Brother Gui cry in pain.

Gu Jinli saw it and said dissatisfied: "Auntie, can you please stop pinching your brother? It's useless to make him suffer. If you make a mistake, you will still be beaten if you should."

Widow Xiao was embarrassed and said hahaha: "Niece and daughter-in-law, it's okay. Our whole family loves your brother very much. How can we deliberately pinch him?"

After saying that, he quickly changed the topic and cried: "My nephew and daughter-in-law, you have to make the decision for your aunt. This is the Chinese New Year, but that bitch of the Gan family spreads gossip and makes your uncle and aunt lose face. If Mrs. Fan is not punished, how will my aunt behave in the future?"

Gu Jinli ignored her. Seeing that Brother Gui's face was almost turning purple from crying, he quickly pinched him to let him recover. Then he brought a bowl of crushed sugar, scooped some out and fed it to him: "It's sugar." , you like it.”

After hearing this, Brother Xiaogui licked the spoon. After tasting the sweetness, he immediately stopped crying. He opened his mouth and ate the candy. Then he waved his hands, pointed at Gu Jinli's wooden bowl and shouted: "Ah ah ah, eat it." !”

Gu Jinli scooped up another spoonful of fine sugar, but instead of feeding it to Brother Gui, he gave the spoon to Xiaomei: "Feed him several times, and after eating this spoonful, it will be gone."

Sugar is expensive, so save it for the New Year.

"Yes." Xiao Xiaomei has been working with her old wife recently and has heard a lot about Gu Jinli. She actually admires her a little and obeys her orders.

"It wasn't Fan who did it." Gu Jinli had already sent Daqing to investigate, but the person who found out was not Fan.

Widow Xiao: "Who is that? Are they Bao Xiaolian and her daughter? Okay, you were pretending to me just now, so I knew it was them!"

After all, her family just had a fight with the Bao family and her daughter last night.

Gu Jinli shook his head: "It wasn't them, it was Xiao Peng who bumped into you and your uncle going to the camp and told your sister, Da Peng, about the matter. The two sisters conspired to spread the gossip."

"Da Peng? Who is it?" Widow Xiao didn't know Da Peng at all. As for the little Peng, she had met her once last night, but: "Little Peng looked very gentle. She was so kind when she saw me last night." You're very polite. You gave me a pound of cotton, so I can make a pair of cotton trousers for your brother."

Gu Jinli said: "Only dogs that don't bark can bite people."

In the family book, there are two incidents in which the younger Peng secretly spread gossip and gained a reputation as a bad person, and in these two incidents, there was a shadow of the older Peng.

Da Pengshi didn't want to help Little Pengshi, but wanted to harm her.

Just because Xiao Peng used her beauty to ruin the marriage of Da Peng, Da Peng, who originally had the opportunity to marry a good family member and leave the military family, ended up marrying a child of a military family and becoming the wife of a military family.

And Xiao Peng didn't succeed. The mother of a well-bred son didn't like a scheming girl like Xiao Peng, and she wouldn't allow her to do the ridiculous thing of abandoning her eldest sister and marrying her younger sister.

In the end, neither sister was able to marry a good son, and both became wives of military households.

But the big Peng family has always hated the little Peng family, and even now she still wants to harm the little Peng family to avenge herself.

Gu Jinli told Widow Xiao and the others these reasons.

"It turns out that the sisters are fighting over their husbands. No wonder the big Peng family wants to harm the little Peng family. This little Peng family deserves it." Widow Xiao felt relieved when she heard this gossip, and asked Gu Jinli: "My nephew and daughter-in-law, since we know it is them If the sisters did it, then you can’t let them go, you have to catch them and beat them up!”

Gu Jinli nodded: "Of course we can't let them go... Daqing, give the evidence to Yao Baihu, and ask Yao Baihu to evacuate the Peng sisters and their families to the Duchonggou camp today, and their men will also evacuate, they can't be taken away. "

"What? My nephew-in-law, do you really want to send me back?!" Widow Xiao was shocked: "It's almost the Chinese New Year, so this punishment is too heavy."

Gu Jinli said: "Half of the newly arrived relatives are military households. They have seen blood on their hands, so they have to deal with a few thorns ruthlessly to make other relatives live in peace."


"The army and thieves may attack at any time. The family members of the guard must be absolutely united. Otherwise, when the army and thieves attack, let alone resist, they will probably take the opportunity to cause trouble."

Gu Jinli made it clear when he defeated Gao Fenniang yesterday, but the Peng family dared to cause trouble, so don't blame her for being ruthless!

"Daqing, go ahead and do it."

"Yes." Daqing took the order and left.

And soon, the little Peng family and the big Peng family were tied up by Yao Baihu's leaders, thrown into the carriage, and immediately sent to the Duchonggou camp by the soldiers.

The news spread quickly in the guardhouse, frightening the new relatives almost to death: "Oh my God, this new lady really dared to be ruthless, and even sent away the big and small Peng family. They have no chance to beg for mercy."

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