"Yes." Daqing went to do it immediately.

They were one step behind. When they arrived, the front door of the office building was already bustling with activity. Many children no longer watched the stew, but came to get lucky candies and lucky money.

Huang Sanhu had already caught lucky candies and lucky coins. When he saw Gu Jinli coming, he ran over and said, "Look, I've got lucky candies and lucky coins!"

Gu Jinli looked at the sweets and blessing money he carried in his coat and was surprised: "It's amazing, I beat him so much."

Huang Sanhu was so proud that he laughed and told the truth: "I hit Uncle Xiong who was hanging the bag first. He was startled, his hands shook, and the bag fell down. I opened the bag and grabbed a few handfuls. , there are so many.”

Well, Gu Jinli's mouth twitched when he heard it: "You are cheating and you will not get any blessings."

Huang Sanhu said: "It would be nice to have lucky candy and lucky money, but luck cannot be eaten. Besides, I have apologized to Uncle Xiong, and he is not angry."

After saying that, I heard Huang Xiaomei crying and said hurriedly: "Ah, my sister is crying again. I won't tell you anymore. I'm going to take care of my sister."

He ran to take care of Xiaomei Huang.

The surrounding soldiers also saw them and came to greet them one after another: "I have met your lord and madam. Thank you so much for letting us have a good year!"

They were all very grateful to Qin Sanlang and his wife. If Qin Sanlang hadn't accepted them, they and their families would not have been able to live such a good life.

Veterans like them all know the situation in the northwest now. They couldn't get enough to eat when they were elsewhere, but Chang Liang Wei could eat meat and all kinds of fried food.

And the madam was even more generous, and even took out several bags of lucky candies and lucky money to bring blessings to their children... She was really willing to give up, which also made them understand that the madam was different from the previous Mrs. Qianhu, and she took care of their family. Treat him like a human being, not a slave.

Qin Sanlang said: "To celebrate the New Year today, there is no need to be polite, just spend more time with your family."

"Yes." After hearing this, the soldiers hurriedly bowed and left.

Seeing how respectful they were, Gu Jinli almost everyone bowed and asked curiously: "What did you do to them?"

Without some thunderous tactics, these soldiers would not be so respectful.

Qin Sanlang said: "I didn't do anything. I just chopped down a few people to let them understand what the rules are."

ah? that's all?

"They are all veterans who have been on the battlefield. They have killed many people themselves. How many people will they be afraid of when they see you kill them? How did you kill them?" Gu Jinli asked.

Qin Sanlang didn't say anything, he just smiled and said: "It's just some capital punishment, Xiaoyu, don't listen."

She couldn't even listen to it, it seemed like it was not an ordinary capital punishment.

Gu Jinli was very sensible and nodded: "Okay, I won't listen anymore. Let's celebrate the New Year happily."

After saying that, he glanced at the door of the office building and said in surprise: "It's Xiaoping's turn to hit the lucky candies."

But Xiao Pingxi was young and short. He had to jump several times to get the lucky candy bag, but he couldn't get the lucky candy after hitting it three times.

The relatives and children laughed and said: "Oh, you didn't win the lucky candy, you are not lucky!"

That naughty kid Huang Sanhu also said: "You are an orphan without parents. My mother said you are a person without luck, so you can't get lucky candy."

Xiao Pingxi cared about this very much and burst into tears when he was told this.

Gu Jinli was so angry that she wanted to go over and cheer for Xiao Ping. Qin Sanlang grabbed her and said, "I'll do it."

Qin Sanlang walked over, held down Xiao Pingxi's head, turned him around, pointed at the lucky money bag and said, "Try hitting the lucky money bag, maybe you will get rich."

"Uncle Qin!" Xiao Pingxi was very surprised to see Qin Sanlang, but: "What if we can't beat him again?"

The big guy will be more convinced that he is unlucky, and may even say that he is a disaster star, and then he will be driven away.

"You haven't even tried, how do you know you can't win?" Qin Sanlang said: "Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and hit."

Xiao Pingxi didn't want to embarrass Qin Sanlang and Gu Jinli, so he gritted his teeth, jumped up, and hit the lucky money bag hard. With just this blow, the lucky money bag seemed to be leaking, and copper coins fell down.

The little guys were all shocked. They pointed at the pile of copper coins on the ground and said in a stumbling voice: "Money, money, Tian Pingxi has won the lucky money. He is going to get rich this year!"

Gu Jinli covered his eyes when he saw it... Qin Sanlang, could you open the back door more obviously? People with good eyesight would have seen you cut Fu Qian's bag with a knife.

However, Xiao Pingxi didn't see it. He was so happy that he picked up the lucky coins and put them into the lucky bag that Aunt Tao made for him.

He also exchanged copper plates for a handful of lucky candies with Huang Sanhu. He carried a lucky bag, pinched the candies, took Qin Sanlang's hand, and ran towards her: "Second Aunt Gu, I got the lucky money. Blessed candy, here it is for you!”

Give the blessing to Aunt Gu. Second Aunt Gu will be able to conceive a baby this year, so she won't be gossiped about.

Gu Jinli smiled and praised: "Our Xiao Pingxi is very capable, and also sensible and filial."

Xiaoping was happy to be praised, his face turned red and he felt embarrassed.

After Gu Jinli took the lucky candies and lucky money he handed over, he rubbed his face and said, "I will keep the lucky candies and lucky money for you. Go play with your friends instead of accompanying us."

"Hey!" Xiaoping ran away happily.

When the Xiao family heard that Qin Sanlang had given Xiao Pingxi a bag of fortune money, his eyes were red with jealousy, and he came with brother Xiaogui in his arms: "Nephew Qin, brother Gui is your nephew, so you have to Can you get him some sweets and money?"

I originally thought that Qin Sanlang would be angry, but he didn't expect that Qin Sanlang agreed and took Brother Xiaogui to get the lucky money bag, but he only got a dozen coins, which made Widow Xiao very angry: "Why do you just get it like this?" Point? This is your nephew. How can you help him save more than ten cents? "

The valuable brother was not interested in money. He just looked at Gu Jinli and yelled: "Eat, eat!"

I guess God heard what he said. Someone came from the big kitchen soon, banging the gong and shouting: "The meat is stewed, hurry up and get the meat for the New Year's Eve dinner!"

At this shout, the relatives and children went crazy. They took the bowls and basins that had been prepared and ran to the big kitchen: "Get the meat, get the meat, hurry up!"

This scene is comparable to running away from famine back then.

However, Gu Jinli spent a lot of money this time. Every household in the health center was given a lot of meat, vegetables, fried food, noodles and other food. Everyone in the health center was full and had a good year.

Many veterans with military backgrounds had red eyes... They had worked hard for half their lives so that their families could have a good life in the rear.

And today, they saw the good days they longed for.

After the New Year's Eve dinner, many soldiers warned their families not to do anything and listen to their wives, otherwise they would be kicked out for making mistakes and they would not be able to live such a good life.

Sang Er also knew what Sang Shi had done. Sang Shi confessed to him and promised not to make the same mistake again. If she did it again, she would ask for divorce and leave.

Sang Er was not satisfied with her as his daughter-in-law at the beginning, and she had been very tired of her in the past four years. But after four years of dating, he had developed feelings for her. After a long silence, he said: "Stop doing this, and live a good life." .”

Sang Shi thought Sang Er would scold her, but when she heard this, she cried. She cried so hard that Sang Er had to come over to comfort her.

After the New Year's Eve dinner, the soldiers stayed with their families for half an hour and then went to the big kitchen to load meat and vegetables for the brothers on guard.

After being busy for an hour, at the end of the afternoon, the sound of gongs for gathering came from the guardhouse.

Dang, Dang, Dang!

"The time is up, gather back to the Du Chonggou camp to prepare for the battle!"

The soldiers immediately started to move, and soon they were gathered together. They were sent out of the guardhouse by their relatives and rushed towards the Duchonggou camp.

Before Xu hour, we came to the Du Chonggou camp and stared at the Rong bandits.

But the thieves were honest and did not launch any attacks on the morning of New Year's Eve, the first day of the Lunar New Year, or the second day of the Lunar New Year.

"It seems that the bandits want to launch a sneak attack during the military banquet today." General Jiang frowned and looked at the opposite side. As a result, he could not return to Daokougou camp today and had to continue to guard Duchonggou.

But Qin Sanlang was going to Daokou Gou Camp. Xu Liu personally sent him and Zhong Yu a note asking them to go to Daokou Gou to attend the military banquet.

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