When General Jiang saw that there was no movement from the soldiers on the opposite side, he called his military generals: "The soldiers should not attack again during the day. You and the generals who are going to attend the banquet should set off for Daokougou immediately."

General Wu said: "General, the soldiers have been quiet for the past few days. They may attack fiercely today. The general wants to stay to defend against the enemy, so he will not go to the big banquet. There is nothing delicious."

General Jiang laughed and scolded: "You are talking big, but there is nothing delicious? The main course is roasted whole lamb. I heard that the Shen family cook also made the peony rich and noble cake in the palace. That was our Emperor Jingwu himself. You have to eat the named cakes and learn more about them, lest the adults in the capital, Mr. Dai, and Duan Changling’s grandson laugh at us for being reckless people who only know how to fight and kill, and are not good at anything. Never seen it before.”

After hearing this, General Wu suggested: "How about letting Xiao Zhou go?"

Xiao Zhou is General Zhou under General Jiang. He is not from the same family as General Zhou under Xu You, but has the same surname.

General Jiang shook his head: "He already attended Old Xu Fenghou's banquet last time. It's your turn this time."

General Wu still didn't want to go: "The general didn't finish the last banquet. Why don't we stay while the general goes to the banquet?"

Since the confrontation with the Rong bandits, General Jiang has been almost here in the Du Chonggou camp, working harder than any of them.

General Jiang was angry: "Wu, are you a man? Stop nagging with me. Take them away quickly. If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will kill you."

After saying this, he handed a token to General Wu.

He also explained: "Keep an eye on the people here, don't let them play too much, and don't follow the way of the adults in the capital. The adults from the capital and the nobles from the aristocratic families have very twisted minds, and they can accidentally do it." They will plot against you."

General Jiang hated these people the most. He always felt that their simple warriors would suffer if they were with these people.

General Wu could only take it and said: "Yes."

After General Wu took the token, he used General Jiang's scouts to send orders to the generals who were going to attend the banquet, and ordered them to gather quickly.

The generals who were going to attend the banquet were preparing for the battle near the Duchonggou camp. In less than half an hour, everyone had gathered. There were generals, general flags, small flags, and soldiers who had made outstanding military exploits.

General Wu rode a tall horse, glanced at them, and said in a voice as loud as a bell and a tripod: "There is a big banquet in the army, and there are many nobles. After you go, eat more meat, talk less, follow your thousands and hundreds of households, and don't mess around if you have nothing to do." Take a walk, so as not to bump into the adults, and don’t chase after a beautiful woman when you see one. Have some brains. Is that beauty something you can enjoy? Don’t drink too much wine. Wine is an expensive thing and is for adults to drink. Don’t go there. Drink secretly, or you’ll be caught and I won’t be able to protect you!”

The soldiers were very happy at first, but when they heard General Wu's words, they all withered.

General Wu got angry at this and shouted: "What are you doing with your heads hanging down? Your soul has been hooked by the black and white impermanence? Just make a sound while you are still alive, do you hear me clearly?!"

When the soldiers were scolded, they hurriedly held their heads high and replied with great enthusiasm: "Listen clearly!"

General Wu nodded and shouted: "Let's set off!"

Dang, Dang, Dang!

The flag-bearing soldiers under his command immediately beat the gong and shouted: "General Wu ordered us to set off and rush to Daokougou Camp!"

Everyone was on horseback. They galloped for several hours and arrived at the Daokougou camp in the afternoon.

The camp was already very lively, and bursts of music came from the camp and penetrated into the ears of the soldiers.

Some soldiers who had never heard it looked surprised and asked, "What is this sound? It sounds much better than the sound of drums."

A general who had heard the ditty replied to him: "I don't know anything about the sound of drumming. It's the sound of music. It's called silk and bamboo in the book. It's played with harps, flutes and the like."

But the soldier asked again: "Qin and se? What is that? Is it similar to a drum?"

"Stop muttering, all dismount and use medicine to enter the camp!" General Wu was the first to dismount and handed General Jiang's token, military flag, and the list of people attending the banquet to Qianhu who was guarding the camp gate.

Qianhu took the things, checked them one by one, and said, "General Wu, please let them line up. We have to verify their identities one by one according to the banquet list."

"Yes." General Wu nodded and shouted to the back: "Everyone line up behind me, take out your military badges, and wait for identity verification."

"Yes!" The soldiers hurriedly followed suit.

Today, the guards at the Daokouigou camp are particularly tight. When checking your identity, you will not only have to check your military badges, but also ask questions based on a booklet, including what achievements you have made and the situation of your family members. Your answers will be correct. Finally, you have to put your fingerprints on an entry and exit book before you can go to the side and wait.

After all of you in this group have checked their identities, the gate will be opened and you will be allowed in.

Zhong Yu was annoyed and complained to Qin Sanlang: "It's just a banquet. There are so many battles. If I had known I wouldn't come."

Then he talked about the big banquet at home: "The big banquet in my Zhong family is much better than this. As soon as the guests get off the carriage, they can step on the thick brocade blanket. There are flowers on both sides of the blanket. There is an incense burner behind the flower pot. There are spices, and when it is burned, a lingering aroma will waft out, which can incense half of the street. The fragrance is not overpowering, it is an elegant fragrance of flowers and plants, and it smells good."

After hearing this, Qin Sanlang reminded him in a low voice: "This is Daokougou Camp, not your Zhong family. You can't say such things here even if you are homesick. If others hear you, you may offend others, do you understand?"

Zhong Yu has been through a lot of hardships recently. He couldn't even return to the guardhouse for the Chinese New Year. He ate the New Year's Eve dinner lying down by the Du Chong ditch, crying while eating, and almost smashed the New Year's Eve dinner and ran home.

But he finally endured it.

Qin Sanlang looked at him with admiration and felt more and more that he could carve out a future in the northwest.

But at this moment Zhong Yu did not respond, but walked with his head drooped and shuffling.

Qin Sanlang turned around and saw the tears falling from his eyes. He was speechless. He kicked Zhong Yu in the back of his legs, almost knocking him to his knees. Then he grabbed him and said, "The road is yours." You chose it yourself, why are you crying? Brace yourself, this feast is not that delicious."

There were many nobles, and they had to brace themselves to deal with them.

Zhong Yu said: "Don't worry, I'm just here to have a meal and don't care about anything else. If they talk to me, I have the ability to ignore them."

If you don't accept it, go to his father and eldest brother, but he won't take care of you anyway!

However, not long after these words were spoken, the guards around Xu Liu came and saluted them: "I have seen Qin Qianhu, I have seen Mr. Zhong, I have seen Hong Baihu, the younger one is the guard beside Mr. Liu." Cui Jian, the two of you have met. On the orders of the Sixth Young Master, I invite the three of you to go over and talk. You don’t have to worry about missing the banquet. After the banquet begins, the three adults will follow the Sixth Young Master to the table."

Zhong Yu was annoyed with Xu Liu and said impatiently: "We came with General Wu. As subordinates, we have to follow General Wu, so we won't go see Mr. Six."

But in order to show the importance he attached to General Jiang, Xu You specially sent Xu Liang to pick up General Wu. At this moment, Xu Liang was talking to General Wu. After hearing this, he said to General Wu: "Sixth Young Master has been ill and is still coughing. Recently, I have been thinking about meeting Qin Yingxiong, Mr. Zhong, and Lao Wu, why not let them meet the Sixth Young Master, it will be good for the Sixth Young Master’s condition."

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