"What? The thieves are coming again?!" The civil servants at the banquet were very frightened. They gathered together and looked around. When they saw pieces of flint being smashed to the northwest of the camp, they shouted in horror. : "Yes, there is an enemy attack. There really is an enemy attack. The camp is attacked again!"

what to do?

Where should they flee?

Uncle Cao remembered the last enemy attack and warned aloud: "Birds, beware of rogue birds, they will bring poisonous insects!"

"Uncle Cao is reminding Mr. Xu, be careful of the flying birds and poisonous insects of the thieves. This is what they did when they attacked the camp last time. Dozens of people were harmed by poisonous insects because of this, but we can't ignore it."

"The archers are ready, aim at the sky, and when they see flying birds, they immediately shoot them down."

"Quick, look, are those birds birds?"

"Yes, they are birds and poisonous insects. They must have poisonous insects in their bodies."

"Archers, shoot your arrows quickly. What are you doing standing there?!"

The archers had already run over, unfurling their bows and shooting arrows at the birds in the sky.

Whoosh whoosh!

Sharp arrows were like rain, and he fired two bursts of arrows before killing all the flying birds.

Bang bang bang, the bird fell to the ground, and poisonous insects really crawled out.

"Ah, poisonous insects, the thieves have released poisonous insects again!" Many civil servants shouted in fear, and for a while, the entire banquet was in chaos.

Xu You listened to these sounds and sneered in his heart, "I just put a batch of flints and a batch of flying birds and poisonous insects to scare you into this, a bunch of useless things."

But he immediately ordered General Ma: "Hurry and escort the adults into the tent, don't let the poisonous insects hurt the adults!"

"Yes." General Ma took the order and said to all the lords, aristocratic families, and noble lords and young men: "My lords, hurry up and enter the big tent. The big tent is thick, and there are several packets of anti-insect medicine hanging on the top. Even if Even if birds fall down, poisonous insects will not crawl into the tent to hurt anyone."

"Yes, yes, hurry up and enter the big tent." The civil servants and nobles hurried into the big tent.

After Xu You ordered his soldiers, he raised a shield, put his arms around the shoulders of the Shen family uncle, and personally escorted him: "Prince Shen, it's dangerous outside. I'll escort you into the big tent for temporary shelter."

After saying that, without waiting for the Shen family uncle to speak, he grabbed him and ran towards the big tent.

After Mr. Xin entered the tent, he looked around. He didn't see Xu Liuhou, so he said: "Master Xu, the Sixth Young Master is still outside. Please send someone to carry him in quickly."

Xu You said: "No need. The traitor is protected by guards. He will be fine. If something happens, it will be his life."

He looked like he didn't care about Xu Liu's life or death.

He was not in a hurry because Xu Liu had two packs of Rong Thief's insect-repellent medicine on him. Even if poisonous insects were raging, Xu Liu would not be infected.

"How can this be done? The Sixth Young Master is the son of the Marquis." Mr. Xin looked at Mr. Shen's family and asked him to confess. After all, Xu You had just 'rescued' him into the big tent.

The uncle of the Shen family didn't want to care about Xu Liu's life or death at all, but he couldn't be too disrespectful to Xu You, so he said: "Master Xu, please send someone to rescue Xu Liu."

Xu Liang, who was next to him, was very knowledgeable. When he heard this, he said in surprise: "Prince Shen is no longer angry with the Sixth Young Master. That's great. Thank you for your magnanimity!"

The sound was so loud that all the adults around him heard it.

The uncle of the Shen family sneered in his heart, haha, it turned out that he was waiting for him here. As long as he nods now, Xu Liu's insult to him will be over?

The uncle of the Shen family did not answer, only said: "Rescue the people in first and then talk about it. It's dangerous outside. If we don't rescue people quickly, I'm afraid there will be an accident."

"Yes, thank you Prince Shen." Xu Liang went out to save people.

Xu You said: "Prince Shen, gentlemen, please stay here for now. I will lead the troops to meet the enemy. I will definitely not let anything happen to you, so there is no need to worry."

After hearing this, the people in the tent hurriedly raised their hands to Xu You and said, "Thank you, Lord Marquis."

Xu You nodded and immediately rushed out of the tent.

Bang bang bang!

Outside the big tent, pieces of flint were still falling towards the camp. The huge sound of flint falling to the ground penetrated the ears of these adults, scaring them so much that their faces turned pale.

Uncle Cao was still calm, but he remembered something and came over to ask Mr. Xin: "Master Supervisor, if the soldiers can throw flint into the camp, does that mean that the soldiers have found a way to cross the poisonous insect ditch and can attack us?" If we launch a massive attack, wouldn’t the northwest be in danger?!”

This was the flaw that allowed Xu You to launch this enemy attack to save Xu Liu.

Du Chong Ditch is quite far away from here. It is impossible for the catapults on the opposite side to throw flints into the camp. But at this moment, the flints are attacking the camp. If there is no trick in the camp, or the thieves have already crossed the Du Chong Ditch and killed the camp. The outskirts of the camp are coming.

Master Xin also felt that this matter was a bit unreasonable and said: "I will go out and take a look."

"Sir, you can't go. There are poisonous insects outside. What should you do if you get injured by poisonous insects when you go out?" The two adults from Yushitai hurriedly came over to persuade him, pulling him and not letting him go.

General Ma said: "Mr. Xin, it's dangerous outside. You are the supervisor sent by His Majesty. Your safety is of great importance. Please stay here and don't go out."

Master Xin felt that this sneak attack was a fraud, so he darkened his face and said, "It is precisely because I am the supervisor that I have to go out and take a look."

After saying that, regardless of General Ma's obstruction, he opened the door of the tent and walked out.

"Master Xin, wait!" General Ma hurriedly called a group of soldiers, caught up with Master Xin, and said to the soldiers: Build a shield array and surround Master Xin. Don't let Master Xin be injured by flowing stones and poisonous insects. "

"Yes." Ten soldiers immediately dispatched and surrounded Master Xin.

Master Xin looked towards the northwest of the camp for a while. After seeing the flint coming from that place, he ordered: "Prepare your horses, I want to go over and take a look."

General Ma is helpless. The flints are still being smashed. What are you, a supervisor from Yushitai, looking for? What to do if you get smashed to death?

But Master Xin took out the military supervisor's token and ordered: "This is the order of the supervisor. If General Ma disobeys, he will violate military law. In severe cases, he will be beheaded and the three clans will be imprisoned!"

Well, General Ma could only say: "Yes, I will obey your order."

However, instead of preparing horses, someone drove a carriage over. The hood was made of thick wooden boards and yak hide, which was very hard and could withstand sharp arrows.

General Ma said: "Mr.

Master Xin had no time to delay any longer, so he nodded in agreement and asked someone to help him get on the carriage.

"Master Xin, wait a minute. This junior will accompany you. I know weapons and want to see the slings of the bandits." Mr. Ning ran over with a guard and asked to get in the car.

"Okay." Mr. Xin agreed. After all, the Ning family started out as an ordnance maker, and they had just made a seven-shot repeating crossbow. It would be nice to take him there to see the slings of the soldiers.

"Thank you, Mr. Xin." Mr. Ning jumped onto the carriage. After they were seated, the cavalryman waved his whip and drove the carriage toward the northwest of the camp.

General Ma was afraid that something might happen to Mr. Xin, so he escorted him all the way with a group of soldiers and horses.

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