Bang bang bang!

The flints were still falling, making a thunderous sound.

There were birds flying overhead. The soldiers fired arrows to kill the birds and set fire to the poisonous insects brought by the birds.

Master Xin sat on the carriage, looking at everything in the camp, and was quite scared.

But he couldn't care about this anymore. He suspected that there was something fishy about this enemy attack, and he had to go and have a look in person to avoid being fooled by Xu You.

However, the Daokougou Camp was so big that it was comparable to a town. As soon as Master Xin and the others arrived at the place where the flint fell, the raid ended.

Xu You gathered here with tens of thousands of soldiers and horses. When he saw that Huoshi's long-distance attack had stopped, he immediately said: "No, the thieves are trying to escape. The generals will obey the order and immediately lead the troops to kill the thieves up the mountain to intercept the thieves!"

"Yes!" After the generals received the order, except for one of their confidants, General Zhou, who stayed behind, the other generals led their troops to pursue the thieves.

General Zhou led his troops to burn and kill the poisonous insects that came with the flint, and reminded the soldiers: "Everyone, be careful of the poisonous insects!"

Mr. Xin had just got off the carriage and when he heard this, he quickly asked: "Are there poisonous insects here too?"

When Xu You saw Master Xin, he pretended to be surprised and said, "Master Xin, why are you here? It's dangerous here. Stay back first and come back after the poisonous insects have been cleared away."

The soldier next to Xu You said: "Returning to the supervisor, there are indeed poisonous insects here, so be careful."

He complained again: "This bandit is really shameless. Not only did he throw flint here to ruin our mood for the feast, but he also tied poisonous insects to the flint to harm us. We are celebrating the New Year. It's so irritating!"

One of the soldiers replied to him: "This is not the first time the soldiers have such virtues. Last time when the Marquis hosted a banquet for all the adults in the capital, the soldiers also launched a surprise attack, which ruined the interest of all the adults. .”

The two soldiers said one sentence after another, intending to tell Mr. Xin not to doubt tonight's sneak attack. This is not the first time that the Rong bandits have carried out such a sneak attack. You have to believe that this is true.

"Master Marquis, there is a small iron pipe stuffed in this flint. It looks like a letter pipe. There should be a letter inside." General Zhou squatted next to a piece of flint and shouted towards Xu You.

After hearing this, Xu You strode over.

Master Xin also hurriedly followed.

The iron pipe was very hot. General Zhou held the iron pipe with his bare hands, took out the parchment paper inside, and handed it to Xu You.

Xu You took it and opened the parchment in front of Master Xin.

"This is Rong Wen." Lord Xin was shocked. Could this raid really be done by Rong thieves?

"It's Rong Wen." Xu You recognized Rong Wen. After looking at it for a while by the firelight, he read it out in Rong language, and then said to Master Xin in Dachu dialect: "It was written by Tuo Gude himself. It was a curse on me. It was the New Year. He knew that Da Chu’s New Year’s Day was as important as the Rong people’s Witch God’s Day, so he specially sent me a surprise attack and a curse as a gift. He cursed my nine clans to be wiped out, and the men of the Xu family... could not humane."

The curse was written in such a vicious way that it suited Tuogude's temper.

But only Xu You knew that the curse letter was not written by Tuo Gu, but by Liang Tu, who knew Rong Wen.

Dachu was at war with the Rong people. Lord Xin, as the supervisor of the army, had also been learning Rong Wen in the past few months. He could understand part of the Rong Wen on the parchment and knew that what Xu You said was true.

Mr. Xin was so angry that he cursed: "This barbarian Tuogude, let's forget about the New Year's raid, and write such curses, but we have never cursed them."

Then he said: "Master Xu, we and the bandits each guard one side of Du Chong Ditch, but tonight they attacked the camp with flints on the northwest mountain, which proves that the Rong bandits have crossed Du Chong Ditch and come to the main camp... ...This matter is too serious, and troops need to be immediately sent to search the entire northwest, lest there are soldiers and thieves lurking in the northwest again and harming our people."

Xu You: "Master Xin, don't worry. The defense from the Daokou Valley Camp to Long'an Prefecture is very tight. The bandits may be able to cross the Duchong Valley in small groups and reach the camp, but there is no way they can lurk again." To the northwest hinterland.”

Having already suffered a loss last time, how could Mr. Xin be relieved? He said: "Master Xu, this is a big deal, related to the safety of the northwest and even the Central Plains. We must conduct a thorough search to ensure that no thieves are lurking in." Okay, otherwise it would be difficult for me to write the memorial."

This is using his identity as a supervisor to force Xu You.

Xu You could only agree: "Master Xin is right, I will order the soldiers on the three lines of defense to search for the thieves and kill them all on sight!"

There was some regret in my heart. Although this method of raiding to rescue the son was good, it was too laborious and led to such a follow-up.

But the fake army raid had already been done, and Xu You had to finish it. It took him a whole night of work to temporarily end the raid.

In this raid, the Daokougou camp was considered a complete defeat, because they did not capture the thieves, but only found several corpses of the thieves and five smashed catapults.

Master Xin was very dissatisfied with this result, but he was old, tired all night, and his head was dizzy. He really didn't have the energy to watch Xu You and the others chasing the bandits, so he could only say: "Master Xu, I'm afraid we won't be able to catch those escaped soldiers, but we must send troops to search the entire northwest, and we must not let the soldiers sneak in."

"Don't worry, Mr. Xin, I will guard the northwest." Xu You personally issued a military order in front of Mr. Xin, asking soldiers and horses on the three lines of defense to search for thieves.

Master Xin was relieved when he saw this, but in the end he was too tired and couldn't hold on and fell asleep.

Xu You quickly sent someone back to his house in Daying to rest.

Due to the fake enemy attack, the banquet was completely ruined. All the people who came to the banquet did not eat well and worked hard all night. At this moment, they were lying on the ground of the camp, pillowing on the iron shield and whistling. Big sleep.

Xu You felt a little sorry and asked the generals and meritorious soldiers who came to the banquet to rest for a whole morning. He also had the meat and vegetables that were not eaten at last night's banquet heated up. After the soldiers woke up, it would be good at noon. Had a great meal.

Not long after eating, Xu You asked the generals to take their own people to leave and guard the defense line on the grounds that they were worried about the collapse of the defense line due to the raid by the bandits.

General Wu also began to gather his troops and prepare to set off, but they were missing a hundred households: "Where did this bastard Meng Hong die? Hurry and find him!"

Meng Hong is General Jiang's confidant. After his parents died when he was seven years old, he followed General Jiang. He went to the battlefield at the age of twelve and made numerous military exploits. He was very capable of getting into trouble.

All the military exploits on his body have been used to make up for the merits. He has been fighting for more than ten years. He is already twenty-eight this year, and he is still a small household.

"Yes." Meng Hong's two general banners and General Wu's personal soldiers rushed to find someone.

Three quarters of an hour later, the soldier beside him came back with a blank face, and whispered in General Wu's ear: "Meng Baihu slept with a concubine of the third master of the Fang family, and was tied up by the Fang family. It’s being fought.”

After hearing this, General Wu almost exploded with anger and couldn't help but yell: "Fuck you Meng Hong, you are doing this old habit again. When I came here, I told you not to follow a beautiful woman when you see her. Is he deaf and can't hear? He caused such trouble to General Jiang!"

However, General Wu didn't know that Meng Hong's matter was arranged by Xu You's people for Xu Liu.

Xu Liu made mistakes many times. When the news about him insulting the Shen family uncle in public reaches Jiang Wankang's ears, Jiang Wankang will definitely persuade Xu You to send Xu Liu away, a bastard.

Xu You didn't want to be so passive. Knowing that Meng Hong was Jiang Wankang's confidant, he let Meng Hong make a mistake and then stepped forward to help Meng Hong settle the matter. By then, Jiang Wankang would be embarrassed to talk about Xu Liu's affairs.

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