Seeing this, Jiang Wanzang quickly comforted Xu You: "No need to say more, Mr. Hou, I understand Mr. Hou's difficulties, and this is not Mr. Hou's fault, it is..."

The Chu Dynasty’s fault!

Originally, it was the Chu Dynasty's duty to place sick and wounded soldiers, but there were too many wounded and sick soldiers, and it was too laborious to place them there. After Emperor Jingwu passed away, Emperor Jingtai who succeeded him used the excuse that the number of wars was decreasing year by year. The number of sick and wounded soldiers was reduced, and many sick and wounded soldiers were given a sum of money and then allowed to return home and make a living on their own.

Their hands and feet are broken, and many of them have old injuries. They need to take medicine all year round, and even need to be bedridden all year round. How can they make a living?

Later, when they had no choice, they arranged for the injured and injured soldiers who had a difficult life.

But the Marquis family was not from a wealthy family, and they could not arrange for all the sick and wounded soldiers. They could only arrange for those who had a difficult time.

After hearing this, Xu You's voice became more choked up: "Old Jiang, I'm sorry for you. I make you suffer every time... Don't worry, Xi Niang's family's property is slowly recovering. After a while, the business will pick up." , we can place more injured and injured soldiers."

Jiang Wankang didn't like Cui Xiniang, and felt that as a concubine, she was too unruly... But in recent years, as Cui Xiniang's old servants continued to come, they brought a lot of Cui family's secret properties.

Cui Xiniang was generous and used the income from these properties to support the Marquis' troops. She also took in many sick and wounded soldiers from poor families every year and let them work on the Cui family's property, so that she could earn some monthly money to support her family.

Because of this, the generals under the Marquis were very grateful to Cui Xiniang, and they also had an acquiescence that if the Sixth Young Master was capable, it would be okay for him to be the heir apparent of the Marquis Mansion.

Although Jiang Wanzang didn't like Cui Xiniang, he was grateful to Cui Xiniang for arranging the sick and wounded soldiers.

But Jiang Wangang didn't know that many of the sick and injured soldiers who were placed in Cui Xi's mother's property had died, and those who could stay were those who had injured their hands and feet and could still work.

Jiang Wankang was in the military camp all year round and had no time to visit the sick and wounded soldiers, so he didn't know the truth.

"Master Marquis, there is something I want to tell you." Jiang Wanzang took advantage of the topic of arranging the sick and wounded soldiers to tell Xu You about the porcelain kiln sale.

Xu You glanced at Jiang Wankang reproachfully: "Old Jiang, how many times have I told you that we have been brothers of life and death for decades, so there is no need to be too polite in private."

Then he said: "What's the matter? Tell me."

After saying that, he gave Jiang Wangang a piece of Peony Fortune Cake: "It's a pastry made by the Shen family. It's included in the banquet. You should try it too."

"Okay." Jiang Wangang picked up the Peony Fortune Cake and took a bite. It was moderately sweet and had a floral aroma. It was indeed a good pastry.

Seeing that he was eating happily, Xu You laughed, but after a while he stopped laughing. He was shocked and angry, and said in disbelief: "You are doing porcelain business in partnership with Qin Sanlang's family?"

Jiang Wankang, how dare you make such a valuable deal privately!

Jiang Wankang nodded and told Qin Sanlang's family that one of the servants they bought was good at making porcelain, and then explained: "I didn't want to take on this business originally, but I thought that if the porcelain kiln was opened, I could make a lot of money. The money can also be used to place sick and injured soldiers, so I agreed."

He also begged Xu You: "My status is not as good as that of the Marquis. If anyone needs protection in the future, the Marquis will help."

Xu You was furious, help? Help you make money, help you earn fame, so that you can take away my position? !

There can only be one person who has the final say in the northwest, and that person is me, Xu You, do you understand? !

Xu You was furious, but he still had to endure it. When he couldn't bear it anymore, he hurriedly picked up the wine glass and drank a glass of wine. After being aroused by the drink, he suppressed his anger.

"Brother Xu is not happy for me to do this porcelain business?" Jiang Wankang asked.

Xu You shook his head first, and then continued after a while: "Tell me about this matter in detail first... After all, this is a porcelain business, and it is expensive. How can a servant with such skills sell himself into slavery? No way. What kind of detailed work is it?"

Jiang Wangang smiled: "No, those three servants bought them in Gaoshui County. At that time, the disaster in Linshui Village in Gaoshui County was cleared. General Ge and Vice General Ma were in Gaoshui County at that time. When Qin Sanlang bought people, he went through their hands. They checked the three families and found that their origins were innocent and there was nothing wrong with them."

Xu You nodded, as if this was the case.

Jiang Wankang once again explained the ancestral precepts of the old Lu family, and then explained the process of concluding the porcelain kiln sale.

When Xu You heard that it was the result of Meng Hong's commotion, he wanted to chop Meng Hong into pieces... This Zhuzi was indeed a scourge. It would have been nice if he could have been killed on the battlefield last year.

But Meng Hong was lucky and escaped three battlefield assassinations. When Xu You wanted to take action again, they were already confronting the Rong people and it was difficult to do so.

As for using poisonous insects to kill Meng Hong... it can't be done. Meng Hong has the magic insect repellent medicine of the Rong Thief, and Jiang Wankang knows that he used poisonous insects to kill Leng Qingsong.

If he uses poisonous insects to kill Meng Hong again, Jiang Wankang will still be suspicious even if he trusts him again.

Xu You knew that he couldn't be angry, so he suppressed his anger and said kindly: "Young boy Hong is old, he should have an industry."

Then he asked Jiang Wangang casually: "Old Jiang, do you really want to do the porcelain business?"

Jiang Wanzang nodded: "In order to make the life of the soldiers better, it is beneficial to do this business."

What he said made Xu You feel that Jiang Wanzang was blaming himself for failing to place his soldiers properly.

Xu You suppressed his anger and said again: "But you have never done this kind of business, how can you manage it? What about transporting the goods? Where to sell them? Will they be sold in bulk or in batches to other big merchants? Is there anyone who can take over? ?These are big things. If one part is not done well, the whole business will collapse. Old Jiang, you have to think clearly."

But Jiang Wankang said with a smile: "Don't worry, Mr. Hou, we have discussed these things...Qin Qianhu's brother-in-law opened a Douou bank in partnership with the Ouyang family and the imperial merchant Dou family. After the porcelain is fired, it will be shipped to Jiangnan and the capital. , the two of them will help sell it.”

Added another sentence: "That boy Meng Hong said that he would visit the porcelain kiln from time to time. If there is anyone who doesn't work well, he will take care of it and use military law to control it. It's really a progress."

After saying that, he laughed, looking quite proud of Meng Hong.

Xu You was almost furious, so he drank another glass of wine, and then he laughed in agreement: "If he can be like this in the future, we can rest assured."

"Indeed." Jiang Wanzang was very happy and said with emotion: "Meng Hongchangjin, I have an explanation for Brother Meng."

Xu You heard this with great disdain. The man named Meng had been dead for so many years, but Jiang Wanzang still remembered his kindness.

"Master Marquis, do you agree to let me do the porcelain business?" Jiang Wanzang asked. He asked Xu You to say a word so that he could feel at ease.

Xu You's anger soared again. He signed the contract and asked me if I wanted to do this deal. You did it on purpose!

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