But Xu You quickly smiled and said: "I used to advise you to get more property, but you always refused. You also gave me a lot of profitable business. Now the porcelain business is good. If you do it, you can also give me money." Zheng'an and the others can earn some money from betrothal gifts."

After receiving Xu You's words, Jiang Wanzang finally felt at ease. He laughed and said, "With your words, I feel relieved. You don't know. Ever since I signed the contract, I was worried that you wouldn't agree."

Xu You sneered in his heart, but he had to work up his energy to agree with Jiang Wankang's words. In order to show his affinity, he told him a lot of tips on doing business. It was not until after the hour that he said: "It's getting late. Go and see what's left in the hotel." Soldiers who are suffering from severe injuries, when evening comes, I will call Mr. Shang Qianshan, Liang Tu and the others, and let’s have another drink together.”

"Okay, I'll go see the soldiers first." Jiang Wankang agreed and quickly left the tent, with Xu Liang taking him to visit the sick and wounded soldiers.

Jiang Wankang went there with joy, but what he saw was misery...

"General, you finally came to see us. All the brothers miss you!" A soldier who lost his legs and could only crawl with his hands looked at him and said with surprise, and shouted towards the camp: " The general has come to see us, and the general has not forgotten us, and everyone who can move has come out to greet us!"

There was a messy sound, and after a while, many people came out of several nearby camps.

Everyone has injuries, some have broken legs, some have broken limbs, and some are blind... The worst one has both legs and hands broken, leaving only most of his arms, but he also has his hands. Propping up on her elbows, she slowly moved out to meet him.

Jiang Wanzang's eyes were red, and he quickly ordered his soldiers: "Go and help him up!"

The soldiers rushed over, held the soldier's armpits, and picked him up.

"You have suffered." Jiang Wanzang choked, and hurriedly told them the good news: "I have opened a porcelain kiln in partnership with others, and I will arrange for you to work in it. Don't worry, you will be able to survive in the future!"

After hearing this, the wounded and sick soldiers cheered: "Seriously? This is great. We finally have hope for our days!"

After the cheers, there were bursts of low crying from all around. It was these wounded and wounded soldiers who were crying.

The atmosphere in the sick camp was very bad during this period. Soldiers who were seriously injured and sick died every day. The soldiers who survived were also worried about how they should live their lives in the future because of their disabilities.

A few days ago, a soldier hanged himself because he was disabled and could not face his relatives in his hometown.

And this kind of thing has happened many times in the past six months.

The soldiers looked on with pain and despair.

"Brothers, don't cry. You are all good. Things will get better in the future. I, Old Jiang, will not ignore you. Each of you will have a job to support your family!" Jiang Wanzang promised.

Haha, Xu Liang sneered in his heart. General Jiang was too affectionate to make such a promise. Even Emperor Jingyuan couldn't accommodate so many sick and wounded soldiers. You just want to support them with your porcelain business. It is indeed both naive and stupid!

Xu Liang came over and said, "General, don't be sad. They are living well in the sick camp. The Marquis personally ordered that no one should deprive them of their medicinal materials and food. They will be given a meal every five days." Meat porridge and oil porridge are also available every day."

Oil porridge is multigrain porridge with some oil added to make people feel a little oily in their stomachs after eating it.

Jiang Wangang said: "Thank you, Lord Marquis, I am thinking about you."

However, this is what Xu You, the commander-in-chief of the northwest, should do, so there is no need to thank him at all!

The sick and wounded soldiers were very interested in the porcelain kiln. They surrounded Jiang Wanzang and asked: "General, the porcelain kiln is for making porcelain? Oh, that is a precious thing. Is it okay for us who are missing limbs to do the work?" ?What should I do if I break the porcelain?"

"General, is this porcelain work difficult? Do you have to pay for it if it is broken?"

"How much is the monthly payment?"

"General, my parents are getting old. Can you please not send me back to my hometown for my disability? If they know that I am disabled, they will not be able to bear it... I want to work in the porcelain kiln. After I make money, , send them back as military pay, and wait for them to return home a hundred years later..."

Jiang Wankang burst into tears, but he still answered the soldiers' questions one by one.

However, when he entered the camp and saw the soldiers who were vomiting blood due to internal injuries and stinking due to external injuries, he could no longer hold back his tears.

Xu Liang hurriedly helped him out and whispered: "General, please stop crying. You are the general. If you can't hold back your tears, these soldiers will not be able to hold on."

Then he said: "It's getting late, Mr. Marquis and Mr. Qianshan are still waiting for you, let's go."

Then he pointed to a batch of meat rice that had just arrived and said, "The soldiers also need to eat and drink medicine. What they eat today is meat rice."

After Jiang Wankang heard this, he put away his tears, walked over, opened the wooden barrel containing the meat and rice, and looked at it. He saw that it was covered with a thick layer of meat, and he used a rice spoon to pull it apart. The bottom was mixed with white rice, yellow rice, and some beans. Multigrain rice.

Jiang Wankang nodded repeatedly after seeing this: "Master Marquis treats the wounded soldiers under my command well."

"Doctor, doctor, here comes the ginseng soup. Let's see, which wounded and sick soldiers can drink it?" Xu You actually sent someone to deliver a bucket of ginseng soup. This really shocked Jiang Wanzang, and he felt more and more that Xu You was right. His wounded soldiers are good.

Seeing that he was moved, Xu Liang said: "General, as long as these soldiers are still in the camp, the Marquis will always take care of them. Don't worry, go to the big tent quickly, the Marquis is waiting for you."

Jiang Wankang: "Okay, let's go there right now."

But Jiang Wangang didn't go to eat, he went to thank Xu You.

After thanking him, he didn't stay any longer, but immediately took the people back to Du Chonggou.

"I have to go back as soon as possible to urge Qin Sanlang to open the porcelain kiln, so that the sick and injured soldiers can be sent there as soon as possible." Jiang Wanzang said.

Xu You didn't stay with him longer and nodded in agreement: "Okay, I'll see you off."

He took Mr. Qianshan, Liang Tu and others to send Jiang Wangang and his party out of the camp.

After Jiang Wangang left, Xu You snorted coldly, returned to the tent, and smashed a wine glass as soon as he entered the tent.

Mr. Qianshan smiled and picked up the broken pieces of the wine glass and put them on the table: "Master Marquis, it's not bad for General Jiang to have a porcelain business. He should have these businesses, otherwise it would be too much."

After being bullied like this for many years, if I don't give him some real benefits, I'm afraid I won't be able to deceive Jiang Wankang anymore.

Then he asked: "Master Hou, what do you think about the marriage between the Jiang family girl and the eldest son?"

Xu You became even more irritated when talking about this: "Sir, you know my concerns, why do you need to ask more questions?"

This marriage in the Jiang family cannot be lost, but what if Jiang Zhengrong is married to the boss and Jiang Wankang helps the boss rise to power? If it were promised to other sons, I'm afraid Jiang Zhengrong would not agree.

That girl Jiang Zhengrong actually likes the boss, can't she like someone else? !

It is not possible to use tricks to pair Jiang Zhengrong with other sons. The Jiang family are not fools and will investigate. Once any clues are found, the relationship between the two families will be over.

Mr. Qianshan said: "Master Hou, let Miss Jiang San marry the eldest young master. First, we will establish the marriage relationship. As for the future..."

Mr. Qianshan picked up a pen and paper, wrote down a sentence, brought it to Xu You and gave it to him.

Xu You's pupils shrank and he looked at Mr. Qianshan.

Mr. Qianshan smiled at him and threw the piece of paper into the fire.

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