A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1996 Pulling people in

"Haha, Master, you are old, your movements are slow and you don't kick." Because the forging of the new long sword has made great progress, Master Jin's eldest apprentice is in the mood to talk to Master Jin.

The rest of the people also burst out laughing, but Master Jin yelled at him: "You guys are laughing so hard, hurry up and get me some iron, you are a bunch of losers, and even Saburo alone can't help you!"

"Hey." After hearing this, the big guy put away his smile and continued to do the work at hand.

Outside the camp, Qin Sanlang and Jiang Wankang had already walked some distance.

Jiang Wankang pointed to a horse and said: "Get on the horse and go to my tent. I have something to tell you."

"Yes." Qin Sanlang got on his horse, raised his whip, and galloped for more than a quarter of an hour before arriving at Jiang Wangang's camp.

Jiang Wankang didn't waste any time. After entering the tent, he said to Qin Sanlang straight to the point: "How long does it take from the establishment of the porcelain kiln to the production of porcelain? Tell me, I want the fastest time!"

Qin Sanlang counted the time and said: "When it was time to bake green bricks, my husband and I asked Uncle Lu. He said that from building the kiln, making embryos, applying glaze, firing, and finally producing the finished product, if everything goes well, it will take at least Three months.”

Jiang Wanzang was shocked: "Three months! No, it's too long. I can't wait that long."

Qin Sanlang said: "General, three months is fast enough. If there is a shortage of manpower or there is an accident during the firing, the porcelain may not be produced within half a year."

"Burning porcelain is only the first step. If you want to exchange it for silver, you have to go through the process of selling, transporting goods, and returning. You go back and forth. You won't see silver for a whole year."

"One year!" Jiang Wanzang was shocked. He didn't expect that porcelain trading would be so troublesome.

Jiang Wankang was in charge of the troops and had a resolute temper. After walking around twice, he pointed at Qin Sanlang and said: "I will give you manpower and transfer my soldiers to you, and let them help build kilns and make embryos. You don’t have to worry about shipping the goods, when the time comes to sell the porcelain, I will take out a token to ensure that no one dares to stop you from the northwest to Zhongzhou!”

He also promised: "Don't worry, the soldiers will abide by the rules and won't cause you any trouble."

Finally he asked: "If this is the case, is it possible to see silver within three months?"

Qin Sanlang did not answer immediately, but asked instead: "General, what happened to you when you went to Daokougou Camp today?"

Jiang Wankang was silent, and after a moment, he told the situation of the injured and injured soldiers: "...We have to give them a hope, so that they have something to look forward to, otherwise they will really not survive!"

Even though Jiang Wankang was a soldier who trampled countless corpses on the battlefield, he couldn't bear to see his soldiers meet such a miserable end.

No matter what, he had to give them hope!

After hearing this, Qin Sanlang was silent... Compared with Wei Guogong's line and his family, Jiang Wanzang was undoubtedly poor and had no substantial property to house these sick and wounded soldiers. No wonder Jiang Wanzhang was so anxious.


"It's not that easy to complete the porcelain business." Qin Sanlang thought for a while and said, "But if we add Zhong Yu and rely on his relationship, we may be able to get the porcelain before it leaves the porcelain kiln. To silver."

Jiang Wangang said hurriedly: "Tell me the details!"

Qin Sanlang: "Zhong Yu is the most favored youngest son of the Zhong family. If we bring him into the group and let the Zhong family sell this porcelain, given the Zhong family's huge wealth, they will have to pay first and then get the goods."

Although Jiang Wankang is a general, his connections are very poor. If Jiang Wankang wants to compete with Xu You, he must recruit some noble people to join him. The Zhong family is a strong, trustworthy, and somewhat upright family, so they can be used.

After Jiang Wankang heard this, he immediately shouted outside the camp: "Hurry and find Zhong Yu, who is under the command of Chang Liang Wei Qin Qianhu, quickly!"

"Yes." The captain of the soldiers outside the camp responded and immediately sent two soldiers to find Zhong Yu.

This is how it is here in Du Chonggou. There must be soldiers and horses guarding the guard posts and guard posts. If there is a war, or when the war is unstable, Qianhu will also bring a group of soldiers and horses to the Du Chonggou camp. Stay stationed and crouch in case a fight breaks out so you can quickly counterattack.

If Zhong Yu wanted to perform meritorious service, he had to squat in the place closest to the battlefield. He was at the Duchonggou camp at the moment and had been dragged here for most of an hour.

Zhong Yu was on duty during the day and was sleeping soundly when he was suddenly sneaked in by the soldiers with an unhappy look on his face.

However, he only dared to show his face to the soldiers. When he saw Qin Sanlang and Jiang Wangang, he said to them: "I have seen the general, and I have seen Lord Qianhu!"

Jiang Wankang saw him and asked directly: "Zhong Yu, there is a porcelain business, will your Zhong family do it? If you do, your Zhong family will be responsible for selling it, and you will have to pay the price as soon as you pull the goods. We will give You get two cents."

"Ah?" Zhong Yu was a little confused: "General, are you okay?"

You dragged him here in the middle of the night to do business with him?


Jiang Wankang slammed the table and said angrily: "Be serious, I am asking you something, answer it quickly!"

Zhong Yu was startled and hurriedly stood up straight, but he was wronged. He was not ungrateful at all, but he was too sleepy and couldn't open his eyes, making him dizzy.

"General, don't worry, I'll tell him." Qin Sanlang told him the matter.

Zhong Yu cried after hearing this: "It's miserable, it's so miserable."

And he was scared. He originally thought that being a soldier meant making achievements and becoming a general, but after he came here, he realized that not only would people die in war, but it was also very painful, and he would even lose arms and legs.

What if he was disabled too?

Want to go home again!

Bang, Jiang Wanzang was so angry that he slammed the table again, pointed at Zhong Yu and said: "You're crying, since you have come to serve as a soldier, you should understand these things."

Thinking that they were now asking Zhong Yu, he softened his attitude and asked, "Will you do this business?"

Zhong Yu sympathized with the wounded and sick soldiers and was willing to help. He nodded repeatedly: "Do it, I will do it!"

Responding too quickly, Jiang Wanzang asked: "Is there any problem with your father and brother?"

"There is no difficulty, there is no difficulty at all. It's just selling some porcelain. Dad and eldest brother will agree!" Zhong Yu knows very well how much his father and brother love him. As long as they don't come to the northwest to fight, or do something that is not good for themselves or the Zhong family, My father and brother will agree to anything I do.

"My father and brother will be very happy if I can help the wounded and sick soldiers." Zhong Yu asked, "Sign the contract now?"

Jiang Wanzang nodded: "Yes, sign it now, start the porcelain business quickly, and the sick and wounded soldiers will be well taken care of."

Then he shouted outside impatiently: "Is that brat Meng Hong here? Hurry up and escort him to me!"

"Here we come, see the torches are out." The captain of the soldiers said, and hurried to pick up Meng Hong, almost carrying him to the camp.

Meng Hong asked: "Uncle, why did you take me into custody in the middle of the night? I didn't commit anything the day you went to Daokougou camp, or did you encounter something bad?"

Jiang Wankang did not answer, but asked: "Have you brought the deed of the porcelain sale?"

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