Meng Hong did not answer, but frowned and asked: "Uncle, are you planning not to do porcelain business after meeting Mr. Marquis? I tell you, no way!"

Jiang Wankang scolded: "You are yelling, you have to do this deal to death, but if we want to get Zhong Yu and the Zhong family to join us, we have to sign a new contract."

Meng Hong felt relieved and took out the deed and put it on the table. Qin Sanlang did the same.

Jiang Wankang took out his own deed, and after confirming that the three deeds were correct, he burned the deed on the spot, took paper and pen, and wrote the deed again.

But before writing, he asked Qin Sanlang again: "Do you really only want 30% dividends?"

When he went to call Zhong Yu and Meng Hong over, he discussed the dividends from the new contract with Qin Sanlang. He originally thought that he and Qin Sanlang would each give one of the dividends to Zhong Yu, but Qin Sanlang said that his share was the largest. And if he wanted to help those sick and wounded soldiers, he could just spit out 20% of it and give it to Zhong Yu.

Qin Sanlang nodded: "Well, 30% is enough. We still have green brick business here, and we can't afford to lose the relatives of Chang Liang Wei."

The green brick business still needs to be done. After all, Xiaoyu has already reached an agreement with Aunt Niu, Sister-in-law Zhang, Sister-in-law Xie and others. He can't ruin Xiaoyu's business just to win over Jiang Wangang.

Jiang Wankang looked at him and was a little speechless for a moment... He really shouldn't have hated this kid in the first place. He was obviously a very kind and good young man, but he hated him because of some rumors.

"Sure, it's up to you." Jiang Wanzang couldn't say anything too touching, but he remembered Qin Sanlang's love.

After a while, he started to write a new deed. He wrote four copies in one breath and spread them out on the table: "Sign and fingerprint, treat it as a military order, this deal must be completed!"

"Yes!" The other three responded, signed and fingerprinted, and each took a piece of deed.

Jiang Wangang came back all night, tired and sleepy. After finishing this important task, as soon as he relaxed, fatigue came over him. He beat his forehead and said, "It's too late. You should go to bed first."

Then he said to Qin Sanlang: "You don't need to go to the weapons room and camp tomorrow. Go and make arrangements for your defense line. You will go back to Changliang Guard in the afternoon and build the porcelain kiln as soon as possible."

"Yes." Qin Sanlang agreed, and the three of them left the camp.

Meng Hong was a little worried, so he opened the curtain again and asked, "Uncle, are you really okay? Do you want me to stay with you?"

"Go away, I want to sleep!" After Jiang Wankang yelled, Meng Hong left wisely and caught up with Qin Sanlang and Zhong Yu, his steps almost wandering: "This time I am stable, killing two birds with one stone!"

Zhong Yu didn't understand and asked, "What kill two birds with one stone?"

Meng Hong didn't tell him: "You don't understand even if I tell you, so don't ask any more questions."

Then he put his arm around Zhong Yu's shoulders and asked, "Brother Zhong, do you have any delicious food hidden in your tent? Don't search for it, take it out and let's eat together."

Then he said: "Don't try to deny it. I already know it. Uncle Cao came to see you specially and even gave you meat."

In Uncle Jiang's territory, he has the best information.

Zhong Yu is not being stingy, he just said: "You are late, and all the food has been shared with our brothers in the health center."

Meng Hong: "Tsk, really? You're not lying to me, are you?!"

Zhong Yu glanced at him and said dissatisfied: "People cannot stand without faith. How could I lie to you for a bag of dried meat, a jar of oily meat, and dozens of eggs."

"You!" Meng Hong wanted to beat him up when he heard that. You brat, just forget it if you don't give him food. Why did you give me the name of the dish? Are you deliberately coveting him?

"Next time, I'll leave some for you when someone brings me food next time." Zhong Yu yawned and called to Qin Sanlang: "Let's go back to bed quickly, I'm so sleepy."

Qin Sanlang nodded, separated from Meng Hong, followed Zhong Yu, and returned to Chang Liang Wei's small camp in Duchonggou.

The next day, Uncle Cao received news from Jiang Wankang and learned that he could go to Changliang Wei to get potato seeds this afternoon. He was very surprised and asked the soldier who came to deliver the message: "Didn't General Jiang say that Qin Qianhu is still here?" If you have something to do, do you want to stay here for a few more days?"

The soldier said: "Things have changed, but it is a good thing for Uncle Cao. You are ready to prepare. Qin Qianhu will set off as soon as he is done with his work here."

Uncle Cao knew that something unexpected had happened, but he didn't ask any more questions. After thanking the soldiers, he ordered his servants to prepare to go to Chang Liang Wei.

Jiang Wankang kept his word. Not only did he give Qin Sanlang a holiday, he also gave him a hundred personal soldiers to mobilize, including the captain of the personal soldiers.

One hundred personal soldiers is all the personal soldiers a general can have.

Qin Sanlang was surprised when he learned about it and wanted Jiang Wankang to keep some of his soldiers, but Jiang Wankang shook his head: "No need to keep them, you take them all away and build the porcelain kiln as soon as possible."

Those injured and injured soldiers cannot wait.

Then he said: "I will give them their rations on time. You just let them work without raising them. You can also prevent them from entering Changliang Guard. If anyone dares to disobey or do evil, you can just chop them down on the spot." !”

Even saying these words showed that Jiang Wanzang was really anxious.

After speaking, he gave Qin Sanlang a letter and a token.

What was written in the letter was to allow Qin Sanlang to kill the soldiers who did not obey the arrangement.

"Yes, I will obey the order." Qin Sanlang took the token and the letter, took Jiang Wangang's soldiers and some soldiers who failed to go back for the New Year last time, and set off towards Changliang Guard.

Zhong Yu also went back, riding in the same carriage with Uncle Cao.

But not long after they ran out, Meng Hong caught up with them: "I'm going too, and I have a share in the business. I have to go and have a look, and then help Brother Qin manage people."

He was talking about Jiang Wankang's personal soldiers.

Qin Sanlang looked back at him and asked, "Have you asked General Jiang for instructions? If you follow us without permission, you will be violating military law."

Meng Hong didn't know how many times he had violated military laws, and he was not afraid at all.


"I told Uncle Jiang and he agreed." Meng Hong threw a paper ball to Qin Sanlang: "The soldiers have been a bit honest recently. After they stopped attacking on the third day of the Lunar New Year, nothing happened. Uncle Jiang said , I guess I can be stable for a while.”

Qin Sanlang grabbed the paper ball and opened it. It was a document from General Jiang allowing Meng Hong to go with him. Only then did he stop driving Meng Hong back: "Let's go!"

After giving the order, the big guy followed him and galloped towards Changliang Wei.

Jin Baihu was following Qin Sanlang, looking back at Jiang Wangang's hundreds of soldiers, he was very excited... Qin Qianhu was very capable. It didn't take long for him to gain General Jiang's trust, and he could still dispatch General Jiang. Guards.

It is unheard of for a thousand households to dispatch the general's personal soldiers, but Qin Qianhu did it!

Jin Baihu was very happy and felt that he had the right vision and found the right person.

But here comes the even happier news...

They drove for a long time, and when they arrived at the main road of Changliangwei, they met a group of people.

The group of people, wearing brocade clothes and carrying more than a dozen carriages, were talking to the outpost scouts of Chang Liang Wei.

"This military master, we are from the aristocratic Zhong family. We heard that our young master is serving as a soldier in Changliang Wei, so we were ordered to find him... This is a handwritten letter from our master and uncle. This is our slave document from the Zhong family. , it has the seals of various government offices along the way, which can prove our identity and there is absolutely no fraud."

Another person was called over: "This is the master who is with Mr. Qi, the new Tongzhi of Long'an Prefecture. He brought us here. We are not being careful. Please let us in."

The speaker seemed to be afraid of being driven away, and added: "If the military master is worried, he will not let us in, but please help us to inform us and let our young master come out to meet... The family is worried about him." I’m going crazy with worry, if we can’t see his people, all of us slaves will die.”

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