A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1999 Small Brick Kiln

The master specifically told him that even if he was tied up, Zhong You would have to kidnap the young master back.

The northwest is in chaos. The young master is too naive. Not to mention self-protection, he has not even figured out the relationship between many forces. If the young master stays in the northwest, something will happen!


The uncle had a different opinion. He thought he could take another look. Maybe the young master could help the Zhong family in the future. He was asked to do some things.

"Uncle He, this is Sanlang Qin. As I told you before, he is now Qianhu." Zhong Yu pulled Uncle He over and pointed at Qin Sanlang and introduced him: "He killed the general of the Rong thief royal family. , he is a hero, General Jiang likes him very much and lent him his own soldiers."

Uncle He hurriedly saluted: "I pay my respects to Qin Qianhu. I would like to thank Qin Qianhu for taking care of the young master. The Zhong family is very grateful."

Uncle He had never met Qin Sanlang, he had only heard of him and knew that he was young and very capable. He did not expect that he was so capable that he could dispatch Jiang Wanzang's personal soldiers.

How close does this relationship have to be? !

It seemed that he had to quickly find out what was going on here and send the news to the master.

"No need to be polite." Qin Sanlang looked at Zhong Yu: "This is not the place to talk. You go and confirm the entourage. If a family member gives birth to a child, bring him in. The servants bought on the way will camp on the spot, and the guard will give them to you. They delivered tents, water, and food.”

"Yes." Zhong Yu accepted the order and took Uncle He to identify his servant.

Qin Sanlang looked at Master Tao and asked, "Are you Qi Tongzhi's master?"

"That's right when you go back to Qin Qianhu." Mr. Tao bowed and said, "The Zhong family has been looking northwest since the young master Zhong ran away from home. When he found Long'an Mansion, he went to the government office. When I passed by Dayin and paid a visit to Lord Tongzhi, I learned that Young Master Zhong was serving as a soldier in Changliang Wei, so I immediately asked the Lord for a special order to let someone bring them here."

Qin Sanlang: "I see. How could the Zhong family come so quickly?"

Then he said: "Master Tao, thank you for your hard work. Let's go to the guardhouse together later."

"Yes." When Master Tao came, he received instructions from Qi Yi not to get too close to Qin Gu and his wife. After replying, he stepped aside.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Zhong Yu and Uncle He came back and said: "Qianhu, I've seen it. Those who came to Changliang Wei with Uncle He are all children of the Zhong family. Those who were injured on the way and can no longer go with them are also I bought it from the shops and shops along the way from Zhong’s house, but no one bought anything new.”

Uncle He handed the slave registration documents to Qin Sanlang again: "Qin Qianhu, please take a look."

Qin Sanlang took it and read it. Seeing that the document had the seals of various government offices along the way, he nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, let's go in."

Then he pointed at Zhong You's group of guards and said, "Before entering the guard house, you must hand over your weapons."

Zhong You grasped the sword tightly, feeling a little dissatisfied... The reason they were able to reach Long'an Mansion safely along the way was not only the Zhong family's relationship, but also the ability of these swords. Handing over the weapon would make him feel uneasy.

And he still has a mission.

Uncle He has already responded: "Yes, Qin Qianhu, don't worry, we will hand over the weapons we carry before entering the guardhouse."

"Well, let's go." Qin Sanlang got on his horse, led two large groups of people and a group of carriages, and ran towards the guard post in a mighty manner.

Not long after, we arrived at the gate of the guardhouse.

"Qianhu, you're back!" General Wu Qi came up with his soldiers. After seeing Jiang Wankang's hundreds of soldiers, he showed some worry and asked, "Qianhu, are these the newly assigned soldiers?"

Qin Sanlang shook his head: "They are General Jiang's personal soldiers, here to help, don't worry."

Wu Zongqi was shocked when he heard this...Where could the general's personal soldiers come to help the guard? This is so unreasonable. Is it going to be okay?

Meng Hong had already dismounted, looked at Chang Liang Wei, and curled his lips. Chang Liang Wei was just average. He thought Qin Sanlang's guard post would be built better than other guard posts, but it was nothing more than that.


"Brother Qin, your guardhouse is on fire, there's smoke over there!"

Mr. Wu said: "It's not a fire, it's burning green bricks."

"Burning green bricks?" Meng Hong was overjoyed and said to Qin Sanlang, "Brother Qin, we have to go and have a look."

They came here just to build a porcelain kiln. The firing of green bricks is similar to the firing of porcelain. You can go and observe it first.

Qin Sanlang: "Don't worry, let's use insect attractant first, so as not to bring poisonous insects into the guardhouse without knowing it."

"Okay." Meng Hong agreed and called to Jiang Wankang's soldiers: "Everyone line up and get the medicine to attract the insects!"

These soldiers were familiar with him and listened to him very much. After hearing this, they dismounted and lined up.

Wu Zongqi asked the soldiers to bring out two bags of insect attractants for them to use.

Meng Hong and the others used insect attractants every day and became proficient in using them. After taking the medicine, they started applying it themselves.

Uncle Cao didn't know how to use it, so he had to ask the family doctor to help.

More than a quarter of an hour later, after using up the insect attractant, Qin Sanlang led his soldiers, the Zhong family, Meng Hong, and Uncle Cao into the guardhouse.

Jiang Wankang's soldiers did not go in. They were led by the captain of the soldiers and camped outside.

Meng Hong said: "Uncle Jiang has explained that they are going to Qingniu Mountain Villa to help. There is no need to enter the guardhouse. You can just give them water to cook."

Added another sentence: "You don't need to arrange a place for me. I will live outside with them, but I have to stay to eat and then go out to sleep after eating. The Zhong family brought meat. If you don't eat it, you will lose."

Qin Sanlang smiled: "Of course your meat is indispensable."

Meng Hong looks vulgar, but in fact there is a subtlety in the vulgarity. If you are a serious person, he will treat you seriously, but if you are a villain, he will fight with you to the end!

When passing by the brick kiln, Qin Sanlang asked: "Do you want to see blue bricks?"

Anyway, the green bricks are for sale, and there are many wealthy people here, so it would be beneficial to take them to see it.

Uncle Cao nodded to Master Tao: "Go and have a look. If it's good, we'll buy tens of thousands of bricks from Qin Qianhu and build a house."

Qin Sanlang led them to the side of the brick kiln. What they saw shocked Uncle Cao. He pointed at the things in front of them that were more than three meters long and one meter high, and were roaring and burning, and asked: "This What is it? Could it be a large stove?"

Or a small house?

It can't be a brick kiln, right?

The big one in the far front, with only a few walls built, should be a serious brick kiln.

Could it be...

"Small brick kiln?" Uncle Cao asked.

Qin Sanlang nodded: "It is indeed a small brick kiln. Uncle Cao is really knowledgeable."

Uncle Cao smiled and said: "The book once recorded a method of firing earthenware pottery. This kind of small brick kiln was used. When the madman style in the previous dynasty was at its peak, many literati and madman made pottery according to the book. , but very few are made. But your servants actually know this old method. It seems that our ancestors also have capable people."

While he was talking, Uncle Lu had already brought someone over. He was covered in black: "Sir, you are back."

Qin Sanlang nodded: "Well, thank you for your hard work, Uncle Lu."

Then he said: "Uncle Cao and the others want to see the blue bricks, please take them to see them."

"Yes." Uncle Lu responded. After bowing to Uncle Cao and the others, he limped and took them to see the small brick kiln, the fired green bricks, the burned green bricks, and the brick kiln under construction.

I took them around for half an hour before finishing the whole thing.

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