But when Meng Hong looked at the burned bricks, his body ached with pity: "It's such a huge loss if so many of them are burned."

If it's good, how much more money will it cost?

Uncle Cao smiled and said, "There is no need to feel bad about Meng Baihu. The burned green bricks can be used to pave roads and mixed with good bricks to build houses. They can still be sold, but the price is cheaper."

Meng Hong: "That's still a loss. If so much is burned when firing porcelain, what's the point?!"

He was anxious, so he dragged Lao Lu and asked, "Uncle Lu, Master Lu, please tell the truth, is your craft good or not? How many porcelains will be burned?"

Lao Lu also just found out that General Jiang was going to do porcelain business with the young Marquis. After hearing this, he said: "You need to practice your craftsmanship. In the first few kilns, a lot of the porcelain will be burned. It will get better slowly. Sir, you don't need to in a hurry."

"Don't be anxious? This is a major matter related to the placement of sick and wounded soldiers. How can we not be anxious?" Meng Hong was almost dying of anxiety.

Qin Sanlang put his palm on Meng Hong's shoulder and said, "Brother Meng, you have to do everything step by step. You can't do everything well."

Then he said: "It's getting dark, I'll take you to settle down first."

Uncle Cao nodded: "Listen to Qin Qianhu."

Qin Sanlang took them to a new camp: "This is a newly built camp with ready-made tents specially used to entertain guests."

The camp where the family members live is one mile behind the new camp, which is quite far away. Therefore, it would be unreasonable if there are still guests who mistakenly enter the camp where the family members live.

Master Tao nodded: "Qin Qianhu managed Changliang Wei very well."

From the sentry outside the guardhouse to the camp hosting guests, everything is done carefully and safely.

However, caution and safety are not for the guests, but for the relatives in the guardhouse.

Uncle Mutong had already led his men to work in the new camp. When he saw Qin Sanlang, he came over immediately and reported: "Sir, firewood, water, and cauldrons have all been brought, and the kang in the camp has been burned. , guests can check in immediately.”

When Qin Sanlang took Meng Hong and others around the brick kiln, they had already prepared many things in the guardhouse.

"Yes." Qin Sanlang responded, greeted Uncle Cao and the others, and divided the tents for them.

Uncle Cao has a title, so he naturally lives in the best tent.

Master Tao came second.

"Master Tao, you live in this camp. If you need anything, you can come to me at any time." Qin Sanlang personally took Master Tao to the camp, thinking that Master Tao would take the opportunity to give him a letter or something, but it turned out that he didn't. He just thanked him. After him, he didn't speak anymore.

It seemed that Uncle Qi had nothing to say to the master.

Qin Sanlang stopped staying and left the camp.

The camp was already lively, and the Zhong family was unloading the things on the carriage with torches.

"Oh, there really is meat, and it's cooked!" Meng Hong was very happy to see it, and was not polite to the Zhong family. He took a jar of cooked meat and went to the big pot, put the meat slices into the pot with a knife, and made oily pork rice. .

The servants of the Cao family and the Zhong family were also busy. After half an hour, the new camp was finally settled and everyone could have hot meals.

Qin Sanlang has been staying here, waiting for everyone to be settled, waiting for Meng Hong to finish his meal and arrange for someone to send him out of the guard house, and then he has time to go home.

Gu Jinli was already waiting for him. Seeing that he was back, he rushed towards him: "Ha, you're back. I thought you wouldn't come back until the Lantern Festival."

Before entering the house, Qin Sanlang had already taken off his armor in the tent outside the house. At this moment, he opened his arms to catch her, held her tightly in his arms, and said with a smile: "Originally, I had to come back later. But this time I got lucky and got a vacation and a business."

Gu Jinli praised: "It's not luck, it's because you have the ability. We will make a lot of money this time."

Not only can they do the porcelain business, but they can also win over Jiang Wangang. With this relationship, it will be much easier for them to do anything in the future.

Asked him again: "Are you tired? Take a shower and rest quickly. There are still many things to be busy with tomorrow."

Qin Sanlang didn't want to let go of her: "Hug me again, I miss you."

Gu Jinli smiled: "Okay, let's hug again."

He always loved holding her.

It's just that he was too tired. As he was hugging him, Gu Jinli actually heard his slight snoring... Was he asleep?

"Brother Qin?" Gu Jinli called out. Qin Sanlang stirred, woke up, lay on her shoulder, and said with a smile, "I'm not asleep, I just took a nap."

I was afraid that she would be worried, so I explained: "I have been busy in the weapons room camp until midnight these days. Some of me don't get enough sleep. I just need to make up for it. Xiaoyu doesn't have to worry."

He let go of her, stood up straight, took her hand, and sat on the hot bed: "Eat first, and then I'll take a shower."

He had a meal with Meng Hong and others outside, but Xiaoyu had been waiting for him, and he must be very hungry at this moment.

"Okay." Gu Jinli knew that he was tired and wanted him to go to bed early without talking too much. He finished his meal quickly and pushed him: "Go and take a shower quickly. After that, we can go to bed. We will talk about the business tomorrow." .”

Qin Sanlang nodded and went to take a bath obediently.

After washing, I hugged her and fell asleep peacefully and happily.

But tonight is destined to be uneventful.

In the middle of the night, in the new camp, Zhong Yu was sleeping soundly when he was suddenly attacked...


Zhong Yu took out the big knife that he was sleeping on and slashed at the person who attacked him. The person was obviously stunned and quickly blocked the knife before he was hit.

The man was not too determined to give up, and raised his knife to strike at Zhong Yu again.

Zhong Yu had been hiding, and after avoiding the two swords, he said: "You are not careful, stop now, if you don't stop, I will call someone. If you disturb thousands of households, you will be chopped down even if you are causing trouble in the guardhouse." Head!"

But the man didn't listen and continued to attack with his sword.

Zhong Yu guessed the man's identity, but he didn't dare to actually call out that there was an assassin, so he could only fight with him.


With a bang, Zhong Yu was knocked down by the man.

Outside, the guards of Uncle Cao's family heard the noise and led people towards the tent here.

Uncle He stepped forward in time, stopped them, and said with a smile: "It's okay, it's okay, it's not an assassin. Please don't worry, Uncle Cao. It's just my young master who is messing around and attacked Zhong You just to see if his skills have improved."

Zhong Yu was beaten to the ground: "..."

When did I sneak attack on Zhong You? It was obviously Zhong You who went crazy and came to sneak attack on me!

After hearing this, the Cao family guard left, but he still reminded him: "Uncle He, this is a guard station. The sound of fighting cannot be made casually, otherwise it will attract the soldiers of the guard station and the matter will be serious."

Uncle He responded with a smile: "Don't worry, I will remind the young master."

The Cao family guards just left.

After they left, Uncle He entered the tent and lit a candle.

Zhong Yu was very angry and asked with a dark face: "What on earth do you want to do? Do you want to kidnap me back? But you are picky about the place. This is a guardhouse. Even if you kidnap me, can you get out?"

After speaking, he glared at Zhong You fiercely, showing that he was very concerned about being beaten down by Zhong You again.

Zhong You said: "Although the guards in this guardhouse are very tight and there are many traps and poisons, if you want to kidnap the young master, the slave can still do it."

He is not an ordinary nurse, but a dead soldier of the Zhong family, and there is a group of subordinates ambushing outside.


"This sneak attack is a test. The young master has made great progress. Please read the secret letter from the uncle." Zhong You took out the letter from the eldest brother of the Zhong family and handed it to Zhong Yu.

Zhong Yu frowned: "Brother, did you give me a letter? Or a secret letter, so mysterious?"

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