He remembered that when he was a child, he saw his eldest brother receiving a secret letter from his father. He made a fuss to read it, but was stopped by his eldest brother.

The eldest brother said that if you want to read secret messages, you must have real ability.

He was very angry and asked his elder brother angrily if he was saying that he was incompetent.

The eldest brother smiled, and instead of lying to him as usual, he nodded and admitted: "Brother Yu really doesn't have much ability nowadays."

He cried miserably and had a tantrum with his elder brother for a whole day.

Later, the eldest brother promised him: "When Brother Yu grows up and has real abilities, the eldest brother will show you the secret messages at home. How about it?"

And this was more than ten years ago.

Since then, the eldest brother has become more cautious and has never read secret letters in front of him, and his father has never written him a secret letter.

He once asked his father: "Why does eldest brother have a secret message and I don't? Dad, you are partial."

Dad said: "You are the youngest, so you don't need to inherit the family business. Naturally, you don't need to read the secret letters. These belong to your eldest brother. He can take care of them."

I was afraid that he would be sad, so I said with a smile: "But dad has left you a lot of property, which can be used by Yu Geer's descendants for five generations. Brother Yu, don't be angry, be good."

In fact, Dad misunderstood. He didn't want to compete for anything. He just felt that receiving a secret letter from Dad was a kind of recognition and a proof that he had grown up and was capable.

But now, he actually received a secret letter from his eldest brother. This is...his ability has finally been recognized by his family!

Zhong Yu was very happy and excited. He hesitated for a while before accepting the secret letter. He was very cautious. He ordered Uncle He and Zhong You to turn their backs and then opened the secret letter. It seemed.

It started with the eldest brother praising him, saying that he could see this secret letter, which proved that he had passed the test and had made great progress in all his abilities. He was very happy.

But as he watched, Zhong Yu's expression changed, and finally he showed fear, tore up the letter and threw it into the fire to be burned.

Zhong You and Uncle He heard the noise, turned around, looked at Zhong Yu who was frightened, and frowned...

Uncle He couldn't bear it and wanted to speak to comfort him, but was stopped by Zhong You.

Zhong You said: "What's going on, young master? I received a secret letter written by my uncle. Shouldn't I be very happy to be able to participate in important family affairs?"

Zhong Yu turned around and stared at Zhong You angrily: "This letter is fake. It must have been written by you, a thief, imitating my elder brother's handwriting, just to make me go back with you voluntarily. I won't be fooled!"

"Young Master, this is the guardhouse. Please keep your voice down so as not to alert outsiders." After Zhong You reminded him, he sneered and said sarcastically: "Young Master, do you think this slave dares to pretend to be an uncle and write you a secret letter? ? What you said is a bit stupid... I have always felt that the young master is not suitable for joining the army or being an official. He should stay at home and be a noble son who has no worries about food and drink. "

Zhong Yu was so angry that he pointed at Zhong You and wanted to curse, but he was worried about Uncle Cao's family and did not dare to curse out loud. He only whispered: "Brother has always been aboveboard, you are just a dog slave imitating his notes. You want me to do some stupid things, and you still have the right to ridicule me? Zhong You, you are treasonous, I will inform my elder brother and let him deal with you."

Zhong You smiled and asked Zhong Yu: "What is aboveboard? What is being a fool? Is it just a villain to work hard for the Zhong family and make arrangements in advance?"

You are the beneficiary of all this, what qualifications do you have to say this to me?

Then he sighed: "It seems that the uncle is right to worry. The young master is so well protected that he is really not suitable for doing these things... Forget it, you should follow the uncle's instructions and go back with us."

Zhong Yu: "I won't go back, and your evil plot will never succeed."

Zhong You: "If you want to stay, you have to do as the uncle said in the letter, otherwise we will take you away. The young master should know our capabilities very well. You were able to escape before because you took advantage of the wife. This time you can't." There’s no one you can take advantage of.”

After saying that, he looked at him, smiled, and told him another truth: "You are able to escape because I am deliberately conniving you. And I do this because I feel that the young master is not a waste, but a person who can help the family." A good helper.”

After hearing this, Zhong Yu's confidence in successfully escaping from home to the northwest and becoming a soldier was shattered!

"Young master, you are not stupid. You should have known a long time ago that the master loves you so much and doesn't force you to learn skills because he doesn't ask you to become a talented man. He only wants you to be a happy and wealthy young man who eats free time. . But you don’t like this arrangement and insist on taking a difficult road. Now that you have come out and got the support of the uncle, why are you unhappy again? "

"Shut up, brother's support is not like this." Zhong Yu's eyes were red and he didn't want to admit everything in the letter.

But Zhong You said: "The reality is like this. I have also given you a choice, you can do it or not. If you don't do it, follow us back. If you do, the Zhong family will fully support you and we will stay to help you. "

Zhong Yu didn't speak, he just cried... He has lived for so many years and has always admired his eldest brother. He thinks that his eldest brother is a fairy in heaven and is always upright and upright.

But now he sees the malicious side of his eldest brother and cannot accept that this is his eldest brother.

Seeing this, Uncle He couldn't bear it. He came over, patted Zhong Yu on the back, and comforted him: "Don't be sad, young master. No matter what I do, it is all to protect the Zhong family... The Zhong family has been multiplying for almost a thousand years. There are more than 3,000 clan members who have not left the fifth server, plus the servants, there are tens of thousands of lives, all relying on the uncle. Without some means, there is no way to protect them."

Then he said: "Besides, that's just the worst-case scenario. It doesn't mean you should become a villain now."

Zhong Yu didn't want to hear it and wanted to push Uncle He away, but he was too sad now, so he hugged Uncle He and sobbed softly.

Uncle He was very distressed and let him cry.

When he was done crying, he said: "Little Master, the world is in chaos now, it's time for you to grow up...and what is written in the letter are all things adults should do. They may be a little bad, but they can protect you." A good strategy for my family. In this kind of world, too many families have been destroyed. If you can keep your family standing, nothing can be done too much."

Zhong Yu was silent. After another quarter of an hour, he let go of Uncle He and said, "I have to think about it for a few days."

Zhong You agreed: "Yes, but before you return to the Du Chonggou camp, you must give us an answer whether you want to do it or not. There can be no further delay."

Then he reminded him: "Young master, we still have a letter from the master. As long as you send this letter to Xu You, he will strip you of your status as a soldier and send you back to your place of origin."

Therefore, they did not need to tie him up at all. They only needed to meet Xu You, and the young master would no longer want to serve as a soldier in the northwest.

After hearing this, Zhong Yu felt a sense of powerlessness all over his body... He fled from home to the northwest and suffered so much. He thought he had succeeded and gained skills, but he didn't expect that compared with his family's relationship, his skills were... It's so weak that it can be ignored.

A word from his family can take away some of his hard-earned achievements.

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