A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2202 Fei Family【3】

In the room, Gu Jinli was holding a piece of silk cloth and poking Big Wolf's face: "Boss, wake up quickly, it's my mother. If you keep pretending to be asleep, I will smoke you with a sachet."

Ever since she discovered that Big Wolf hated heavy incense, it became much easier for her to call him. As long as she smoked it with a sachet, he would no longer pretend to be asleep and open his eyes to play with her.

"Not awake? It seems that Big Wolf misses the sachet. Mom, let me smoke it for you." Gu Jinli opened a box, took out a sachet, put it in front of Big Wolf, and shook it.

The big wolf's little face immediately wrinkled, he raised his little hand and rubbed his little nose back and forth. When he saw that the scent was still there, he could only open his eyes and look around.

"Ha, boss, I'm willing to open my eyes." Gu Jinli sat on the kang and looked at him: "You're not asleep yet. Get up and play with your mother. A baby should play more. How can you keep closing your eyes like a little old man?" It’s not good to keep your eyes open while you sleep.”

The big wolf was disturbed by the noise, and screamed, "Yes," and when he saw that his mother still didn't take the sachet away, he pursed his lips in grievance and cried out.

Unexpectedly, his unscrupulous mother smiled even more happily, looked at him, and continued to chirp: "You know you are anxious, so why don't you pretend to be asleep and ignore me? The little baby can't be too bored. She needs to scream more and cry more... Hmm , if you cry for a while longer, mother will take the sachet away."

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" The boss was angry and cried loudly.

Qin Sanlang laughed when he saw it, took the sachet in Gu Jinli's hand, put it in the box and packed it: "Little fish, don't always bully the big wolf."

Gu Jinli: "I'm not bullying him, I'm teasing him and making him livelier."

Qin Sanlang knew what she was worried about, so he hugged her and said, "Don't worry, Xiaoyu, our big wolf is fine. Xu Liu doesn't dare to spread rumors. If he dares to spread rumors, he will only suffer the consequences."

"I know, but I just can't help but worry." Gu Jinli picked up Big Wolf and kissed him: "Mom knows that our Big Wolf is a healthy and smart baby, but outsiders don't know that, so we still have to make more noises."

Perhaps Gu Jinli's kiss made him tickle, and the big wolf grinned and laughed.

Gu Jinli was even more happy: "You like my mother, don't you? Then let's continue kissing."

After saying that, he kissed the big wolf a few more times. The big wolf was quite happy at first, but finally couldn't bear it anymore and started to cry again.

Gu Jinli smiled: "It's okay to cry, just don't be depressed all the time."

Then he glared at Qin Sanlang: "Big Wolf is following you. Why were you always silent when you were a child? Could it be that your parents are worried? Now I know their worries."

After being scolded, Qin Sanlang had to comfort her: "It's a good thing that the big wolf followed me. Look at me, I'm just too lazy to talk nonsense, but I have done everything I need to say and do."

He secretly kissed her again and said with a smile: "Especially when facing someone you like, you will chatter endlessly."

Gu Jinli gave him an elbow: "You do talk a lot now, but you also made your parents worried when you were a child."

He looked at the big wolf again and said: "Boss, you can't imitate your father. Even if you are not facing the little girl you like, you still have to laugh and make trouble in front of your parents."

The big wolf saw his mother chattering to him all the time. He was amused and curious. He opened his mouth and called out: "Hmm~"

Gu Jinli smiled: "Yes, that's it, let's play together."

Big Wolf: "Hmm~"

Gu Jinli: "Hmm."

The big wolf smiled, his eyes curled up, and he responded: "Hmm~"

I was having fun when I suddenly heard a loud cry: "Wow, wow, wow!"

The second wolf who was sleeping in the crib suddenly cried, which startled the big wolf. He shed tears in Gu Jinli's arms. Following the sound, he turned to look at the crib of the second wolf and shouted: " Yeah!"

Gu Jinli praised: "Our big wolf is a good brother. Every time he hears his brother cry, he gets anxious. Don't be anxious. Mom will take you to see me."

Qin Sanlang had already come to the crib, patted Erlang's heart and coaxed him back to sleep. He smiled at Gu Jinli and said, "It's okay. This kid is always like this. He cries or cries randomly when he falls asleep. laughing out loud."

Gu Jinli felt relieved after hearing this, and carried the big wolf to the small bed. He bent down to let him see the second wolf in the small bed. After looking at it for a while, he stood up straight and said, "Did you see that? My brother is fine. He He just likes to cry indiscriminately, so don’t worry about Big Wolf.”

"Hmm~" Big Wolf responded and continued to stay in Gu Jinli's arms, playing with his hands.

Gu Jinli let him play and asked Qin Sanlang: "Who sent the letter?"

"You An and Cong Wenshan sent it to you. It's a small matter, Xiaoyu. Don't worry." Qin Sanlang touched Erlang's front and back. After seeing that his little clothes were very dry and not wet with sweat, he stood up with confidence and came. Go to the kang and tell her about Xiao Mei.

Gu Jinli frowned when he heard this: "Ji Feng is really lucky to have my little sister focus on him wholeheartedly."

Then he said to Xiaomei: "She should tell her family first and let them or us check out Jifeng's story. She shouldn't go and talk about it herself."

If the other party has a bad character, it is very likely that he will laugh at Xiaomei for the rest of his life.

But Jifeng has a pretty good character.

But Gu Jinli hated him because he was stupid and was played around by Leng Meifang, which made people speechless.

Gu Jinli scolded Jifeng and looked down upon him.

After she finished scolding, Qin Sanlang had to praise: "Xiaoyu's scolding was right."

He added: "But Jifeng is the person Xiaomei likes. Getting married to the person you like is a great blessing in life. You should help him no matter what."

Gu Jinli snorted coldly: "Did you agree?"

Qin Sanlang nodded: "Except for Leng Meifang, I think that Jifeng is good in all aspects, is good at leading troops, and has few casualties among his soldiers. When the war starts again, he will definitely be able to make contributions and be promoted. He is also honest, loyal, obedient, and loyal. He doesn't cause trouble and is a peace-of-mind general."

Gu Jinli: "No matter how capable he is, it all depends on how he treats his little sister... Uncle and the others are rightly worried. If Jifeng breaks down because he can't get Leng Meifang, and just wants to find a woman to carry on the family line, then the little one will My sister will suffer greatly."

Qin Sanlang smiled: "Xiaoyu, don't worry about this. My uncle will not sit still and wait for death. He will imitate Leng Meifang's notes or pretend to be a member of the Leng family, and write letters to Jifeng asking for help. He will even write to him to express his love and torment Jifeng repeatedly." , if Jifeng can't stand it and sympathizes with Leng Meifang, Xiaomei Xiao will naturally not marry her."

Not only that, his uncle would also find delicate and beautiful girls to seduce Jifeng. If Jifeng couldn't control it, there would be no chance.

There is also the idea of ​​making a private engagement first and then getting married a year later. It is estimated that it will be extended. In less than two years, Jifeng will not be able to marry Xiaomei.

In short, Jifeng had to prove his sincerity before the Xiao family would agree to the marriage.

After hearing this, Gu Jinli was satisfied.


Qin Sanlang added: "There is another happy event. Cong Wenshan likes Xiaoji and wants to marry him, but he hasn't told me yet. It was You An who heard what Jifeng said and reported it."

"What? Cong Wenshan likes Xiao Ji?!" Gu Jinli was shocked. Unexpectedly, someone in her family only loved to eat Xiao Ji also liked Xiao Ji. She was so relieved.

Then he asked: "Is Cong Wenshan sincere? Does he have the intention of taking a concubine? If he thinks of taking a concubine in the future before marrying a wife, he cannot marry."

Qin Sanlang smiled and said: "Don't worry, Xiaoyu, Cong Wenshan is a man who doesn't care about women. He was frightened by Leng Meifang. He thinks that beautiful women are evil spirits. He thinks that too many women are troublesome. He just wants to marry one." Capable and fun-loving, let’s live a relaxing life together.”

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