A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2203 Fei Family【4】

It has been almost two years since Cong Wenshan invited himself to Changliang Wei. He is both capable and a good person. Brother Qin is very satisfied and told her that he would reuse her. If Cong Wenshan is willing, it is naturally the safest way for him to marry Changliang Wei's girl. .

Gu Jinli also felt that Cong Wenshan was someone worthy of his trust, but said: "Xiao Ji only has to be happy with it. If not, the marriage will have to be abandoned."

Qin Sanlang nodded: "Well, listen to Xiaoyu."

Xiaoyu said that he would not forcefully marry his servants.


Gu Jinli smiled again and said, "Are we overthinking it? Cong Wenshan hasn't come yet to propose marriage, so we have been thinking about whether to agree. If someone doesn't come, wouldn't it be a slap in the face?"

Qin Sanlang smiled: "Don't worry, we won't be embarrassed. With Cong Wenshan's cleverness and decisiveness, he must know that this matter has been reported, and he will definitely come to me tomorrow and talk about it personally."

"Yeah~" Just as he was talking, the big wolf barked. When the couple looked at him, he gave them a bright smile and shouted excitedly: "Yeah!"

Gu Jinli smiled and asked deliberately: "Boss, what's your name? But I'm sleepy. If you're sleepy, just go to sleep."

Seeing that his mother didn't do anything, the big wolf became anxious. His little head was arched and his little hands were waving, trying to pull Gu Jinli's clothes.

Gu Jinli smiled happily and deliberately grabbed his clothes to prevent him from eating: "You are hungry, you know you are in a hurry?"

The big wolf couldn't pull off his clothes and cried anxiously: "Wow!"

Qin Sanlang stood up and said, "It's getting late. I'll ask Aunt Tao to call Nanny Hong and the others to take the two little guys away."

"Wait, I'll feed him. I'll call for help when he's full." Gu Jinli turned his back, lifted up his clothes, and fed the child.

The big wolf finally stopped crying after eating the milk.

When Qin Sanlang saw it, he was a little jealous and felt very distressed. He fanned Gu Jinli with one hand and held the child's butt with the other to make her hold it easier: "Xiaoyu doesn't need to feed them. There are four wet nurses. They can't be hungry. And They suck so hard they’ll hurt you.”

Added another sentence: "When my brothers and I were children, our mother did not feed us. We were all fed by our wet nurses."

All noble ladies are like this, but he wants to raise a little fish into a noble lady, who will only enjoy happiness and not have to do other work.

Gu Jinli said: "It's okay. I haven't fed them yet today. Feeding them once will be just right."

Her milk could not feed two children, so the wet nurse usually fed them, and she only fed them once in a while.

But Qin Sanlang saw that the big wolf was eating in a hurry. He was afraid that he would hurt Gu Jinli, so he put down his fan and gently stroked his little head: "Slow down, you are eating in such a hurry, or I will beat you."

Gu Jinli smiled: "Boss, this is the best."

Qin Sanlang: "Well, this little guy is almost like Erlang when he is feeding."

She is usually very lazy and doesn't even want to open her eyes. She is only fierce when feeding.

After Gu Jinli finished feeding, Qin Sanlang went out to call someone.

Not long after, Grandma Yu, who had been waiting in the next room, came over with the nannies and took away the big wolf and the sleeping two wolves.

Gu Jinli chased him to the door and said, "I haven't peed yet. Remember to pee for them later."

"Hey, I know, madam, don't worry." Grandma Yu responded with a smile on her face. Ever since she had two children, the smile on her face has never stopped. She is cheerful every day. Erlang also loves to laugh.

After Aunt Yu and the others left, Qin Sanlang couldn't wait to hug Gu Jinli and kissed her: "Xiaoyu, I'm hungry too, feed me."

Depend on!

Gu Jinli was almost made to run away from the door by his shameful words. He pushed him and said, "It's such a hot day, stay away from me, huh~"

Qin Sanlang bit her lightly and said with a smile: "It's windy today and it's very cool... There's water in the bathroom. We can take a shower if we sweat. It's very convenient."

It has been planned for a long time and must be eaten. Don't even think about escaping.

However, although he was eager, he was extremely gentle with her. Gu Jinli was so soft from the kiss that she couldn't help but cling to his body and kiss him back.

Qin Sanlang smiled, his heart palpitating because of her return kiss, and murmured: "Xiaoyu, I love you, give it to me."

"Uh~" Gu Jinli didn't dare to shout out for fear of being heard.

Qin Sanlang didn't agree. He opened his mouth with a kiss and let her sweet voice overflow, comforting her: "The little fish are not afraid. When the window is closed, they will walk away knowingly."

Gu Jinli's face became redder and redder, and he was so angry that he bit him, which made him even more excited, and it took him two times to give up.

Gu Jinli entertained the female guests during the day and was tired again. He fell into a deep sleep. He didn't know when he was taken to take a bath. He only knew that he slept very comfortably. He was so comfortable that he didn't even hear his second child's howl in the morning. arrive.

So much so that when she woke up, she forgot one thing.

"Xiaoyu is awake. You must be hungry. Come and have breakfast." Qin Sanlang went out for a while and came back for a while. When he saw Gu Jinli woke up, he brought her breakfast into the back room.

But when Gu Jinli saw the breakfast, he got angry: "Why are you eating white porridge and stewed eggs with vegetables? There is no soy sauce and the taste is very bland. No salt? Take some spices and sprinkle them on to make it more delicious."

Qin Sanlang was stunned for a moment and suddenly laughed.

Gu Jinli was angry: "I'm serious, why are you laughing?"

Qin Sanlang came over, hugged her, and asked, "Did Xiaoyu forget again?"

"Forgot something?" Gu Jinli looked up at him with a puzzled look on his face.

This confused look was very cute. Qin Sanlang couldn't help but lower his head and kissed her. Gu Jinli pushed her away: "What did I forget? You..."

Bang, Gu Jinli punched himself in the head.

Qin Sanlang quickly grabbed her hand and rubbed her hit head: "You can't hit her head. If you want to hit it, hit mine."

Smashing yourself, how painful it is.

Gu Jinli said: "My brain is not that good. I forgot that I had a baby again. I am still breastfeeding. I can't eat anything too heavy."

Qin Sanlang said: "Doctor Dai told Uncle Mutong that he can recover, Xiaoyu, don't worry."

And Xiaoyu is very cute when he forgets things, and he likes it very much.

Gu Jinli sighed: "Well, I know, I can only recover slowly."

Two more children came up and asked, "What are they doing? Why didn't they hear anything?"

If the second child was at home, he would definitely make some noise, but now he didn't hear anything.

Qin Sanlang said: "The nannies took them for a walk."

At this point, the two little guys came out to bask in the sun.

He added: "There are still many guests coming today, and we may have to go out to meet the guests."

The various guard stations are too far apart. There are guests from Mu County, Fucheng, and even Xing'an Prefecture. Some of them are delayed on the way or miscalculated the time, so they will wait until today, or even the day after tomorrow.

Anyway, they are still busy these two days.

"Well, there's nothing we can do about it." Gu Jinli said, opening his arms, hugging his waist, lying in his arms, yawning: "I'll squint for a while, and then get up later."

Qin Sanlang liked having her in his arms, so he gently stroked her hair and said, "Okay, then just relax for a while."

Then he said: "It looks like a kitten."

Gu Jinli bared his teeth: "It's a wolf!"

Qin Sanlang smiled: "Okay, our little fish is a wolf, a fierce female wolf, hiss!" He was pinched by Gu Jinli.

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